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Interplay of Nature &Nurture (10th edition. McGraw-Hill, 2009)

Inheritance Influences broad dimensions of our behavior: sociability, aggressiveness, alcohol/drug use, kindness, depression & anxiousness
Gregor Mendel Austrian monk that helped found the science of genetics in 1860s'; w/genetic study of plants
Monozygotic Twins from a single fertilized egg the breaks apart into two zygotes (Identical Twins)
Dizygotic Twins from two (different) eggs & two (different) sperm
Chromosomes Long strands of DeoxyriboNucleic Acid (DNA) in cells.
A Human Cell Contains 46 chromosomes united in pairs: 23 from sperm & 23 from ovum
Nucleotides 4 chemical compound (AGTC) located on the double helix of DNA Adenine Guanine Thymine Cystine
Genes Segments of chromosomes made up of sequences based pairs of AGTC, which are biological units of inheritance.
Polymorphic Genes Genes with more than one version
Dominate Gene Version of polymorphic gene that produces a trait in an individual even when paired with a recess gene..
Recessive Gene Version of a polymorphic gene that produces a trait in an individual ONLY when the same recessive gene has been inherited from BOTH parents
Polygenic Traits Traits controlled by large numbers of genes. (behavioral traits such as intelligence & personality is this)
Culture patters of behavior, beliefs & values shared by a group of people
Ethnic Group Group of persons who are decedents of common group of ancestors
Ethnic Identity Each person's sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group
Collectivistic Cultures Culures that emphasize the well-being of the large group
Gene-Environment Correlation People who have a gene that influences a psychological characteristic also tend to have experiences that influence the same trait.
Gene-Environment Interaction Phenomenon which genes influence how environments work and environments influence how genes work
Gene Expression Gene does not lead to the synthesis of proteins in the same way in different environments. The Physical chain effects which genes determine which proteins that are synthesized to create the structor of neurons, glands & other bodily structures.
Gender Identity your view of oneself as male or female
Gender Role Typical behaviors consistent w/being male or female w/in a given culture
Social-Role Theory The theory of the origin of sex differences that views psychological gender differences as more likely to change in the near future
Evolutionary Psychology Based on the assumption that our evolutionary past holds keys to understanding our current psychological characteristics arose through natural selection
Social-role theory of gender differences Theory that opportunities & restrictions inherent in men's & women's social roles create psychological gender differences.
Created by: edarr
Popular Psychology sets




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