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Skeletal System

Skeleton and skeletal tissues

What bones make up the axial skeleton? Skull, spine and ribs
What bones form the cranium? frontal, parietal (x2), temporal (X2), occipital, sphenoid, and ethmoid
Which cranial bone contains the middle and inner ear structures? Temporal Bone
What is the name of the hole where the spinal cord enters the skull and where is it located? Foramen magnum, hole in the occipital bone
What is the name of the opening for the optic nerve and where is it located? Occipital foramen, opening in the sphenoid bone
What bones form the inferior and posterior portion of the nasal septum ? Vomer
What bone forms the upper jaw as well as parts of the orbit, mouth, and nose? Maxilla
What bone forms the posterior of the hard palate? Palatine
What bone forms the lower jaw and is the strongest facial bone? Mandible
What are sutures and what are their names? Immovable joints between the bones of the skull, squamous, coronal lambdoid, and sagittal.
What are fontanels? "soft spots" with incomplete ossification present in newborns,
What are the different types of vertebrae and how many are there? 7 Cervical Vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae
What is the hyoid bone? U-shaped bone near the larynx that supports the tongue.
What are the three types or ribs? True ribs, fasle ribs, floating ribs,
What is the purpose of the costal cartilage? attaches ribs except floating ribs to the sternum
Which bone do you compress during CPR? sternum
What bones form the shoulder girdle? clavicle and scapula
What bone articulates proximally with the scapula and distally with the radius and ulna? humerus
what bone articulates proximally with the humerus and radius but does not articulate with any carpal bones? ulna
What bones form the hand and how many of them are there? 8 carpal bones, 5 metacarpal bones,
What bones do the phalanges articulate with? metacarpal bones
What bones form the pelvic girdle? coxal bone (x2) and the sacrum
What three bones make up the coxal bone? ischium, ilium, pubis
what is the name of the joint that connects the anterior portions of the coxal bones? pubic symphysis
What is the longest and heaviest bone in the body? femur
What happens to the patellar outline when the knee flexes? It sinks into the intercondylar notch of the femur
What bone articulates with the lateral condyle of the tibia at its proximal end? Fibula
What bone articulates with the femur at its proximal end to form the knee joint tibia
What is the largest sesamoid bone in the body? patella
What are the four arches formed by the bones of the foot? longitudinal arch, medial longitudinal arch, lateral longitudinal arch, transverse arch
What bones form the medial longitudinal arch? calcaneus, talus, navicular and cuneiforms
How are the bones of the foot held in an arched position? strong ligaments and leg muscle tendons
If a pelvis is deep, funnel shaped, and has a narrow subpubic angle, what does that indicate? It belongs to a male
If a pelvis has a subpubic angle greater than 90 degrees what does that indicate? It belongs to a female
What does it mean if a person has a compound fracture? The bone protrudes through the skin and surrounding tissue
What kind of fracture results in one bone being driven into another bone's marrow cavity? impacted fracture
What kind of fracture causes a bone to bend and only break on one side? Greenstick fracture.
Created by: hannah.gelles
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