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Patient Care

RADT 465

True/ False: Tort can either be intentional or unintentional. True (pg. 8)
This is described as a private injustice, injury, or misconduct Tort (pg. 8)
If a radiographer performs an exam on a patient without his or her consent, then it is considered ________. Battery (pg. 8)
This is known as to threaten harm. Assault (pg. 8)
If a radiographer perms an exam on an incorrect patient or an incorrect body part it is known as _________. Negligence (pg. 9)
"Res ispa loquitur" the thing speaks for itself (pg. 9)
What are 6 examples of nonverbal communication? 1. Personal appearance 2. Appearance of work area 3. Facial expression 4. Touch 5. Eye contact 6. Other body language (pg. 19)
What are 3 way that verbal communication are impacted by? 1. Tone and rate of speech 2. Eye contact 3. Vocabulary (pg. 18)
______ is known as the belief that one's own cultural ways are superior to any other way. Ethnocentrism (pg. 21)
What are the different age groups and what are the ages that are included within each? (pg. 22) 1. Infant: birth-1 year 2. Toddler: 1-2 years 3. Preschooler: 3-5 years 4. School Aged: 6-12 years 5. Adolescent: 13-18 years 6. Young Adult: 19-45 years 7. Middle Adult: 46-64 years 8. Older Adult: 65-79 years 9. Elderly: older than 80 years
When transferring a patient beyween the table and the stretcher, the radiographer should push/pull a plastic board. Pull (pg. 31)
This position is when the head is higher than the feet. Fowler position (pg. 30)
If a patient has an IV infusion, the IV bag should be placed _____ inches above the level of the ______. 18-24, vein (pg. 31)
This term is referred to diminished oxygen supply. Hypoxia (pg. 32)
What are the symptoms of an inadequate oxygen supply? dyspnea, cyanosis, diaphoresis, and distention of the veins in the neck (pg. 32)
______ accounts for the greatest number of nosocomial infections. Urinary Tract Infections (pg. 34)
A patient's appearance, condition, and subsequent changes in them is known as ______. Objective signs (pg. 36)
_________ are perceived by the patient, such as how the patient feels, the level of their pain, etc. Subjective signs (pg. 36)
What are the 4 measurements of vital signs? 1. Body temperature 2. Pulse rate 3. Respiratory rate 4. Arterial blood pressure (pg. 36)
What is the normal body temperature for an adult when taken orally, rectally, and axillary? Orally: 98.6 Rectally: 99.1-99.6 Axillary: 97.6-98.1 (pg.37)
What is the most frequently used pulse point when trying to take a pulse rate? Radial artery, which is located at the wrist (pg. 37)
What are the 3 things that affect blood pressure? 1. Cardiac output 2. Blood volume 3. Vascular resistance (pg. 38)
Blood pressure is highest during the _______ and lowest during the ______. ventricular systole (contaction), diastole (relaxation) (pg. 38)
Mild reactions include ______, _________, and ________. skin redness, hives, and itching (pg. 41)
More severe reactions include ________. respiratory reactions, such as itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, difficulty breathing, and wheezing (pg. 41)
A nosebleed is known as _______. Epistaxis (pg. 43)
These are living organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Microorganisms (pg. 53)
This reduces the likelihood of transferring pathogenic microorganisms to a vulnerable individual. Medical asepsis (pg. 53)
This removes all microorganisms and their spores and is practiced within the surgical suite. Surgical asepsis (pg. 53)
This is a cycle of infection that includes any environment where pathogens can survive and reproduce. Reservoir (source) of infection (pg. 55)
This is a cycle of infection that includes any pathway by which pathogens are able to leave the reservoir. Portal of exit (pg. 55)
This is a cycle of infection that includes the pathway by which the infectious organisms gain entry into the body. Portal of entry (pg. 56)
What are the 3 modes of transmission? 1. Droplet 2. Airborne 3. Contact (pg. 56)
A contaminated food utensil, doorknob, IV pole, etc., is referred to as a _____. Fomite (transmission via indirect contact) (pg. 56)
An insect or animal carrier of infectious organisms is known as a _____. Vector (pg. 56)
A transmission that includes anything that transmits infectious microorganisms is known as a _______. Vehicle (transmission via contaminated blood, water, food, and drugs) (pg. 56)
Known as infections that are acquired by patients while they are in the hospital. Nosocomial infections (pg.58)
Known as infections resulting from physician intervention. Iatrogenic infections (pg. 58)
Parenteral administration consists of which 6 routes? 1. Topical 2. Subcutaneous 3. Intradermal 4. Intramuscular 5. Intravenous 6. Intrathecal (pg. 68)
Larger gauge needle = ______ bore diameter smaller (pg. 68)
Which vein is the most commonly used during venipuncture for contrast? Antecubital (pg. 69)
Which vein can be used instead of the antecubital vein? Basilic vein (dorsal surface of the hand) (pg. 69)
What is the sequence for contrast examinations? IVU, contrast enema (BE), UGI, SBS (pg. 71)
Reactions to contrast media usually occur within ____ to ____ minutes following the injection and can affect all body systems. 2 to 10 (pg. 74)
Created by: MariahKesterson
Popular Radiology sets




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