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SE Asia
Religion, People, and History of SE Asia
Question | Answer |
What was French Indochina? | A colony in SE Asia colonized by France that included Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. |
Who was Confucius? | A Chinese scholar born around 550 BC who created philosophy of Confucianism - believed key to peace and social order was for people to behave with good character and virtue (Golden Rule) |
Which two religions believe in reincarnation? | Hinduism and Buddhism |
What is the caste system? | System of social classes that are inherited and cannot be changed in Hinduism (4 main castes) |
What things do Hinduism and Buddhism have in common? | Reincarnation and karma |
What is the main religion of Japan? | Shinto |
Why is Confucianism not considered a religion? | It is a philosophy centering on keeping order through behaving with good character and virtue; relationships are important part of its teachings. |
Who was Siddhartha Gautama? | A young prince who created Buddhism in 500 BC; called "the Enlightened One" and said human suffering was due to greed and materialism |
What are the Hindu books of rituals and hymns? | Vedas or The Books of Knowledge |
What happened at Pearl Harbor? | Japanese attacked US Pacific Naval fleet in Hawaii on December 7, 1941 bringing US into WWII |
What 2 major movements affected Asia after WWII and give examples of each. | nationalism - India and French Indochina; communism - Vietnam and Korea |
Who was the leader of Vietnam’s independence movement and what did he want? | Ho Chi Minh wanted all of Vietnam to be communist. |
Who do Hindus believe is the supreme spirit? | Brahman |
What was the Cold War? | A war of words with no actual or direct fighting which began after WWII. |
Why did the United States practice containment in Asia? | They wanted to contain or stop the spread of communism to other countries in Asia. |
What things are holy/sacred to Hindus? | Animals/people all have souls; cows and the Ganges River are examples. |
What do Hindus believe about reincarnation? | When a person dies, his soul does not die. Instead the soul is reborn into the body of another person/animal --how a person lives determines what his next life will be (karma). |
Who controlled Korean Peninsula in WWII? | Japan |
The belief that your actions in this life affect how you live in your next life is called ___________________ and is part of the ______________________ religion. | karma; Hindu |
What are the four main castes of Hinduism and who are the “casteless” people? | Brahmins--priests/wisemen, Kshatriyas--warriors/rulers, Vaishyas--traders and farmers, Shudras--peasants/fieldworkers. Untouchables are removed from their caste because they broke caste rules; they are "unclean" (worst jobs) |
What event ended WWII in Asia? | bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan |
Why was there never an election held in Vietnam to choose a government? | US was worried the Vietnamese would choose Ho Chi Minh and communists so no elections were held. |
Who was Buddha and what does this name mean? | Siddhartha Gautama - "the Enlightened One" |
What is the state of “perfect peace” called for Buddhists? | Nirvana |
Where is the “demilitarized zone”? | Border between North and South Korea where no military equipment or people allowed within the border |
What are the 2 main teachings that Buddhists should follow? | Four Noble Truths - life brings pain, the Middle Way - Eight Fold Path (rules of conduct) |
How did the United States become involved in the Vietnam conflict? | In 1954, French decided to give up their fight to regain control so US stepped in (i.e. containment) |
What does “kami” mean and which religion believes in the reverence of the “kami”? | "Superior" --they are spirits that Shinto followers believe live in nature |
What are the Confucian 5 basic relationships? | 1. Ruler/subject 2. father/son 3. husband/wife 4. older brother/younger brother 5. friend/friend |
How did Korea come to be divided into North and South? | During WWII, Japan controlled Korean Peninsula. In 1950, Soviets invaded and U.S. entered S Korea (containment). A cease-fire was signed in 1953 but war never ended officially. |
Why did the Vietnam war become “unpopular” in the United States? | 58,000 US servicemen died; over 1 million civilians and soldiers died - still remained communist despite US involvement |