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Ch 25


Nonopioid Anaglesics *Less potent than opioid analgesics *Use-mild to moderate pain * Effective for dull, throbbing pain of: *headaches, dysmenoorhea, minor abrasions *inflammation, muscular aches, pain *mild to moderate arthritis *Action site: PNS @ pain receptor sites
NSAIDs action and list drugs included Action: Analgesic, Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects. Includes: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen
Aspirin/Nonopioid Analgesic Action and Use Action: inhibits biosynthesis of prostaglandins, inhibits COX-2 decreases inflammation and pain, inhibits COX-1 decreases protection of stomach lining Use: Drug of choice for pain arthritic inflammation, decreases platelet aggregation
Asprinin/NSAIDs/Nonopioid Analgesic Side Effects Tinnitus, vertigo, GI distress, excess bleeding: Met acidosis, hyperventation, anaphylasix, bronchospasm, dyspnea, urticaria, Reyes syndrome
Acetaminophen-Nonopioid Analgesic/NOT NSAIDs Actions, Uses and dosage Action-inhibits prostaglandin synthesis Uses-muscular aches and pain, fever Max dose- 4g/day, if taken frequently 2 g/day
Acetaminophen/Nonopioid Side Effects and Toxic Effects Side Effects: Rash, headache, insomnia, low incidence of GI distress Toxic effects/excess dosing: hepatotoxicity, renal failure, thromocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, neutropenia
Acetaminophen/Nursing Process Assessment: pain severity, med history of live dysfunction Nursing diagnoses: *pain, acute related to edema from surgical incision*risk for injury Planning: pain will be relieved or diminished
Acetaminophen/Nursing Interventions ck liver enzymes, and serum acetaminophen level levels if toxicity expected. teach keep OOCR., avoid alcholol, report side effects
Created by: deleted user
Popular Pharmacology sets




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