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brain hypothesis ( Early Brain theories) the belief that mental processes are located in the brain
brain versus heart debate ( Early Brain theories)
heart hypothesis ( Early Brain theories) the belief that mental processes are located in the brain
mind–body problem ( Early Brain theories) the question of whether our mind and body are distinct, separate entities or whether they are one and the same
mind–brain problem ( Early Brain theories)
phrenology (Early Brain theories ) the study of the relationship between the skull's surface features and a person's personality and behavioural characteristics
Ablation (Early brain experiments ) disabling, destroying and removing selected brain tissue followed by an assessment of subsequent changes in behaviour
electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) (Early brain experiments ) stimulation or detection of electrical activity in the brain using an electrode
split-brain experiment ( Early brain experiments)
split-brain surgery ( Early brain experiments) cutting the band of nerve tissue (corpus callosum) connecting the two hemispheres
computerised tomography (CT) ( Neuroimaging techniques.) neuroimaging technique that uses x-ray equipment to scan the brain at different angles and produce scans showing structure only
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) (Neuroimaging techniques. ) neuroimaging technique that detects and records brain activity by measuring oxygen consumption across the brain and produces colour images of the brain structure, activity or function
positron emission tomography (PET) ( Neuroimaging techniques.) neuroimaging technique that produces colour images of brain structure, activity and function
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ( Neuroimaging techniques.) neuroimaging technique that uses magnetic fields to vibrate atoms in the brain's neurons and generate a computer image showing brain structure only
Medulla ( Hindbrain) continuation of the spinal cord, connecting it to the brain; controls bodily functions required for survival
Pons ( Hindbrain) hind brain structure involving sleep, dreaming, arousal from sleep and control of breathing and coordination of some muscle movements
Cerebellum (Hindbrain ) the cauliflower-shaped structure ocated at the base of the brain that looks like a mini-brain
brain stem (Hindbrain)
Regions of the brain Hindbrain, Midbrain, Forebrain, cerebral cortex
reticular formation (Midbrain) helps screen incoming information, alerts higher brain centres to import information, helps maintain consciousness, and regulates arousal and muscle tone
cerebrum (Forebrain) largest and most complex part of the brain with the cerebral cortex and its outer layer and areas involved in complex mental abilities
Hypothalamus (Forebrain) helps maintain the body's internal environment by regulating release of hormones and influences behaviours associated with basic biological needs
Thalamus (Forebrain) relay station for sensory information (except smells)
cerebral hemisphere two almost-symmetrical brain areas running from the front to the back of the brain
hemispheric specialisation the idea that one hemisphere has specialized functions or exerts greater control over a particular function
corpus callosum
cortical lobe anatomical division of the cerebral cortex associated with different functions
Broca’s area speech production
association area
frontal lobe upper forward half of the brain
parietal lobe upper back area of the brain between the frontal and . occupational lobes
prefrontal cortex
occipital lobe rearmost area of each cerebral hemisphere
primary auditory cortex receives and processes sounds from both ears
primary motor cortex initiates and controls voluntary movements
primary somatosensory cortex receives and processes bodily sensory information
primary visual cortex receives and processes visual information from the eyes
temporal lobe lower, central area of the brain, above and around the top of each ear
Wernicke’s area area of the brain involved in speech production and comprehension
Created by: georgia.sampson
Popular Psychology sets




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