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Nutrition Finale

Which of the following MyPlate food group is the richest source of vitamin D? Dairy
All of the following MyPlate food groups are good sources of vitamin B 12 except for the _ group. Fruits
The best food sources of vitamin K are found in the MyPlate Protein and Vegetables food groups. True
Brian’s need for a vitamin is 100 milligrams each day. The bioavailability of this vitamin is 35%. This means that Brian needs to consume _milligrams each day for this vitamin to meet his needs. 135
If the diet is chronically low in fat, the bioavailability of which vitamins will be impacted most? Vitamins A and D
Which of the following vitamins has a coenzyme form? Niacin
An antioxidant is a substance that protects against oxidative damage. True
Antioxidants act by enhancing the formation of free radicals. False
Because fat-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body to any great extent, deficiency symptoms are quick to appear. False
Mary needs to increase her thiamin consumption. Which of the following contains the most thiamin? 3 oz pork chop
Which of the following statements regarding thiamin is true? Alcoholics are particularly susceptible to thiamin deficiency because thiamin absorption is decreased due to the effect the alcohol has the GI tract
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of pellagra? Diabetes
Niacin is synthesized in the body from the amino acid Tryptphan
Raw egg whites contain the protein avidin that binds biotin and prevents its absorption. True
Which of the following is not a function of vitamin B6? Synthesis of collagen
High levels of homo-cysteine in the blood increases cardiovascular risk. True
The best food sources for folate and for vitamin B12 are fresh fruits and vegetables. Flase
Vitamin B12 deficiency is particularly problematic because it prevents folate from being converted to one of its active forms.
Folate coenzymes are needed for the synthesis of DNA and metabolism of some amino acids.
Folate deficiency can lead to macrocytic or megaloblastic anemia. True
Intrinsic Factor is necessary for the absorption of which B vitamin? Niacin
Which of the following statements regarding vitamin B12 is false? Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the duodenum section of the small intestine.
When Vitamin C intake is below 10 mg per day, the symptoms of _begin to appear. Scurvy
A family member has been taking Vitamin C supplements, but is now wondering if he should continue to spend money on these supplements. What have you learned about Vitamin C that might help them with an evidence-based decision? Excessive supplementation can cause diarrhea and can interfere with drugs prescribed to reduce blood clotting.
Cells that are deficient in vitamin A become hard and dry because they produce _, a protein. Keratin
Vitamin D deficiency disease in children is called Rickets
Active _ is required to maintain normal blood calcium and phosphorus levels. Vitamin D
When vitamin D is deficient, calcium absorption is greatly affected. True
If you spend too much time in the sun, your body can reach toxic levels of vitamin D. False
In its role as an antioxidant, _ guards cell membranes, body proteins, DNA, and cholesterol, and thus helps prevent heart disease, cancer, macular degeneration, and other chronic diseases. Vitamin E
With a severe deficiency of _, even a bruise or small scratch could cause you to bleed to death. Vitamin K
_ is the major symptom of Vitamin K deficiency. Abnormal blood coagulation
To ensure normal blood clotting, newborn babies are typically given a vitamin K injection. True
Of the following dieters, who would benefit the most from taking a multivitamin/multimineral supplement? Shaundra, who is on a diet that provides 1200 calories per day
The best way to ensure that you meet your nutrient needs without taking a dietary supplement is to eat a variety of foods daily
Smokers have higher vitamin C needs than nonsmokers. True
The distribution of water between intra- and extra-cellular spaces depends on concentration differences of _, or dissolved substances, including protein, sodium, and potassium. Solutes
Bernard is a football player on your university football team and he is eating high amounts of protein. Considering his high protein intake, how should he adjust his water intake and why? He needs to increase his daily water intake to help the kidneys excrete the protein waste products.
Adam has just returned from his long run of 6 miles in which he forgot his water bottle. Which of the following processes is most likely happening in Adam’s body? The antidiuretic hormone is signaling the kidneys to reabsorb water, thus decreasing the amount of water lost in the urine.
The thirst sensation is activated when blood volume is low, thus the solute level is more concentrated. True
Like carbohydrate, water provides 4 Kcal of energy per gram. False
Which of the following is NOT a function of water in the human body? Regulation of blood glucose
Urine color charts help people monitor their _ status. Hydration
Water intoxication is a condition that occurs when a person drinks enough water to significantly lower the concentration of _ in the blood. Sodium
Which of the following does NOT increase a person’s need for water? Following a low-sodium diet
A deficiency of a trace mineral is just as damaging to your health as a deficiency of a major mineral. True
Which of the following is not a trace mineral? Calcium
Dried fruits are good sources of which of the following minerals? Iron and potassium
Phytic acid, tannins, and oxalates _____the absorption of many minerals. Decreases
Which of the following minerals help regulate fluid balance? Sodium, potassium, and chloride
Which list below best reflects the minerals that aid transmission of nerve impulses and provide for optimal muscle contraction? Sodium, calcium, potassium, and chloride
Most of the minerals have only one primary function in the body. False
Outward symptoms of hypertension include which of the following? There are no outward symptoms.
A healthy blood pressure is _mm of mercury. 120/80
Which of the following is FALSE about hypertension? Dietary intake of sodium, but not magnesium or calcium, affects blood pressure.
Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption by the kidneys. True
The health problem most commonly associated with electrolyte imbalance is hypertension. True
Which of the following groups of individuals should consume no more than1500 mg of sodium daily? All of these should reduce their sodium consumption.
Excess body weight is associated with _risk of osteoporosis development. Reduced
When blood calcium levels are low, parathyroid hormone will Increase
All calcium in the body is found in the bone. False
The protein molecule that is found in red blood cells that transports oxygen to body cells is called Hemoglobin
Heme iron is more bioavailable than non-heme iron. True
_ enhances the bioavailability of non-heme iron. Vitamin C
Vegetarians have a separate RDA for iron due to their limited consumption of non-heme iron. False
Because selenium is part of the enzyme glutathione-peroxidase, it _ the body’s need for vitamin E. Decreases
Which deficiency disease would be common in the areas with selenium-deficient soils? Hemochromatosis
A goiter occurs as a result of deficiency of: Iodine
When chromium is deficient, _ insulin is required to produce the same effect on blood sugar as when someone has adequate chromium status. More
About 25% of the bottled water sold in the United States is the same water that comes from local municipal water supplies or “tap” water. True
Sleep disorders and menstrual irregularities are associated with an obese condition. True
_ is the body mass attributed to non-fat body components, such as bone, muscle, and internal organs. Lean body mass
William has a BMI of 26.5 kg/m2. He would therefore be classified as Overweight
A BMI of 18 kg/m2 is classified as obese. False
When determining the level of health risk, using the BMI is sufficient. False
_ measures an electric current traveling through the body and is used to determine body composition. Bioelectrical impedance
A healthy level of body fat for a young adult female is _ than that of a young adult male. Greater than
The desire to consume specific foods is called Appetite
For most people, the majority of their total energy expenditure is from their Basal metabolism
Which of the following would NOT have an increased BMR? John, who is a sedentary 60 year old .
Which of the following does NOT factor into calculating an individual’s EER? Ethnicity
To maintain a steady supply of blood glucose, fat is released from the adipose tissue. False
Which of the following physiological signals is NOT indicative of satiation? Increase in pH of the stomach from the pH of the food entering
Which of the following statements regarding weight loss drugs is FALSE? Weight loss usually continues, even after you stop taking the drugs, as long has you have taken the drugs for 8 weeks
The most common eating disorder is Binge-eating disorder.
Which of the following is characteristic of anorexia nervosa but not of bulimia nervosa? Loss of menstruation
Which of the following body systems is not strengthened by aerobic exercise? Endocrine
_ are activities that specifically increase muscle strength, endurance, and size. Weight lifting and shoveling snow
Maximum heart rate _ with age. Decreases
Aerobic exercise is considered to be at an intensity of _ % of maximum heart rate. 60-85%
Which of the following statements regarding ATP production is FALSE? The majority of ATP is produced by anaerobic metabolism
The majority of creatine phosphate is found in the liver. False
The predominate fuel used by muscle during a 10K race (~50 minutes) is Carbohydrate
When an athlete “hits the wall”, which fuel has been depleted? Glycogen
Where can your muscles get glucose to fuel activity?
 All of these are sources of glucose.
Strength training increases the use of protein for energy. True
Physical performance is improved by consuming a very low-fat diet (less than 10% of calories) for endurance athletes (e.g. marathon runners). False
Endurance athletes should focus on replenishing which fuel store in the body prior to the next workout? Glycogen in the muscle and liver
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the female athlete triad? Improved bone density
Hyponatremia is a concern of marathon runners which can be caused by Amenorrhea
Ryan is a football player who lost 2 pounds of weight during football practice. How much fluid should he drink to replace the amount he lost during practice? 5 cups
Water is the best fluid choice for Cyndie during exercise because she typically rides her bicycle for 75 minutes during an exercise session. False
Which of the following statements regarding carbohydrate loading is FALSE? Carbohydrate loading is more appropriate for those competing in short-duration events.
Which of the following is NOT a purpose of a pre-exercise meal? Maximize fat stores
Post-event meals should accomplish which of the following? Provide protein for building and repairing muscle tissue
Which of the following would be the best pre-exercise meal for a marathon runner? 1 cup corn flakes with skim milk and a banana
The best post-exercise foods for marathon runners contain Carbohydrate and protein.
Muscles enlarge in response to exercise stress, not to extra dietary amino acids. True
Of the following athletes, who is least likely to benefit from creatine supplements? Marathon runner
The majority of food borne illnesses occur from consuming food that is contaminated by Microbes
Salmonella is the most common cause of food-borne illness in the United States. True
The deadliest of all bacterial food toxins is produced by Clostridium botulinum
Because _ can be contaminated with botulism spores, it should never be fed to infants under 1 year of age. Honey
The incidence of _ infection is higher during the summer months when warm water favors its growth. Vibrio vulnificus
Trichinella spriralis and Cryptosporidium parvum are Parasites.
Exposure to aflatoxin can lead to Liver Cancer.
Which of the following bacteria is most likely growing in a bulging can of green beans? Clostridium Botulinum
Between _ degrees Fahrenheit, bacteria will multiply the most rapidly. 41-135
All of the following are preservation techniques that kill microbes EXCEPT Freezing
Most cases of food-borne illnesses are a result of contamination within the food service establishment. False
The HACCP system is proactive rather than reactive. True
Once a food is contaminated with a pathogen it is not safe to eat, even if it is prepared in a manner that destroys pathogens or toxins that are present. True
Thoroughly washing contaminated produce will effectively kill the E. coli bacterium present. False
Which of the following is an anaerobic bacteria, and thus is called the “cafeteria germ”? Clostridium perfringens
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of organic food production techniques? Organic foods are risk-free of microbial food-borne illness
Bacteria commonly found in ground beef? E. coli
“Traveler’s diarrhea” is commonly caused by this bacteria E.coli
This bacteria can cause spontaneous abortions and stillbirths if a woman is pregnant. Listeria monocytogenes
Which is NOT a possible carcinogen? Acrylamide
Which is NOT a common genetically modified crop in the US? Olive
Which is considered a metal food contaminant? Mercury
Which is NOT an ergogenic aid? Specialized training
Epson salts are made from which mineral? Magnesium
Which of these ergogenic aids is legal to use in sports? Caffeine
An ergogenic aid that was popular with cyclist but is now illegal. EPO
Eating disorder that is characterized by eating non food items. Pica
Which is NOT a characteristic of someone suffering from binge eating disorder? Normal weight
Which is NOT a hormone related to weight control? Progesterone
Carrying excess fat around your hips/buttocks is more dangerous for your health then carrying extra fat around your abdomen. False
Consuming this neutralizes acids to delay fatigue Bicarbonate
Which is the best post exercise snack? Protein powder and water
Which is the best pre exercise snack/meal? High carb/modereate protein meal
Which vitamin is associated with bone health? Vitamin D
Which mineral in excess can stop your heart? Potassium
Hyponatremia refers to low blood levels of: Sodium
The main function of Vitamin E on the body is to act as a(n): Antioxidant
The coenzyme FAD is formed from what vitamin? Riboflavin
A child that is bowed legged is likely deficient in vitamin: Vit. D
Which of the following foods contain the highest concentration of thiamin? Pork
What is the likely side effect for someone who consumes large quantities of carrots Skin yellowing
A deficiency of which vitamin results in cracking in the corners of the lips: Riboflavin
What is the primary excretory route for water soluble vitamins; Urine
Which of the following food substances can be converted to vitamin A in the body? Beta-carotene
Which of the following is an early sign of vitamin C deficiency? Bleeding gums
Low maternal folate intake increases the risk of birth defects called neural tube defects. True
Created by: AndresRosado001



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