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Greek & Latin Roots2

Study for greek and latin roots quiz

asterisk a symbol (*) used to mark printed or written text, typically as a reference to an annotation or to stand for omitted matter
astronomy the study of objects and matter outside the earths atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties
asteroid any of the small rocky celestial bodies found especially between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
armory a place where weapons are kept
armadillo a nocturnal mammal with large claws and bony plates
armament military weapons and gear
armada a fleet of warships
anarchist a person who promotes disorder or excites revolt against law, custom, or rule
monarchy supreme power or sovereignty held by a single person
archetype the original pattern or model from which all things of the same thing are copied
hierarchy any system of people or things ranked one above the other
disaster something that happens suddenly and causes much suffering or loss to many people
astronomical enormously or inconceivably large or great
audition a short performance to show the talent of someone such as an actor who is being considered for a role in a performance or a position in an orchestra
audible hear or able to be heard
auditorium a large room or building where people gather to see a performance or HEAR a speech
audio of or relating to the sound that is being heard on a recording or a broadcast
Created by: studying boi
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