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Psycho Final Terms1

Preconventional (Kohlberg's morality development) Kohlberg's morality development - avoid punishment or do for reward.
Conventional (Kohlberg's morality development) Kohlberg's morality development - do because of others do/law
Post conventional (Kohlberg's morality development) Kohlberg's morality development - do because of wanting others to be happy
Identity Foreclosure (Marcia's Stage Of Identity) Marcia's Stage Of Identity - career but not exploring
Identity Diffusion (Marcia's Stage Of Identity) Marcia's Stage Of Identity - not exploring no career
Identity Moratorium (Marcia's Stage Of Identity) Marcia's Stage Of Identity - exploring but no career
Identity Achievement (Marcia's Stage Of Identity) Marcia's Stage Of Identity - exploring with career
Crystallized Intelligence Intelligence seen most in older adults
Fluid Intelligence Intelligence which decrease slowly through age, ability to reason speedily and abstactly
Recognition Memory Memory which need clue to help
Recall Memory Memory which doesn't need clue to help
Deteriorating Neurons The effects of Alzheimer's disease are most relate to
Intimacy Ability to form close, loving and open relationships with other people. Young adults look for this.
Independence Primary attachment moves from parents to peer.
Trust vs Mistrust (Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development) Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development : Infancy can trust their needs will be met?
Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development) Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development : Toddler is being support or shamed?
Initiative vs Guilt (Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development) Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development : Preschool feel they have freedom to do things?
Competence vs Inferiority (Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development) Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development : Elementary feel good about what they are accomplishing?
Identity vs Role Confusion (Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development) Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development : Adolescence thinks who or what they are?
Intimacy vs Isolation (Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development) Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development : Young Adulthood think if they can love or be loved?
Generaltivity vs Stagnation (Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development) Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development : Middle Adulthood think if they actually accomplishing?
Integrity vs Despair (Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development) Ericson's stages of Psychosocial development : Late Adulthood think if they satisfied?
Alzheimer's disease Irreversible brain disoder characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and finally, physical functioning.
Social Clock The culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement.
Ageism A stereotyping by age
Senile Demension Another mental disintegration disease carry thing that cause a loss of brain loss cells.
Bobo Doll Experiment The children watch adult do something to Bobo Doll and they followed.
Antisocial Unhelpful, Destruction, Bad Behavior role model
Prosocial Helpful, Construction, Good Behavior role model
Oral Stage (Psychosexual Stages) Psychosexual Stages - pleasure from using their mouth. shows a need for dependency/comfort
Anal Stage (Psychosexual Stages) Psychosexual Stages - bowel & bladder control. potty training. shows control
Phallic Stage (Psychosexual Stages) Psychosexual Stages - focus on the genitals. Oedipus/Electra Complex
Latency Stage (Psychosexual Stages) Psychosexual Stages - child focusing on the same sex parent to understand gender identity.
Genital Stage (Psychosexual Stages) Psychosexual Stages - experiencing sexual feeling toward others.
Repression (Defense Mechanism) Defense Mechanism - basis for all anxiety reducing methods -- banishes bad thoughts
Regression (Defense Mechanism) Defense Mechanism - moving back to a previous psychosexual stage
Denial (Defense Mechanism) Defense Mechanism - Refusal to admit something happened or is happening
Reaction Formation (Defense Mechanism) Defense Mechanism - Making unacceptable impulses look like opposites
Projection (Defense Mechanism) Defense Mechanism - Potting threatening impulses onto others
Rationalization (Defense Mechanism) Defense Mechanism - Self explaining things in a way that hides that behaviors actual reason
Displacement (Defense Mechanism) Defense Mechanism - diverting aggressive feeling to an acceptable subject/person.
Id Id/Ego/Superego - this pertain to pleasure principleand demands gretification
Ego Id/Ego/Superego - This is large part of conscious
Superego Id/Ego/Superego - this provide standards and judgement and focuses what someone *should* do
Free Association The method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind
Inferiority Complex The condition that comes from being unable to compensate for normal inferior feelings.
Collective unconscious The concept of a shared inherited reservoir of memory traces from our ancestors.
Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuronism, Openness. Extravertness 5 big trait
External Locus of Control Locus of Control which perception that chance or forces beyond your control determine fate
Internal Locus of Control Locus of Control which perception that you control your own fate
Stimulus Anything in the environment that one can respond to
Response Any behavior or action reacting to stimuli
Continuous Reinforcement A reward follows every correct respond in operant conditioning
Extinction The diminishing of a learned respond
Spontaneous Recovery Return of an extinguished classically conditioned response after a rest period
Generalization Occurs when an organism produces the same response to two different stimuli
Discrimination Occurs when an organism produces the different response to two different stimuli
Behaviorism View that psychology should restrict its efforts to studying observable behaviors, not mental processes
Partial Reinforcement Schedule A reward follows only some correct respond in operant conditioning
Operant Conditioning The type of learning in which the frequency of a behavior depends on the consequence that follows that behavior
Shaping Reinforcement of behaviors that are increasingly similar to the desired one; the operant technique used to established new behavior
Latent Learning Learning that occurs but is not apparent until the learner has an incentive to demonstrate it.
Cognitive Map Mental representation of a place
Over justification Effect Effect of promising a reward for doing what one already likes to do
Cognition This is the focus on mental process
Fixed-Ratio Partial reinforcement which rewards only some defined number of correct responds
Fixed-Interval Partial reinforcement which rewards only some defined amount of time
Variable-Ratio Partial reinforcement which rewards only some unpredictable number of correct responds
Variable-Interval Partial reinforcement which rewards only some unpredictable amount of time
Classical Conditioning Type of learning in which a stimulus gains the power to cause a respond
Unconditioned Stimuli (UCS) stimulus that triggers a respond automaticcallly
Unconditioned Response (UCR) automatic response to the UCS
Conditioned Stimuli (CS) before learning was a neutral stimulus, now it cause a respond
Conditioned Response (CR) response to a CS
Taste Aversion Avoiding certain taste theory invented by John Garcia
Primary Reinforcement something is naturally rewarding ex. food, water, shelter
Secondary Reinforcement something you have learned is rewarding because it had been pair with primary reinforcement ex. grade, money
Created by: BloodWriter
Popular Psychology sets




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