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S.O.P. 2

plot begining middle end
Fig. Lang. simile metephore ect.
flashback story from before
exposition charactors, setting ,plot/conflict intriduced
rising action rising intensity
falling action near the end
resulotion conlfict resolved
Dialague conversation between 2 people in the book
Dialect way person talks
authors purpose informative persuade enterntain
Allusion referenct to history the writer thinks you should know
anolog red:color rose:flower
analyze how parts of a book are simualar
assess evaluate
connataition your definition of a word
denotation dictionary definition of a word
implicit implied meaning
explicit direct meaning
main idea main details form the text
meter rythm
mood attitude
Tone The feeling you get from the story
Perspective The point of view the story is being told from
Stanza A grouping of lines in a poem
Text Features Graphs, bold print, maps, headings, etc
Summary Includes characters, setting, point of view, theme but no personal opinion
Rhyme When the last words of a poem rhyme
Rhythm A pattern of weak and strong sounds
Repetition When a word, line, or phrase is repeated more than once.
Figurative Language Metaphor, Simile, and Alliteration
Conflict A problem between: 2 characters, a character and society, or a character and nature.
Internal Conflict Inside a persons head
External Conflict A problem you can see
Character Traits The way a person is portrayed. Reading how they interact with others and the world
How a character is developed The author directly states, the characters words, the characters thoughts, actions, or how others respond to the character
Central Idea Main Idea
Summary setting, point of view, and theme.brief explanation of the central idea and key details
Common themes found in literature good versus evil, teamwork, believe in yourself, honesty, loss, hard work pays off, loyalty
Tone word samples friendly, proud, hopeful, appreciative, serious, angry annoyed, selfish, worried, hostile
Denouement falling action
Alliteration Repetition of the first letter of 3 or more words in a row
Onomatopoeia Sound words Moo, Cluck, tweet, crash, bang
Personification Human qualities to non human
Antagonist bad guy
Foreshadow prediction of something to follow
Protagonist good guy
Mood The feeling you get from the story
Climax The most exciting part wow now you know how the story ends
Created by: KOTSON1234532
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