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Neuro peds

Common pediatric conditions

what ages do children have overall rapid growth of all regions of brain, form images, use words & begin problem solving? 1-6 y/o
at what age does the sensory and motor systems continue to mature, frontal executive systems (logical, depth perception, mathmatical reasoning) beging to accelerate? 7-10 y/o
when do children develop the ability of elaboration of the visuospactial functions? 11-13 y/o
at what age do we see children continued maturation of visuospatial functions and visuoauditory? 14-17 y/o
at what age do we see in children rapid maturation of frontal executive region of the brain? 18-21 y/o
when do developmental disabilities occur? manifest before 22 y/o & continue t/o life
what areas is there limited function (should be 3) to be considered developementaly disabled? self-care, receptive & expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, economic self sufficiency
Developmental delay children who display a delay in language skills, social skills, gross motor skills, & /or fine motor skills - can become age appropriate & catch up
Autism spectrum disorders stereotypical movements, preoccupation w/objects, distress over sm changes, narrow range of interests, speech & language deficits, poor social skills
Rett Syndrome > female, 6-18 mo, manifests as a slowing down or stagnation of skills, caused by mutations on X chromosome, oft misdiagnosed
DCD - developmental coordination disorder motor coordination markedly below expected level, not due to mental condition, can be diagnoses w/ADHD
to calm a baby, bring into what position? flexion
Congenital muscular torticollis shortening of the sternocleidomastoid mm's resulting in head tilt to the contralateral shoulder
acquired cause of torticollis traumaic - fracture, soft tissue injury, rotary subluxation, non-traumatic - vision problems, feeding issues, inflam cond, neuro, oncology diagnosis
plagiocephaly head deformity, can be corrected with positioning or helmet
developemental dysplasia of the hip corrected with harness preventing extension & adduction but allows flexion & abduction
position for congenital torticollis? lie on flat surface, facing up, hold right shoulder to prevent from lifting, slowly & gently tilt child's left ear toward left shoulder, do not lift head off surface
position for congenital torticollis? place in car seat with towel/blanket to keep centered
Created by: djbari
Popular Physical Therapy sets



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