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Test Review
To STUDY for Essentials of Geography Test
Term | Short Definition |
latitude | goes across the equator |
longitude | runs down the prime meridian |
Prime Meridian | it measures 0 degrees longitude |
Equator | it measures 0 degrees latitude |
physical map | type of map that shows land forms and rivers, ponds, etc. |
How to use the map scale | Multiply the number of inches on the map times the scale to determine the true distance. |
solistice | when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon ex: winter solstice |
equinox | when the sun passes directly over the equator |
Political map | type of map that show man- made boundaries |
thematic map | type of map that show a specific topic ex: Climate |
absolute location | The absolute coordination on a map |
relative location | an estimate of where a coordination is |
location | location is a when you plant a coordinates on a map |
movement | discovering new landscapes and exploring new lands |
region | points on a map that forms a closed shape |
interaction | people take what the environment provides them and ensures their own living |
place | describes what a location is like or what kind of place it is |
compass rose | points you in the directions of north south east and west EX: Montgomery, Texas 30.3883° N, 95.6963° W |
map title | The map title tells you the subject on the map |
map legend | give you a key to show you what is what |
map scale | refers to the relationship between distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground. |
cardinal directions | north, south, east, west |
climate | the average conditions of an area over a long period of time |
weather | what the atmospheric conditions are. (on a specific day or time) |
marine climate | the climate of places near the ocean or sea |
continental climate | the climate of places not near the ocean or sea Ex: Arizona |
tropical climate | a climate that is hot and rainy all year Ex: Amazon Rain forest |
highland climate | a climate that is found in mountains (is a lot cooler) |