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s. week 1


anticoagulant drug to prevent coagulation
anti platelet drug drug that prevent platelets
antithrombotic drug that inhibits clot formation by reducing protein thrombin
atherosclerosis build up of lipids on arteries wall
atherothrombosis formation pf clot in artery
automaticity spontaneous depolarization of heart cells
cardioglycosides class of drugs, commonly derived from the foxglove plant
cerebral infarction stroke, loss of blood to an area resulting in cell death
cholesterol waxy substance produced by the liver also in foods. excessive cholesterol can cause atherosclerosis.
ejection fraction percent of blood ejected from left ventricle each HB
heart failure where the heart is unable to produce blood to all areas
hemostasis process of stopping the flow of blood
HDL high-density lipoprotein good cholesterol
hyperlipidemia excess lipids in blood
ischemia reduction of blood supplied to tissue
LDL low-density lipoprotein bad cholesterol
MI myocardial infarction, sudden loss of blood supply to heart also know as heart attack
natriuretic peptides hormones that play a role in cardiac homeostasis
partial thromboplastin time test given to determine effectiveness of heparin
plaque fatty cholesterol deposits
platelets found in blood involved in coagulation
positive introtropic effect increase the force of myocardial contractions
prothrombin time test given to see effectiveness of warfarin
rhabdomylolysis break down of muscle fibers and release of contents into circulation
thrombolytic drug used to dissolve blood clots
tissue plasminogen activator naturally occurring thrombolytic substance
transient ischemic attack stoke lasting for minutes. mini stroke
triglycerides storage form of energy found in fat tissue muscle; metabolize LDL
stage 1 of HF breathlessness with light exercise walk or flight of stairs
stage 2 of HF heart races with jog or stairs
stage 3 of HF palpitations or tiredness with simple tasks such as getting up or walking to the kitchen
stage 4 of HF heart and breath go fast even at rest, tiredness even if sitting, anxiety and palpitations almost all the time
common endings for thrombolytic drugs plase and kinase
common endings for HMG CoA inhibitors statin
atrial fibrillation rapid uncoordinated contractions 300-400 BPM
atrial flutter irregular HB in which contractions in atrium exceed number of contraction in ventricles 160-350 BPM
automaticity spontaneous contractions of heart
depolarization process during which the heart conducts electric impulse, causing a contraction.
ectopic occurring in a abnormal location
electrical cardio-version shocking the heart back to normal rhythm
refractory period time between contractions for re-polarization to occur
re-polarization period of time heart is recharging for another contraction
supraventrical tachycardia BP 200 a min above ventricles
ventricular fibrillation life threatening 600 BPM
ventricle tachycardia ventricles beat faster than 200 BPM
administrative law Rules and regulations established by federal agencies with authority from congress.
civil liability Involves conflicts between individuals or entities.
common law Law created based on previous court decisions.
criminal liability Results when “an individual commits an act that is considered to be an offence against society as a whole.”
defendant A person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused.
international law v6. Based on treaties and agreement between two or more countries.
law A binding custom or practice of a community; a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as a binding or enforced by a controlling authority. Another term for a law enacted by a legislator is a statute.
legislator An elected body of persons who enacts laws.
malfeasance An instance in which a person commits an unlawful act.
MSDS Material safety data sheet—contain information concerning classification, safe handling,
plaintiff A person who brings an action to a court of law; the person making the complaint.
statute An alternative term used to define law.
statutory law A body of laws enacted by a legislative body.
tort A civil wrong committed against a person or property.
verdict The finding of juries on an issue of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgement.
US constitution is. what kind of law? supreme law
top_____principles 10
who makes up the USP non-profit science based organization that developed standards for sterile products
USP has more than ___ chapters 2000
USP chapters 1-999 requirements enforceable by FDA
USP chapters -1000-1999 recommendations
USP chapters 2000+ nutritional supplements
category 1 CSP BUD=12 hours room temp,24 refrigerated
category 2 CSP BUD=12+ hours room temp,24+ refrigerated
which CSP has a higher risk 1 or 2 2
Created by: knotexx
Popular Pharmacology sets




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