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Aaron Beck cognitive therapy, which is still widely used for depression, is based on RET
Active listening therapist’s response is simply a restating of the client’s thoughts
Albert Ellis founded RET
Anti-anxiety drugs (such as Valium and Xanax) stimulate GABA, which depresses nervous system activity.·The main side effect of these drugs is drowsiness.
Antidepressants increase serotonin and/or norepinephrine to improve mood.·These drugs often have side effects of fatigue, forgetfulness, and weight gain.
Antipsychotic drugs relieve agitation, hallucinations, and delusions by blocking dopamine receptors in the brain.·These drugs are primarily used to treat schizophrenia.
Aversive Conditioning attempts to associate a problem behavior with an unpleasant consequence, often short-term and is often used as the beginning to a more complex treatment plan.
Beck's Cognitive behavior widely used for depression, is based on RET
Behavioral therapy ignores thoughts and focuses directly on the behavior itself.
Biological therapy focuses on the physical causes of undesirable behavior.
Carl Rogers client- centered therapy
client-centered therapy goal is to help his client reach their full potential.
cognitive therapy change the way people think
cognitive-behavioral therapy one of the most widely used forms of therapy today, focuses on changing thoughts AND behaviors, It incorporates techniques from both schools of thought.
contingency management is most-widely used in the field of substance abuse, often implemented as part of clinical behavior analysis, refers to the application of the operant conditioning), which uses stimulus control and positive reinforcement to change behavior
counterconditioning way to unlearn an unwanted behavior(flooding, systematic desensitization)
disconfirmation show evidence against untrue thinking patterns
dorothea dix was an advocate for the mentally ill who revolutionarily reformed the way mentally ill patients are treated. She created the first mental hospitals across the US and Europe and changed the perception of the mentally ill
Dream analysis a psychoanalytic technique that involves interpreting the meaning of a patient’s dreams(manifest and latent content)
Drug therapy the use of medication to treat psychological issues
Eclectic approach use of multiple techniques
ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY (ECT) involves sending controlled waves of electric shock through the brain
Empathy the ability to identify with the feelings of others
Family therapy assumes that problems are caused by family interactions rather than one individual
flooding involves exposing a patient to their most anxious situation upfront
Free association the patient is instructed to talk about whatever comes to mind
Group therapy is helpful because it provides a comparison point and also reduces costs
Humanistic therapy The goal is to help his client reach their full potential
Insight occurs when patients begin to understand these unconscious motives
Latent content the hidden meanings represented symbolically in the dream
Lithium carbonate medication for bipolar disorder that focuses on norepinephrine
Manifest content what you remember about the dream
Mirror reflecting their own thoughts and feelings back to them
Nondirective therapy therapist listens but does not provide an opinion
Placebo effect influence of a patient’s expectations
prefrontal lobotomy removing most of the nerve connections that control emotions
Psychiatrist prescribe medication
Psychoanalysis a VERY SLOW procedure, taking up an average of 600 sessions
Psychosurgery involves removing or destroying a specific part of the patient’s brain
Psychotherapy treatment used by therapists to help people overcome their problems
Rational-emotive therapy founded by Albert Ellis, is focused on changing a person’s unrealistic assumptions
reconceptualization find new ways to explain actions
Resistance patient unconsciously holds back information from the therapist
self help groups are informal therapy groups usually conducted without a professional therapist
SHORT-TERM DYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY applies psychoanalytic principles to define and understand the dynamics and problems that clients bring to the therapy session, uncover the feelings or thoughts that interfere with a client's relationships, communication, and daily functioning
Sigmund Freud psychoanalytic, make his patients aware of the unconscious conflicts causing their anxiety
SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION exposes someone to fear and anxiety in a slow and ordered way
Token Economy desirable behavior in exchange for something like money
Transference the patient begins to associate feelings about another important figure in their life towards the therapist
unconditional positive regard caring and acceptance no matter the circumstances
Created by: nailea89326
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