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PGS 222 Ch 13 Exam 4

Marriage, divorce, etc.

cohabitation’s effect on later marriage 50% of those who live together before marriage are more likely to divorce unless if it's the woman's only sex partner --> Those who wait to live together may be ones who oppose divorce; Believe marriage solves problems; Arranged marriages; Role changes
men’s & women’s perceptions re cause of divorce Discrepancy between American marriage ideal and actual practices (Bible Belt factors); Unrealistic expectations of fulfillment; Fewer support networks for marriage; Lack of preparation for daily issues; Longer life expectancy
changes in sexual behavior patterns from Kinsey to today Wider repertoire of sexual behaviors; More enjoyment; Frequency & duration of sex play increased; Oral stimulation of breasts increased; Manual stimulation of genitals increased; Oral sex increased; Marrieds more satisfied than singles; Sexless unions
potential reasons for having an affair Unhappy with marriage; Not sexually satisfied by partner; Desire for excitement, variety; Desire to re-establish one’s individuality & autonomy; Desire to confirm that they are still desirable to others; Emotional needs not met; lengthy separation;
characteristics of those more likely to have affairs 25% men & 15% women; 18-30 twice as likely as those over 50; Men: substance abuse, sexual dissatisfaction; More permissive sexual attitudes; Higher interest in sex; When women & men matched for sexual attitudes & interest, equally likely to have affair;
reasons for high divorce rate Less value on marriage; Less stigma for divorce; Longer life expectancy but still marrying young; Young marriages only in order to have sex; Shotgun weddings because of high teen pregnancy rates; STDs
sexlessness and aging
increase in number of single adults Majority! (Two adults & children in one household in now the minority) Reflects change in societal attitudes: Celibacy/Long-term or serial monogamy; Singler persons engage in sexual activity less often and are less satisfied than married persons
individualistic cultures and marriage Emphasize feelings of love; Importance of love is a recent innovation
polygamy Collectivist cultures; Most common form of marriage across ages; Prevalent in Middle East & parts of Africa; New opposition from women who don’t want to share man, move toward individualism; Higher HIV; Against the law; Opposed by 92% of adults; Mormon
polyandry A woman is married to 2+ men
miscegenation Interracial marriage illegal until 1967; 5% of all marriages, 10% of those in CA; Still some social stigma, but lessening as 60% of young adults have dated someone of another race
geographical region boasting highest divorce rate Bible Belt: Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma
best predictor of marital satisfaction, according to Gottman 5:1 ratio of positive interaction to negative in order to remain stable and content; "Four Horsemen": Critiscism, Contempt, Defensiveness, Stonewalling; Research based on heterosexual couples
swinging Open marriage but managed monogamy -->consensual
the internet and affairs 41% of adults (more men than women) do not consider online relationships as cheating; Easy to find partners, easier to be discovered
factors influencing sexual activity among the aging
same-sex marriage
NHSLS results re extramarital sex Most cultures have restrictive norms usually for women
double standard of aging
Created by: 10054598
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