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Chapter 1

Personal Development, Chapter 1, Pivot Point Esthetics

6-8 Hours Amount of sleep most people need.
Well Balanced exercise routine Carido, Strength training and Flexability
RDA Recommended Dietary Allowances
Nutrition Process of converting raw materials in the form of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy.
45-65% Percent of your diet per day that should be carbohydrates.
Calories Units used to measure the amount of energy contained in foods.
2/3 Amount of body mass that is water.
Public Hygiene/Public Health Helps promote and preserve the health of the community.
Hygiene Applied science that deals with healthful living.
Personal hygiene Your individual system for maintaining your cleanliness and health.
Correct Posture Reduces fatigue and helps internal organs function properly.
Ergonomics Science pertaining to the relationship between people and their work environment.
Communication Exchange of thought.
Nonverbal Communication/Body language Messages exchanged without speaking.
Verbal Communication Messages exchanged by voice.
Verbal Communication Skills How you speak is as important as what you say. For instance a pleasant voice and tone will be better received than high, shrill tones. In addition the meaning of the message may be altered by the way it is relayed.
Two-Way Communication Encourage guest to give you information then repeat back in your own words what you understood them to say.
Tact Be truthful without being offensive. This skill requires sensitivity.
Overtone When tone of voice, inflection, expressions and reactions don't match the words spoken.
Active Listening Involves the whole body. Ears, eyes and intellect should all be tuned into what is being said.
Reflective Listening Repeat out loud, in your own words, what you heard.
Personality The outward reflection of inner feelings, thoughts, attitudes and values.
Attitude Feeling or emotion toward something or someone.
Habits Learned behaviors that are reinforced through events in your environment.
Professional Ethics Proper conduct in your work relationships with your employer, co-workers and clients.
Ethics Principles of right and wrong that guide an individual in making decisions.
30% Daily amount of unsaturated fats that are part of a health diet.
15-35% Daily amount of proteins that are part of a healthy diet.
Water Regulates body temperature, transports nutrients and flushes toxins.
Lack of sleep May deplete the body of its vitality.
Part of effective stress management Maintaining moderation and balance in life.
Fat This is what excess calories that are taken in and not burned off through exercise or regular activity becomes.
Carbohydrates Nutrient found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables that are a major energy source are.
Professional Image Guidelines Clean, healthy hair, Clean and pressed clothing, Manicured and well cared for hands.
Good posture Reduces fatigue and helps internal organs function properly.
Created by: BBSchool
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