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5th Grade
Additional Key Terms for 5th Grade
Term | Definition |
basin | an area surrounded by higher land |
butte | a flat-topped rock or hill formation with steep sides |
canal | a narrow waterway built for navigation or irrigation |
cape | a pointed piece of land that sticks out into a sea, ocean, lake, or river |
channel | a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water ( ex. the English Channel) |
channel | may also be part of a river or harbor that is deep enough to let ships sail through |
cove | a small, sheltered bay |
delta | a body of land at the mouth of a river, often shaped like a triangle |
dune | a constantly changing hill or ridge mad e of land and shaped by the wind |
estuary | where a river meets the sea or ocean |
geyser | a natural hot spring that occasionally sprays water and steam above the ground |
gulf | a large area of ocean or sea that is partly surrounded by land |
hill | a landform that is higher than the land around it, but not as high as a mountain |
lake | a body of water that is completely surrounded by land |
marsh | a type of freshwater, brackish water, or saltwater wteland found along rivers, ponds, lakes, and coasts that has plants growing out of the water |
oasis | a place in the desert that has water and fertile land |
peninsula | a body of land that is almost surrounded by water |
prairie | a wide, relatively flat area of land that has grasses and only a few trees |
strait | a narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water |
swamp | a type of freshwater wetland that has spongy, muddy land with a lot of water and many trees and shrubs |
tributary | a stream or river that flows into a larger river |
wetland | an area of land (swamp, marsh, bog, etc.) that is often we and has soil low in oxygen |