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Capitolo II

avere caldo to be warm
avere fame to be hungry
avere freddo to be cold
avere fretta to be in a hurry
avere paura to be afraid
avere ragione to be right
avere sete to be thirsty
avere sonno to be sleepy
avere bisogno di to need
avere voglia di to want
avere + ---- + anni ----= number of years you've been alive together the words express age
conjugate present tense of avere! ho hai ha abbiamo avete hanno
alto tall
anziano old
basso short (in height)
bello beautiful
biondo blond
bruno dark (hair)
brutto ugly
corto short (in length)
giovane young
grande big
grasso fat
liscio straight (hair) *masculine plural= lisci
lungo long *masculine plural= lunghi
magro thin
piccolo small
riccio curly *masculine plural= ricci
vecchio old *masculine plural= vecchi
americano American
canadese Canadian
cinese Chinese
francese French
giapponese Japanese
inglese English
irlandese Irish
italiano Italian
messicano Mexican
russo Russian
spagnolo Spanish
tedesco German
azzurro blue
bianco white *masculine plural=bianchi
castano brown (hair/eyes)
giallo yellow
grigio gray *plural= grigi
nero black
rosso red
verde green
allegro cheerful
antipatico unfriendly
arrabbiato angry
bravo good
bugiardo deceitful
cattivo mean
divertente entertaining
energico energetic
estroverso extroverted
gentile kind
intelligente intelligent
responsabile responsible
irresponsabile irresponsible
nervoso nervous
noioso boring
onesto honest
orgoglioso proud
pigro lazy
sensibile sensitive
simpatico nice
sportivo athletic
stanco tired
stressato stressed
tranquillo calm
triste sad
masculine plural ending for adjective -i
feminine plural ending for adjective -e
m/f ending for adjective -i
adjectives ending in -ca, -ga, and -go add -- when becoming plural --= h ex. bianca to bianche
Com'e? what is he/she like?
Come sono? what are they like?
Conjugation of essere in present tense sono sei e siamo siete sono
masculine definite articles. answer with singular and plural. before noun beginning with consonant... before noun beginning with consonantal cluster... before noun beginning with a vowel... il-i lo-gli l'-gli
feminine definite articles. before noun beginning with a consonant... before noun beginning with a vowel... la-le l'-le
M singular: bel plural: bei
M singular: bell' plural: begli
M singular: bello plural: begli
F singular: bella plural: belle
F singular: bell' plural: belle
bel is used before... consonants
bell' is used before... vowels
bello is used before... consonantal clusters
bella is used before... consonants
bell' is used before... vowels
marrone brown
antico ancient
bravo good
carino pretty
caro expensive
cinese Chinese
disordinato messy
grande big
sicuro secure
insicuro insecure
largo wide
molto much
altro another
nuovo new
orgoglioso proud
povero poor
ricco rich
Created by: kait93
Popular Italian sets




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