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Social Influence

Social Influence Paper 1 resvision

Who proposed the 3 types of conformity? Kelman 1958
What are the 3 types of conformity? Compliance, internalisation and identification
What is compliance? Compliance is when individuals go along with a group in order to gain their approval or avoid their disapproval and it does result in any change with the individuals internal views, just the views they express in public.
What is internalisation? internalisation is when an individual examiners their own beliefs in a validation process when exposed to the views of other members of a group. They adopt the viewpoints and attitudes of a group and makes them their own.
What is identification? Identification is when an individual adopts a groups attitdues and bahviours to feel more part of a group.
What is normative social influence?
What is informational social influence?
What is a problem with distinguishing between compliance and internalisation?
Whats a bit of research supporting the role of normative social influence?
Who conducted the line disucal discrimination task in 1956? Asch
Outline the procedure in Asch's 1956 line visual discrimination study.
What were the findings of Asch's 1956 line visual discrimination study?
What variables effect conformity?
What criticisms are there about the validity of Asch's 1956 line visual discrimination study?
Who conducted and took the role as prison superintendent in the SPE in 1973? Zimbardo
Outline the procedure in the 1973 SPE.
Outline the findings of the 1973 SPE.
Who conducted the BBC prison study in 2006? Haslam and Reicher
What happened differently in the 2006 BBC prison study than in the 1973 SPE? P's did not conform to their social roles in the 2006 BBC prison study. Prisoners collectively challenged the authority of the guards and the guards failed to identity with their role which made them reluctant to impose their authority on the prisoners
Created by: hhines12
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