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RADT 425

Ch 11 Cranium

On a PA cranium/ mandible projection, the distances from the lateral margin of orbits to the lateral cranial ___ from the crista galli to the lateral cranial cortices and from the mandibular rami to the lateral cervical vertebrae on both sides are equal. cortices
On a PA cranium/mandible projection, the anterior clinoids and dorsum sellae are seen superior to the ___ ____. ethmoid sinuses
On a PA cranium/ mandible projection, the petrous ridges are superimposed over the ___ ___ and the internal acoustic meatus are visualized horizontally through the center of the orbits. supraorbital margins
On a PA cranium/mandible projection, the crista galli and ___ ___ are aligned with the long axis of the exposure field and the supraorbital margins and the TMJs are demonstrated on the same horizontal plane. nasal septum
The midsagittal plane is positioned ___-to the IR for a PA cranial projection to prevent rotation. perpendicular
PA and AP skull projections demonstrate different magnified anatomic structures. Which of these projections demonstrates the greater orbital magnification? AP
PA and AP skull projections demonstrate different magnified anatomic structures. Which of these projections demonstrates the greater parietal bone magnification? PA
What cranial positioning line is used to obtain an accurate PA projection? OML
How is the OML positioned with respect to the IR for a PA cranial projection? perpendicular
What 2 anatomic structures are aligned with the long axis on the projection if the patient's midsagittal plane is accurately aligned with the collimated field on a PA or AP cranial projection? crista galli and nasal septum
On a PA or AP cranial projection with accurate positioning, the ___ ___ is centered within the collimated field. This centering is obtained when the CR is centered to the ___. dorsum sellae, glabella
What anatomic structures are included on a PA or AP mandibular projection with accurate centering? the entire mandible
On a AP axial cranium, facial bones and sinuses projection, the distances from the lateral orbital margins to the ___ __ ___ on both sides and from the crista galli to the lateral cranial cortices on both sides are equal. lateral cranial cortices
On a PA axial cranium, the petrous ridges are demonstrated horizontally through the lower 3rd of the ___, the petrous ridges are superimposed over the ____ ___ and the superior orbital fissures are seen within the orbits. orbits, infraorbital margins
On a Pa cranium, facial bones or sinuses projection, the ___ ___ and nasal septum are aligned with the long axis of the exposure field and the supraorbital margins are demonstrated on the same horizontal plane. crista galli
What plane is positioned perpendicular to the IR for a PA axial projection? midsagittal
What is the CR angulation for a PA axial projection of the cranium for a patient who can tuck the chin only enough to place the OML at a 10-degree cephalad angle with the IR? 5 degree caudal
What is the CR angulation for an AP axial projection of the cranium for a patient who can tuck the chin only enough to place the OML at a 5-degree caudal angle with the IR? 10-degrees cephalic
On a PA and AP axial projection with accurate positioning, the ____ ___ are centered within the exposure filed. This is accomplished by centering the CR to the ____. ethmoid sinuses, nasion
On an AP axial cranium/ mandible projection, the distances from the posterior clinoid process to the lateral borders of the ___ ___ on both sides and the mandibular necks to the lateral cervical vertebrae on both sides are equal. foramen magnum
On an AP axial cranium/mandible projection, the petrous ridges are symmetrical and the dorsum sellae is centered within the ___ ___. foramen magnum
On an AP axial cranium projection, the dorsum sellae and ___ ___ are seen within the foramen magnum without foreshortening or superimposition of the atlas' posterior arch. posterior clinoids
On an AP axial mandible projection, the dorsum sellae and posterior clinoids are at the level of the ____foramen magnum and the mandibular condyles and fossae are clearly demonstrated with minimal mastoid superimposition. superior
On an AP axial cranium/mandible projection, the ___ ___ and nasal septum are aligned with the long axis of the exposure field. sagittal suture
The ____plane is positioned ___to the IR to prevent rotation on an AP axial projection. midsagittal, perpendicular
When rotation is present on an AP axial projection, the side demonstrating less distance between the posterior clinoid process and the lateral border of the foramen magnum is the side ____which the patient's face is rotated. toward
When the correct CR angulation and head position are used on an AP axial projection, the ___ ___ and posterior clinoids are demonstrated within the ___ ___> dorsum sellae, foramen magnum
What cranial positioning line is aligned perpendicular to the IR for an AP axial projection of the cranium? OML
On a lateral cranium, facial bones and sinuses projection, when visualized, the sella turcica is seen __ ___, orbital roofs, mandibular rami, greater wings of the sphenoid, external acoustic canals, zygomatic bones and cranial cortices are ____. in profile, superimposed
On a lateral cranium projection, the posteroinferior occipital bones and ___ ___ of the atlas are free of superimposition. posterior arch
What sinuses are demonstrated on a lateral projection of the sinuses? sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal and maxillary
What plane is used to position the patient to prevent rotation and tilting on a lateral cranial projection? midsagittal
How is the MSP aligned with the IR for a lateral cranial projection? parallel
How does proper MSP alignment align the interpupillary line with the IR? perpendicular
On a lateral cranial projection with accurate positioning, the Cr is centered 2 inches ____ to the ____. superior, EAM
On a SMV projection, the mandibular mentum and nasal fossae are demonstrated just anterior to the ___ ___. ethmoid sinuses
On a SMV projection, the distances from the mandibular ramus and body to the ___ ___ ___ on both sides are equal. lateral cranial cortex
On a SMV projection, the vomer, bony nasal septum and ___are aligned with the long axis of the exposure field. dens
Accurate mandibular mentum and nasal fossae positioning on a SMV cranial projection is obtained when the ____ cranial positioning line is aligned ___ with the IR. IOML, parallel
What structures are obscured on a SMV cranial projection if the patient's neck is not adequately extended? nasal fossae, ethmoid sinuses, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum
On a SMV cranial projection with accurate positioning, the ___ is centered within the exposure field. dens
On a SMV sinus and mandible image with accurate positioning, the ___ ___ are centered within the exposure field. sphenoid sinuses
On a parietoacanthial/acanthioparietal facial bones & sinuses projection, the distances from the ___ ___ ___ to the lateral cranial cortices and the distance from the bony nasal septum to the lateral cranial cortex on both sides are equal. lateral orbital margins
On a parietoacanthial/acanthioparietal facial bones & sinuses projection, the petrous ridges are demonstrated ____ to the maxillary sinuses and extend ___from the posterior maxillary process. inferior, laterally
On a parietoacanthial/acanthioparietal facial bones & sinuses projection, the bony nasal septum is aligned with the long axis of the exposure field and the ___ ___ are demonstrated on the same horizontal plane. infraorbital margins
What sinuses are demonstrated on an open-mouth parietoacanthial projection that are not demonstrated on a closed-mouth parietoacanthial projection? sphenoid sinuses
When rotation is present on a parietoacanthial projection, the patient's face is rotated ___ the side of the cranium that demonstrates the greatest distance. away from
On a parietoacanthial projection with accurate positioning, the ___ ___ ___ is centered within the exposure field. This is accomplished by centering the CR to the ____. anterior nasal spine, acanthion
Created by: ashollings
Popular Radiology sets




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