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Level F- units 1-6

approbation (n.)the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise, official approval
assuage (v.)to make easier or milder, relieve;to quiet, calm; to put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench
coalition (n.)a combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose
decadence decline, decay, or deterioration; a condition or period of decline or decay; excessive self-indulgence
elicit (v.)to draw forth, bring out from some source (such as another person)
expostulate (v.)to attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning
hackneyed (adj.)used so often as to lack freshness or originality
hiatus (n.)a gap, opening, break, pause
innuendo (n.)a hint, indirect suggestion, or refrence
intercede (v.)to plead on the behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party or go-between in a disagreement
jaded (adj.)wearied, worn-out,dulled (by being satisfied)
lurid (adj.)causing shock, horror, or revulsion; sensational; pale or sallow in color; terrible or passionate in intensity or lack of restraint
meritorious (adj.)worthy, deserving recognition and praise
petulant (adj.)peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset
prerogative a special right or privilege; a special quailty showing excellence
provincial (adj.)pertaining to an outlying area; local; narrow in mind;(n.)a person with a narrow point of view
simulate (v.)to make a pretense of, imitate; to show the outter signs of
transcend (v.)to rise above or beyond, exceed
umbrage (n.)shade cast by trees; overshadowing influence or power; offense, resentment; a vage suspicioin
unctuous excessivley smooth or smug; trying to hard to give an impression or earnestness, or sincerity
ameliorate (v.)to improve, make better, orrect a flaw or shortcoming
aplomb (n.)poise, assurance, great self-confidence, perpendicularity
bombastic (adj.)pompus or overbolwn in language; full of high-sounding words intended to conceal a lack of ideas
callow (adj.)without experience; immature, not fully developed; lacking sofistication and poise
drivel (n.)saliva or mucus flowing from the mouth or nose; foolish, aimless talk or thinking (v.) to let saliva flow from the mouth; to utter nonsense; to waste away foolishly
epitome (n.)a summary, condensed account; an instance that represents a larger reality
exhort (v.)to urge storngly, advise earnestly
ex officio (adj.,adv.)by virtue of holding a certain office
infringe (v.)to violate, trespass, go beyond recongnized bounds
ingratiate (.v)to make oneself agreeable and thus gain favor or acceptance by others
interloper (n.)one who moves in where he or she is not wanted or has no right to be, an intruder
intrinsic (adj.)belonging to someone or something by its very nature, essential, inherent; originating in a bodily organ or part
inveigh (v.)to make a violent attack in words, express strong diapproval
lassitude (n.)weariness on the body or mind, lack of energy
millennium (n.)a period of one thousand years; a period of great joy
occult (adj.)mysterious, magical, supernatural; secret(v.)to hide, conceal(n.)matters involing the supernatural
permeate (v.)to spread through, penetrate, soak through
precipitate (v.)to fall as moisture; to cause or bring about suddenly; to hurl down from a great height (adj.)excessive haste (n.)moisture
stringent (adj.)strict, sever; rigorously or urgently binding or compelling
surmise (v.)to think or believe without certain reason or supporting evidence; to guess (n.) likely idea that lacks proof
abominate (v.)to have an intense dislike or hatred for
acculturation (n.)the modification of the soical patterns, traits, or structures of one group or society by contact with those of another
adventitious (adj.)resulting from chance rather than from an inherent cause or character; accidental
ascribe (v.)to assign or refer to, attribute
circuitous (ADJ.)roundabout, not direct
commiserate (v.)to sympathize with, have pity or sorrow for, share a feeling of distress
enjoin (v.)to direct or order; to prescribe a cousre of action in an authoritative way; to prohibit
expedite (v.)to make easy, cause to progress faster
expiate (v.)to make amends, make up for; to avert
ferment (n.)a state of great excitement, agitation, or turbulence;(v.)to be in or work into such a state; to produce alcohol by chemical action
inadvertent (adj.)resulting from or marked by a lack of attention; unintentional, accidental
nominal (adj.)existing in name only, not real; to small to be considered or take seriously
noncommittal (adj.)not decisive or definite; unwilling to take a clear position or to say yes or no
peculate (v.)to steal something that has been given into ones trust; to take improperly for one's own use
proclivity (n.)a natural or habitual inclination or tendency
sangfroid (n.)composure or coolness, especially in trying cirmumstances
seditious (adj.)resistnat to lawful authority; having the purpose of overthrowing an established government
tenuous (adj.)thin, slender, not dense; lacking clarity or sharpness; of slight importance or significance; poorly supported
vitriolic (adj.)bitter, aracastic; highly caustic or bitinng
wheedle (v.)to use coaxing or flattering to gain some desired end
affable (adj.)coureous and pleasant, sociable , easy to speak to
aggrandize (v.)to increase in power, greatness, or wealth, to build up or intensify
amorphous (adj.)shapeless, without form; of no particular type or character
aura (n.)that which surrounds; a distinctive air or personal quality
contraband (n.)illegal traffic,smuggled goods; (adj.)illegal, prohibited
erudite (adj.)scholarly, learned, bookish
gossamer (adj.)thin, light, delicate, insubstantial; (n.)a very thin, light cloth
infer (v.)to find out by reasoning; to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of thought; to hint, suggest, imply
inscrutable (adj.)incapable of being understood, impossible to see through physically
insular (adj.)realating to, characteristic of, or siuated on an island; narrow in outlook or expirenece.
irrevocable (adj.)incapapble of being changed or called back
propensity (n.)a natural inclination or predilection toward
querulous (adj.)peevish, complaining, fretful
remonstrate (v.)to argue or plead with someone against something, protest against, object to
repudiate (v.)to disown, reject, or deny the valididty of
resilient (adj.)able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly
reverberate (v.)to re-echo, resound; to reflect or be refected or be reflected repeatedly
scurrilous (adj.)coarsely abusive, vulgar or low
sedulous (adj.)persistent, showing industry and determination
sleazy (adj.)thin or flimsy in texture; cheap, shoddy, or inferior in quality or character
amnesty (n.)a general pardon for an offense against a government; any act of forgivness
autonomy (n.)self government, political control
axiomatic (adj.)self-evident, expressing a universally accepted principle or rule
blazon (v.)to adorn or embellish; to publish or proclaim widely
caveat (n.)a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding
equitable (adj.)fair, just
extricate (v.)to free from entanglements
filch (v.)to steal in a sneaky way
flout (v.)to mock, treat with contempt
fractious (adj.)tending to be troublesome; unruly
precept (n.)a rule of conduct
salutary (adj.)beneficial, helpful
scathing (adj.)bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm
scourge (v.)to whip, punish severely; (n.)a cause of affliction or suffering
sepulchural (adj.)funereal, typical of the tomb
soporific (adj.)tending to cause sleep,(n.)sleep inducing
straitlaced (adj.)extremely strict in regaurd to morals
transient (adj.)lasting only a short time(n.)one who stays a short time
unwieldy (adj.)not easily carried, handled because of size or complexity
vapid (adj.)dull, unintresting, tiresome
anomalous (adj.)abnormal, irregular
aspersion (n.)a damaging or derogatory statement
bizarre (adj.)extremely strange
brusque (adj.)abrupt, blount
cajole (v.)to coax, persuade through flattery
castigate (v.)to punish severely
contrive (v.)to plan with ingenuity, invent
demagogoue (n.)a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims in order to gain power
disabuse (v.)to free from deception or error, set right in idea or thinking
ennui (n.)weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation
fetter (n.)a chain or shakle placed on feet(v.)to chain or shakle
heinous (adj.)very wicked, offensive, hateful
immutable (adj.)not subject to change, constant
insurgent (n.)one who rebels or rises against authority; (adj.)rising in revolt
megalomaina (n.)a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth or talent
sinecure (n.)a position requiring little or no work, an easy job
surreptitious (adj.)stealthy, secret, intended to escape obeservation
transgress (v.)to go beyond a limit or boundary
transmute (v.)to change from one nature, substance or from to another
vicarious (adj.)performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another
Created by: 11weyerjor
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