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Psych Research Pt 11

Manuscripts and Ethics

Title Page Includes: title - 15 words or less author's names authors' affiliations
Abstract pg. 2 short summary of article includes: problem under investigation, the subjects, research method, results, conclusions
Introduction pg. 3 includes: intro to problem review previous literature state purpose and rationale for current research
Method Section recipe for conducting the reported research usually divided into 3 subsections: participants apparatus procedure
Results reports data collected in research includes: graphs/tables showing data reports results of stats tests purpose to report data, not theoretical implications
Discussion relates data from research to theoretical question posed in intro includes: discussion of the theoretical implications of research shortcomings of research ideas for future research
In Press status of an article that has been accepted for publication, but which has not yet appeared in the journal
Galley Proofs a typeset copy of the article that is sent to the author for final approval
Nuremberg Code vs. APA Code differs in that the APA code allows certain forms of deceit or coercion to be applied to research subjects
Ethical Principles When Conducting Psychological Research 1) ideally, subjects should agree to participate in the research 2) ideally, subjects should not be coerced into participation 3) subjects data should be confidential 4) all reports of data must be accurate
Created by: 2144066352316258
Popular Psychology sets




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