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Anechoic images that appear black on ultrasound scans.
Bucky A component of X-ray units that hold the x-ray film cassettes and moves the grid during the x-ray exposure.
Anode A positively charged electrode by which the electrons leave a device.
Cathode The negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device.
Annular array Fabricated by cutting concentric rings into a transducer substrate to create a series of annular elements.
Collimators Devices used in the x-rays tube housing, along with an arrangement of mirrors and lights.
ALARA As low as reasonably achievable. Making every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to radiation.
Contrast The difference in density or difference in the degree of grayness between areas of the radiographic image.
Direct Exposure film A film consists of a thin, transparent sheet of polyester or similar material.
Distance enhancement couldn't find this one i don't have my book today.
Echoic the imitation of a natural sound.
Film latitude the ability of an emulsion to record a wide range of densities.
Film-focal Distance (FFD) the distance between the center of the anode of the x-ray tube and the film
Fluroscopy a study of moving body structures - similar to and X-ray.
Focused Grids a device consisting essentially of a series of narrow lead strips closely spaced on their edges and separated by spacers of low density materials
Heel effect a variation of the intensity of x-rays emitted by the anode depending on the direction of emission along the anode-cathode axis.
Hyperechoic Lesion defined by an echogenicity greater than that of subcutaneous fat or equal to that.
Hypoechoic Mass tissue in the body thats more dense or solid than usual.
Intensifying Screens used in the x-ray cassette to intensify the effect of the x-ray photon by producing a larger number of light photons.
Isoechoic A mammograpic mass located in fatty tissue and not depicted at fundamental US.
Kilovoltage peak(kVp) The maximum high voltage applied across an x-ray tube during the creation of x-rays within it.
Latent Image an invisible image produced by the exposure to light of a photosensitive material such as photographic film.
Maximum permissible dose (MPD) the amount of ionizing radiation a person may be exposed to supposedly without being harmed.
Milliamperage(mA) a major factor in determining the quantity of x-rays produced
Mirror Image when an ultrasound beam is not reflected directly back to the transducer after hitting a reflective surface.
Object Film Distance(OFD) The distance between the object and the film.
Penumbra Effect A half-shadow that occurs when a light source is only partly covered by an object.
Radiographic Density a measure of the degree of film darkening.
Radiolucent transparent to x-rays
Radiopaque opaque to x-rays or similar radiation.
Rem a unit of effective absorbed dose of ionizing radiation in human tissue.
Sievert(SV) The SI unit for the amount of ionizing radiation required to produce the same biological effect as one rad of high-penetration x-rays, equivalent to a gray for x-rays
Slice thickness The resolution of the scan
Sonolucent allowing passage of ultrasonic waves without production of echoes that are due to reflection of some of the waves
Source-image distance(SID) The distance measured between the focal spot target on a x-ray tube to the image receptor of a x-ray cassette.
Ultrasonography a technique using echoes of ultrasound pulses to delineate objects or areas of different density in the body.
Thorax A chest radiograpgh
Abdomen abdominal x-ray uses a very small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the abdominal cavity
Xyphoid the smallest of the three parts of the sternum
Thoracic inlet The most superior aperture to the thorax and the boundary of the roof of the mediastinum.
Axillary A view useful for detecting anterior or posterior shoulder dislocations that are not evident in the AP view.
Inguinal swelling or pain in the groin.
Ventral Body area situated toward the back or top line of quadrupeds
Dorsal Toward the back
Medial toward the mid line
Lateral away from the median
Cranial toward the head
Caudal towards the tail
Rostral towards the nose
Palmar caudal aspect on the front limb
Plantar caudal aspect of the rear limb.
Analgesia the inibility to feel pain
arrhythmia improper beating of the heart
atelectasis complete or partial collapse of a lung or lobe of a lung
auscultation the action of listening to sounds from the heart, lungs, or other organs.
Bradycardia slower than expected heart rate.
capillary refill time time needed for the color to return
Central catheter a catheter placed into a large vein for access
closed suction drain used to remove fluids that build up in areas of your body after surgery or when you have an infection.
debridement the removal of damaged tissue or foreign objects from a wound.
decubital ulcer technical term for bedsore
dyspnea difficult breathing
eschar dead tissue that eventually sloughs off healthy skin after an injury
euthanasia the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.
hyperthermia when the body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature.
hypothermia when the body loses heat
intraosseous the process of injecting directly into the marrow of a bone.
lavage washing out of a body cavity, such as the colon or stomach.
Mentation mental activity
Normothermia the condition at which a body is at normal temp
Nystagmus involuntary eye movement which may cause the eye to move rapidly
orthopnea discomfort when lying down flat
penrose drain a soft, flexible rubber tube used as a surgical drain
percussion a method of physical examination
phlebitis inflammation if a vein
presenting complaint couldnt find
Tachy cardia faster heart rate then normal
Tenesmus a continual or recurrent inclination to evacuate the bowels, cause by disorder of the rectum or other illness
Sertor couldnt find
Stridor a high - pitched, whistling sound most often heard while taking in a breath.
Pulse deficit a deficit that occurs when there are fewer pulses than there are heartbeats
tachypnea breathing that is abnormally rapid and often shallow
Created by: noraaj
Popular Radiology sets




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