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Research Methods

Hypothesis Testable prediction that lets us accept, reject, or revise a theory
Theory An explanation based on evidence that predicts behaviors or events
Qualifications for a theory (4) Must: fit the known facts, predict new discoveries, be falsifiable, and simple
How to develop a theory surf and describe the worlds with the descriptive research, form a hypothesis from your observations, test her hypothesis, read test your hypothesis --> theory
Descriptive research purpose To describe what is in reality
Descriptive research strengths and weaknesses Strengths- can be quick and able to generalize. Weaknesses- can't help you predict, can't give you cause and effect
Three types of descriptive research Naturalistic observation, survey, and case studies
Naturalistic observation Researcher describes the behavior of the human or animal in their natural setting
Naturalistic observation strengths and weaknesses Strengths- behavior is more natural. Weaknesses- cannot replicate, cannot generalize, and observer bias
Observer bias when observers and know the goals of the study or hypotheses and allow the smallest influence their observations during the study
Case studies Study of a single individual or just a few individuals in order to describe their situation by gathering as much evidence as you can
Case studies strengths and weaknesses Strengths- takes advantage of a non-reportable situations, and gets a lot of in-depth understanding. Weaknesses- observer bias, cannot generalize, and cannot replicate
Survey Questionnaires or interviews are given to selected group of people
Research methods Descriptive (done), correlational, experimental
Correlational research purpose To show relationship between two variables
Correlational research strengths and weaknesses Strength- relationship can predict outcomes. Weakness- correlation is not causation
Experimental research purpose Swiss tablets cause and effect relationships between variables
Experimental research strengths and weaknesses Strength- ability to find out if one variable (IV) causes a change in another variable (DV). Weaknesses- confounding variables and experimenter bias
Operational definitions statement of procedures the researcher is going to use in order to measure a specific variable.
Random sampling Every person from a population has an equal chance of being selected for your study
Scatter plot graph Comprised of plants generated by values of two variables. Slope of points depicts the direction. Amount of scatter shows the strength of relationship
Correlation coefficient A statistical measure of relationship between two variables. When one trait or behavior varies with another we say the two correlate
3rd or missing variable problem a relationship other than cause my exists between the two variables. It's possible that there is some other variable or factor that is causing the outcome. You don't know this because you never controls for those variables
True relationships which can be mistaken for causation Common response and confounding
Common response Both x and y respond to changes in some unobserved to variable, z
Confounding x and y respond to changes in some unobserved variables, a and b
Independent variable Cause- the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter
Dependent variable Effect- the variable that is measured by the experimenter that depends on the independent variable
Experimental group In a controlled experiment, the group subjected to a change in the independent variable
Control group In a controlled experiment, this is the group not subjected to a change in the independent variable
Placebo effect What happens when a person takes a medication that he or she thinks will help, and therefore it actually does
Single blind procedure During an experiment only the participant is unaware of the group there in, either the control or experimental group
Double blind procedure During an experiment both participated and the researcher in the room are unaware of the group they are in <-- best
Confounding variables Variables that a researcher fails to control for or eliminate
Experimenter bias Errors in a research study due to the predisposed in ocean's our beliefs of the experimenter
Statistical reasoning Statistical procedures analyze and interpret data and let us see what the unaided eye misses
Central tendency Tendency of scores to congregate around some middle variable. Central tendency identifies what is average or typical in a data set
Measures of central tendency Mode: most common. Mean: average. Median: middle number in a ranked order distribution
Skewed distributions The tail tells the tale (for the direction of the skew)
How to measure average in skewed distribution Using the median
Variance Statistical dispersion - how distributed of the data points are
Measuring statistical dispersion Range (highest # - lowest #) and standard deviation
Standard deviation Measure of dispersion- average difference between the values
Normal distribution Below -3SD: 0.1%, below -2SD: 2.1%, below -1SD: 13.6%, above -1SD: 34.1%. 1SD: 34.1%, above 1SD: 13.6%, above 2SD: 2.1%, above 3SD: 0.1%.
Inferential statistics Trying to reach conclusions that extend beyond just described in the data
How to infer causation Ask: is there a difference between the means of the two groups or did it just happen by chance?
How to test for differences Run a t-Test
T test results T test gives a p-value that allows us a measure of confidence in The observed a difference. A p-value of less than 0.05 what is a common criteria for significance (95% chance that differences are caused by IV, 5% chance caused by luck)
Created by: ebab
Popular Psychology sets




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