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pharmacy stock Ch 12

abbreviations and descriptions of pharmacy stock, pharm tech

Amp ampule; 1- to 50- mL glass container
Flexible bag plastic container (empty or filled with various fluids ranging from 50 to 3000 mL)
MDV Multidose vial; holds multiple doses of medication
SDV single dose vial; holds one dose of medication
vial 0.5- to 100- mL glass or plastic container with a stopper
D5NS 5% dextrose in normal saline
D5 1/2NS 5% dextrose and 0.45% normal saline contained in the same bag of solution
D5W 5% dextrose in water
D10NS 10% dextrose in normal saline
D10W 10% dextrose in water
diluent agent used to dilute medications; can be sterile water, normal saline (NS), or others
LR lactated ringer's solution; isotonic solution containing sodium, potassium, calcium, acetate, and chloride
0.45 NaCl one-half normal saline; has a concentration of 0.45% sodium chloride
NS Normal saline; has a concentration of 0.9% sodium chloride
1/4 NS one-fourth normal saline; concentration of 0.225% sodium chloride)
SWFI sterile water for injection; usually used to reconstitute other medications
ID intradermal injection up to 1 mL into the upper layers of the skin
IM intramuscular; into the muscle
IT intrathecal; into a sheath (hollow tube), such as the lumbar sheath located at the base of the spine
IV intravenous; into the vein
IV push into the vein directly from a syringe
Subcut subcutaneous; under the skin
Drip or Infusion an IV bag medication that is infused over a specified amount of time but is not given IV push
NPO nothing by mouth
On call physician wants dose to be ready when he or she decides to give the medication; most anesthesiologists order on-call preoperative medications
Postop medication to be given after surgery (i.e. pain control or antiemetic)
Preop medication to be given before surgery (i.e. sedative or antiemetic)
prn medication to be given as needed
qs quantity sufficient; adding enough diluent or medication to attain the correct amount needed
Created by: DbaileyC
Popular Pharmacology sets




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