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HRM Chapter 5


Batch approach Recruiting activities that bring new employees into the organization in groups.
Broad skill scope A recruiting strategy that seeks to attract a large number of applicants.
Contingent workers People working without either an implicit or an explicit contract and who are not required to work a minimum number of hours.
Cost measures Methods of assessing recruiting effectiveness that focus on expenses incurred.
Cost per applicant The measure of recruiting effectiveness that assesses how much it costs to entice each person to submit an application for employment.
Cost per hire The measure of recruiting effectiveness that determines the expense incurred to find each person who is eventually hired.
Electronic advertising Using electronic forms of communication such as the Internet and email to recruit new employees.
Employee recruiting The process of getting people to apply for work with a specific organization.
External sourcing A recruiting strategy that fills job openings by hiring people who are not already employed by the organization.
Flow approach Recruiting activities that are ongoing and designed to constantly find new employees.
Human resource planning The process of forecasting the number and type of employees that will be needed in the future.
Idealistic messaging The recruiting practice of communicating only positive information to potential employees.
Independent contractors Individuals who actually work for themselves but have an ongoing relationship with an organization.
Internal sourcing A recruiting strategy that fills job openings by transferring people who are already working in the organization.
Job posting Using company communication channels to communicate job vacancies.
Private employment agency A business that exists for the purpose of helping organizations find workers.
Public employment agency Government-sponsored agency that helps people find jobs.
Quality measures Methods of assessing recruiting effectiveness that focus on the extent to which sources provide applicants who are actually qualified for jobs.
Quantity measures Methods of assessing recruiting effectiveness that focus on the number of applicants and hires found by each source.
Realistic job previews Information given to potential employees that provides a complete picture of the job and organization.
Realistic messaging The recruiting practice of communicating both good and bad features of jobs to potential employees.
Talent wars Negative competition in which companies attempt to hire one another's employees.
Targeted skill scope A recruiting strategy that seeks to attract a small number of applicants who have specific characteristics.
Temporary workers Individuals who are employed by an outside staffing agency and assigned to work in an organization for a short period of time.
Time measures Methods of assessing recruiting effectiveness that focus on the length of time it takes to fill positions.
Created by: LJones8376
Popular Management sets




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