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Drug Absorption The process by which a drug is absorbed into circulation.
Excretion The kidney is responsible for filtering out drugs from the blood. Drugs are also excreted through the lungs, sweat glands, and intestines.
Drug Classification Drugs are classified according to their effect on the body
Adverse Effect A general term for an undesirable and potentially harmful drug effect.
Allergic Reaction An acquired, abnormal immune response to a substance that does not normally cause a reaction.
Anaphylaxis A severe allergic reaction response to medication, involving respiratory distress.
Side Effect An adverse effect of a drug on another organ system that's not related to the main target of the drug.
Toxic Effect An adverse effect that can be harmful or life threatening.
Antagonism The combined effect of two drugs that is less tan the effect of either drug taken alone
Tolerance Increasing resistance to the usual effects of established dosage of a drug as a result of continue use.
Dependence A state of reliance on a drug , either psychological, or physiological, that may result in the withdrawal symptoms if drug use is discontinued.
Idiosyncrasy An abnormal sensitivity to a drug.It usually refers to an individual patients unique response to medication.
Drug Indications Intended uses of any drug.
Contraindication Situations or conditions under which a certain drug should not be administered
Polypharmacy Multiple drug prescriptions should be on a look out with medications with dangerous interactions.
Teratogen A drug that causes birth defects. These drugs affect the X chromosome and therefore should not be given to pregnant women.
Half Life The amount of time required for 50% of the drug to be eliminated from the body.
Analgesic Relieves pain Acetaminophen
Anesthetic Prevents sensation of pain Lidocaine
Antibiotic Destroys or inhibits bacterial growth Amoxicillin
Antihelmintic Destroys or inhibits parasitic worms Mebendazole
Antineoplastic Poisons cancerous cells Bleomycin
Antipyrectic Reduces fever Acetaminophen
Antiseptic Inhibits growth of microorganisms Isopropyl alcohol
Mydriatic Constricts vessels, raises blood pressure, dilates pupils. Atropine
Antifungal Treats fungal infections Amphotericin
Antipruritic Relieves itching Hydroxyzine
Muscle Relaxant Relaxes muscles on a short term basis Carisoprodol
Nonsteroidal antiflammatory drug (NSAID) Reduces pain, inflammation and fever Naproxen
Steroid Reduces inflammation Dexamethasone
Antianxiety Depress the CNS Alprazolam
Anticholinergic Blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses Atropine Sulfate
Anticonvulsant Prevents or relieves convulsions Clonazepam
Antidepressant Prevents or treats mental depression Amitriptyline
Antiepileptic Treats epilepsy Carbamazepine
Antiparkinson Treats Parkinson's disease Procyclidine
Antipsychotic Treats psychosis
Sedative Creatse tranqualizing, soothing effects
Stimulant Increass brain and other organ activity, decreases appetite Amphetamine
Antidiabetic Reduces glucose Metformin
Antisecretory Inhibits secretion Omeprazole
Insulin Treats diabetes Insulin recombinant
Thyroid Agent Replaces thyroid function Levoothyroxine sodium
Antiarrhythmatic Regulates heartbeat
Anticoagulant Slows the coagulation process
Antihypercholesterolemic Prevents or controls high blood cholesterol Gemfibrozil
Antiypertensive Prevents or controls high blood pressure Dopamine HCI
Created by: alanderos1
Popular Pharmacology sets




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