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Gender and Rhetoric

SCU Class Final Exam Prep

Institutions Social, persist across time and space, have distinct social practices that are repeated, constrain and facilitate behavior, designate social positions characterized by expectations and norms, are constituted by people, are internalized as part of people
Institutions: Are amorphous, Are large and pervasive, Are interdependent, Normalize rules and values, Change constantly and embrace contradictory norms and values
Institutionalized Discrimination: Maintained through complex sets of social institutions that interact with, structure, and influence individuals beliefs and prejudices. Difficult to locate responsibility and intent
Cultural Ideology idea, values, beliefs, perceptions, and understandings that are known to members of a society and that guide their behaviors – social institutions
Cultural hegemony process through which the interests of a dominant group become dominant by establishing their beliefs as common sense
Hegemonic or ruling ideology social control exercised through control of ideas – idea seen as common sense
Institutionalized Violence Occurs when overt and subtle forms of violence become normalized as a result of institutionalized rules and norms
Gender roles feminine and masculine social expectations in a family based on a person’s sex. Females are expected to be caretaker, males are expected to be leader.
Gender role socialization takes place within families via parental modeling and parent-child interaction
Gender social script rules that people carry around in their heads about what they and others ought to be like as men and women
Nuclear family two parents and biological children, male as breadwinner and female as homemaker (never statistically dominant)
True womanhood model of pure, pious, domestic, and submissive
Family values political and cultural term based on presumption of nuclear family
Second shift housework imbalance, women work both outside and (still) carry load of majority of housework load
Compulsory heterosexuality the assumption that there is only one right romantic relationship and family structure
Social learning and modeling often unconscious, children internalize behaviors and are rewarded for following them
Social accountability as people construct their own and other’s gendered identities, they make a conscious effort to do so in ways that are more socially acceptable
Militant motherhood mother uses assertive, even aggressive modes of parenting; often confront children’s bullies, but also train their children to do so if they are threatened
by age of 2-3 Children comprehend/form their gender identity
Heteronormativity cultural assumption that everyone is heterosexual
Emancipatory families variety of family forms that provide safe haven where members feel loved, accepted, and are able to grow to fullest potential
Hidden Curriculum Norms, values, and beliefs as a byproduct of education that people often fail to question
Title Nine 1972 – illegal for federally funded schools to discriminate on the basis of sex (must offer comparable athletic opportunities for men and women)
Epistemology Nature of knowing, how knowledge is constituted, all knowledge is constructed
Feminist epistemology Rejects rigid disciplinary boundaries, Recognizes differences between insider and outsider views, Recognizes bias, Embraces collective rather than hierarchal control of learning, Includes researchers values and perspectives as part of research
Emancipatory Education Education practices that seek to challenge accepted categories, unexamined norms, and repressive practices
Gender sensitive model individual approach
Gender relevant makes the gendered dimensions of social life and education part of the discussion
Connected teaching connect topics to learner’s individual life experiences
Pay Equity Intersectional Economics
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009) Pay Equity
Off-ramping supposed revolution of women leaving careers to stay home with children
“working mother” while absence of “working father” general lack of vocabulary to talk about work and home balance for both
Puritan value of work work outside home is greatest measure of good, worth
Gendering of organization inherency of male (breadwinner, with stay at home wife) worker
Critical organization perspective examine organizations as cultures in which identities and power relationships are produced, maintained, transformed, and reproduced through ongoing communications
Othermothers or fictive kin in order to balance dilemma, minority women craft communities of support
Sex segregation of work what is paid and what is unpaid – further, race segregation – black women often in care positions
Masculinity as norm in organizational processes Ultimately point to need to make organizations more democratic and humane
Girl-watching sexual harassment of women by men, though seen as play and form o fentertainment – mechanism of gender norming power imbalance
Closer examination of sexual harassment and girl watching reveals it to serve the larger patriarchal structure – women as objects and men as agents/subjects
Cultural Institutionalization of Christianity Calendar – which holidays are included and which are not?
Religion and Masculinity Positioned against domestic angel ideology
Muscular Christianity Association between physical strength, religious virtue, and ability to shape and control world around oneself, Emerged in England in 1850’s, Surged in US in post WWII to reaffirm masculinity when it had been challenged nationally in war and domestically
Masculinity performed many ways In watching sports, In engaging in sports, In engaging in sport culture (dress, language, iconicity, public discourse)
Religion as Liberation Pre Civil Rights Leaders born out of AA churches, Churches as means through which Civil Rights workers reached broader audience
Veiling as contemporary conversation about role of religion and women Current conversation around Burqa, Historically and currently consider veiling in Christianity, Ultimately veiling is complex and carries multiple meanings
Created by: 744107714
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