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CS U5 L1-5

Callback Function A function specified as part of an event listener, written by the programmer, but called by the system as the result of an event trigger
Event An action that causes something to happen
Event-driven Program A program designed to run blocks of code/functions in response to specified events
Event Handling An overarching term for the coding tasks involved in making a program respond to events triggering functions
Event Listener A command that can be set up to trigger a function when a particular type of event occurs on a particular UI element
UI Element(s) On-screen objects
User Interface The visual elements of a program through which a user controls/communicates with the application, UI
UI Event(s) Controls
User Trigger Events Events occur when users click a button, tap the screen, move the mouse, type a key on the keyboard, etc.
Events Trigger Code When an event occurs or "fires", it can be used to trigger a particular javascript function
Debugging Finding and fixing problems in an algorithm/program
Data Type All values in a programming language have a "type" that dictates how the computer will interpret it
Expression Any valid unit of code that resolves a value
Variable A placeholder for a piece of information that can change
Variable Reassignment When you change the value of a variable based on its current contents
Global Variable A variable whose scope is "global" to the program, can be used and updated by any part of the code, its global scope is typically derived from the variable being declared (created) outside of any function, object, or method
If-statement The common programming structure that implements "conditional statements"
Local Variable A variable with local scope is one that can only be seen, used and updated by code within the same scope; typically this means the variable was declared (created) inside a function - includes function parameter variables
Variable Scope Dictates what portions of the code can "see" or use a variable, typically derived from where the variable was first created
Data Type All values in a programming language have a "type" that dictates how the computer will interpret it
Expression Any valid unit of code that resolves to a value
Variable A placeholder for a piece of information that can change
== Used to compare two values and returns a Boolean (true/false), different than "="
Concatenate To link together/join, typically used when joining together text Strings in programming
String Any sequence of characters between quotation marks
Created by: archergirl
Popular Engineering sets




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