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Pulmonary System Med

Pulmonary System Medications

What is the indication for use for Mast Cell Stabilizers? Asthma Prophylaxis
What does Mast Cell Stabilizers decrease the body's reaction to? Asthma triggers
What is the indication for use for Anti-Influenza Agents? Reduction of influenza symptoms
Anti-Influenza Agents blocks an enzyme on the surface of the virus and? Prevents the virus from spreading
What is the indication for use for Antitussives? Unproductive cough
Antitussives stop coughs by blocking the? Cough Reflex
What is the indication for use for Expectorants? Productive Cough
How can Expectorants increase mucus flow that can be removed easily? Reducing the thickness of bronchial secretions
What is the indication for use for Mucolytics? Thick/viscious mucus secretions
How can Mucolytics make it easier to cough up the phlegm and clear the airways? Breaking down the chemical structure of mucus molecules
What is the indication for use for Anticholinergics? Bronchospasms
How can Anticholinergics cause bronchospams? Dilating the Bronchi by blocking the action of acetylcholine
What is the indication for use for Xanthines (Methylxanthines)? Bronchodilation
What does Xanthines relax to relieve bronchospasms? Smooth Muscles
What is the indication for use for Beta-Adrenergic Agonists? Bronchoconstriction
What does Beta-Adrenergic Agonists stimulate to create bronchial dilation? Beta-2 receptor sites
What is the indication for use for Decongestants? Inflammation and fluid build up in the Respiratory System
How does Decongestants reduce nasal passage drainage? Causing the blood vessel in the mucuous membranes to constrict
What is the indication for use for Glucocorticoids? Asthma
How does Glucocorticoids reduce inflammation? Suppressing the Immune System
What is the indication for use for Oxygen? Hypoxia
Oxygen corrects low oxygenation in patients with? Poor gas exchange abilities
What is the indication for use for Respiratory Stimulants? Apnea
What does Respiratory Stimulants stimulate to encourage breathing? The Respiratory center of the brain
What is the indication for use for Smoking Cessation Aids? Nicotine withdrawal prophylaxis
How does Smoking Cessation Aids help with nicotine use? Delivering small, consistent doses of nicotine to help the person gradually withdraw from Nicotine use
Created by: eruxkk
Popular Pharmacology sets




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