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Foot 1

Foot anatomy

Name the tarsals of the foot Calcaneus, Cuboid, Cuniforms (1 medial, 2 intermediate, 3 lateral), Navicular, Talus
How many Tarsals are there? Seven 7
The heel bone is called Calcaneus
The Calcaneus is a Tarsal True
Where would you find Sesamoid Bones in the foot? embedded in tendons, near joints, plantar surface
How many bones in the foot? 14 (phalanges), 5 (metatarsals), 7 (tarsals). 26 total bones.
Name the arches of the foot Longitundinal Arch (Long axis of foot consisiting of Lateral and Medial sides of foot) Transverse arch (across the foot)
Describe the Longitudinal arch of the foot Comprised of lateral and medial, most of the arch is on the medial side and in the mid aspect of the foot
Describe the Transverse arch of the foot primary located along the plantar surface of the distal tarsals and TMT joints. Made up mostly of the cuniforms and cuboid (especially 2nd and 3rd cuniforms).
Dorsiflexion is when the foot is raised cephalad
Plantar Flexion is when the foot is extended away from the body (pressing the gas pedal)
Inversion (varus) of the foot is when the bottom of the foot is faced medially
Eversion (valgus) of the foot is when the bottom of the foot is faced laterally
Technical factors for the foot 40in SID, 50-70kV, short exp. time, grid if >10cm
Name the Foot positions AP axial, AP oblique, Lateral
Name the Toes positions AP axial, AP oblique, Lateral
Name the Calcaneus positions Axial and Lateral
CR angle for AP axial Toes 15 degrees cephalic
Centering for AP axial Toes MTP joint
Film size for AP axial Toes 8x10 or 10x12 (depends on projections done and if AP axial FOOT is done as a projection)
special projection for sesamoid bones tangential- dorsiflex foot 15-20deg from vertical, CR perpendicular to IR and centered tangentially to posterior of 1st MTP
alternative lateral for the foot lateromedial- outside of the foot, CR mid-cuneiform base of 3rd MT
special projection for the foot to show longitudinal arches AP & lateral weight-bearing CR 15deg posterior to base of MT
Name the Calcaneus projections and centering point Axial Plantodorsal –dorsiflexed, CR 40deg cephalic at base of 3rd MT Lateral-Mediolateral- CR 1in inferior to medial malleolus
what is gout form of arthritis, uric acid deposits destuct joint space
Lisfranc joint injury requires a decrease or increase in technique increase to penetrate tarsal region
joint effusions are signs of fracture,dislocation,soft tissue damage
what type of joints are IP joints hinge (flexion and extension)
what type of joints are TMT,intertarsal plane or gliding (limited movement)
what type of joints are MTP ellipsoidal or condyloid, (4 movements)
the calcaneal sulcus and a depression on the Talus form an opening for ligaments to pass through in the middle of the subtalar joint called? sinus tarsi
three articular facets appear at the subtalar or talocalcaneal joint with the Talus through which the weight of the body is transmitted to the ground in an erect position posterior, anterior and middle articular facets
what does the sustentaculum do? provides medial support for weight bearing subtalar or talocalcaneal joint
You are __________ the shiznat!
in what projection is the tuberosity on the 5th MT demonstrated oblique-medial of the foot
what is a common trauma site for the foot that provides attachment of a tendon tuberosity of the 5th MT
weight of the body is transmitted by this bone through the important ankle and talocalcaneal joints TALUS
what type of joint is the ankle synovial-sellar type w/flexion and extension
Created by: StudyGroup
Popular Radiology sets




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