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RTE 1513 Chp 8

RTE 1513 Chp 8 Femur and Pelvic gridle

The largest and strongest bone of the body is the Femur
A small depression located in the center of the femoral head is the Fovea Capitis
The lesser trochanter is located on the ______ aspect of the proximal femur. medial
the lesser trochanter projects ______ from the junction between the neck and shaft Posteriorly
Because of the alignment between the femoral head and pelvis, the lower limb must be rotated _____ internally to place the femoral neck parallel to the plane of the IR to achieve a true AP projection 15-20*
List the four bones comprising the pelvis Right hip, left hip, sacrum and coccxy
List the two bones comprising the pelvic gridle Right and left hip bones
List two additional terms used for the bones of the pelvic girdle Ossa coxae, innominate bones
List the three divisions of the hip bones Ilium, ischium, and pubis
All three divisions of the hip bone eventually fuse at the _______ at the age of _______ acetabulium, midteens
What are the two important radiographic landmarks found on the ilium iliac crest, ASIS
Which bony landmark is found on the most inferior aspect of the posterior pelvis ischial tuberosity
What is the name of the joint found between the superior rami of the pubis bones Symphysis pubis
the _______ of the pelvis is the largest foramen in the skeletal system Obturator foramen
The upper margin of the greater trochanter is approximately _____ above the level of the superior border of the symphysis pubis, and the ishcial tuberosity is about _____ below 1.5 - 2 inches
An imaginary plane that divides the pelvic region into the greater and lesser pelvis is called the Pelvic brim
List the alternate terms for the greater and lesser pelvis (greater) false, (lesser) true
List the major function of the greater pelvis and the lesser pelvis (greater) supports lower abdomen (lesser) forms birth canal
List the three aspects of the lesser pelvis, which also describes the birth route during the delivery process. inlet, outlet, cavity
Prossesses a large tuberosity found at the most inferior aspect of the pelvis Ischium
lesser sciatic notch Ischium
Ala Ilium
Posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) Ilium
Possesses a slightly movable joint Pubis
Anterior superior iliac spine(ASIS) Ilium
Forms the anterior, inferior aspect of the lower pelvic girdle Pubis
Articulates with the sacrum to form the SI joints Ilium
Which radiographic exam was performed to measure the fetal head in comparison with the maternal pelvis to predict possible birthing problems Cephalopelvimetry exam
Synovial, diathrodial, ball and sock Hip joint
Synovial, amphiarthrodial Sacroiliac joint
Cartilaginous, amphiarthrodial Symphysis pubis
Cartilaginous, Synarthrodial Acetabulum (union)
Which two bony landmarks need to be palpated for hip localization ASIS, symphysis pubis
List four bones of the pelvis Right hip, left hip, sacrum, coccyx
List the three divisions of the hip bone Ilium, ischium, pubis
What are the other names of the innominate bone one half of pelvic girdle, ossa coxae and hip bone
What is the largest foramen in the body Obtruator foramen
Can the lesser trochanter be palipated? No
What are the two aspects of the ischium Body and Ramus
What is the name of the imaginary plane that separates the false from the true pelvis Pelvic brim
The small depression near the center of the femoral head where a ligament is attached is called the Fovea capitis
joint that is a synovial joint but with amphiarthordial mobility Sacroiliac joints
Devices used for an axiolateral (infersuperior) projection of the hip to equalize density of the hip region compensating filter
Modality used to assess joint stability during movement of the lower limbs on infants Sonography
A geriatric patient with an externally rotated lower limb may have Fractured proximal femur
Pathologic indication may result in the early fusion of the sacroiliac joints Ankylosing spondylitis
Usually consists of numerous small lytic lesions Metastatic carcinoma
Increased hip joint space and misalignment DDH
Bilateral radiolucent lines across bones and misalignment of SI joints Pelvic ring fracture
Early fusion of SI joints and bamboo spine Anklosing spondylitis
Epiphyses appear shorter and epiphyseal plate wider SCFE
Hallmark sign of spurring and narrowing of joint space Osteoarthritis
Radiographic sign indicates that the proximal femur are in position for a true AP projection Limited view of the lesser trochanter in profile
The gonadal dose for an average size male with a routine axiolateral (inferosuperior) trauma hip projection is in the _____ mrad range 200-500
What is the female gonadal does for an AP pelvis 50-100 mrad range
Projection or method often performed to evaluate a pediatric patient for congenital hip dislocation Bilateral modified cleaves
What type of CR angle is required when using a Taylor method for a male patient 30-45* cephalad
How much is the pelvis and/or thorax rotated for a PA axial oblique (Teufel method) for acetabulum 30-40* toward affected side
What type of CR angle is required for the PA axial oblique (Teufel method) for acetabulum 12* cephalad
Number of bones: Phalanges 14
Number of bones: Tarsals 7
Number of bones: Metatarsals 5
Number of bones: Total hand 26
Which tuberosity of the foot is palapble and a common site of foot trama Base of the fifth metatarsal
Where are the the sesamoid bones of the foot most commonly located Planter surface of the foot near the first metatarsophalangeal joint
What is the largest and strongest tarsal bone calcaneus
What is the name of the joint found between the talus and calcaneus Subtalar
List the three specific articular facets found in the subtalar joint Posterior, anterior, and middle facets
The small opening, or space, found in the middle of the Subtalar joint is called Sinus tarsi
Forms an aspect of the ankle joint Talus
The smallest of the cuneiforms Intermediate cuneiform
Found on the medial side of the foot between the talus Navicular
the largest of the cuneiforms Medial cuneiform
Articulates with the second, third, and fourth metatarsal Lateral cuneiform
The most superior tarsal bone Talus
Articulates with the first metatarsal Medial cuneiform
Common site for bone spurs Calcaneus
A tarsal found anterior to the calcaneus and lateral to the lateral cuneiform Cuboid
The second largest tarsal bone Talus
How many bones does the cuboid articulate with in the foot Four
the calcaneus articulates with the talus and the Cuboid
List two arches of the foot Longitudinal and transverse arches
Which three bones make up the ankle joint Talus, tibia, and fibula
the three bones of the ankle form a deep socket into which the talus fits. This socket is called the Ankle mortise
The distal tibial joint surfaces forming the roof of the distal ankle joint is called the Tibial plafond
the ankle joint is classified as a synovial joint with _____ type movement Sellar
The _____ is the weight-bearing bone of the lower leg Tibia
what is the name of the large prominence located on the midanterior surface of the proximal tibia that serves as a distal attachment for the patellar tendon Tibial tuberosity
What is the name of the small prominence located on the posterolateral aspect of the medial condlye of the femur that is an IDing landmark to determine possible rotation of the lateral knee Adductor Tubercle
A small, triangular depression located on the tibia that helps form the distal tibiofibular joint is called the Fibular notch
the articular facets of the proximal tibia are also referred to as the Tibial plateau
The articular facets slope_____ posteriorly 10 to 15*
the most proximal aspect of the fibula is the Apex
The extreme distal end of the fibula forms the Lateral mallelous
what is the largest sesamoid bone in the body Patella
what are the other names for the patellar surface of the femur Intercondylar sulcus and trochlear groove
what is the name of the depression located on the posterior aspect of the distal femur Intercondylar fossa
Created by: Joker71
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