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vocab 1

plot the sequence of main events
climax turning point of the conflict
point of view type of narrator
setting when and where the story takes place
first person narrator is in the story "I" narrator
epiphany a sudden realization after which a character usually looks at the world differently
3rd person limited narrator is outside story and they follow thoughts and actions of one character
3rd person omniscient narrator is outside story but can tell thoughts and feelings of any character. Godlike all knowing
cautionary tale a story that teaches a lesson or provides a warning. "Red riding Hood"
foreshadowing clues about future plot events
allusions a reference to another story, another historical or cultural event (Scary Movie)
irony a twist, the unexpected
exposition usually found in the beginning of the story when the author explains the basic setting, characters, and situation- the introduction.
characterization when an author reveals characters' personalities and physical description
tone attitude/voice of the narrator. It is determined by word choice (diction)
trade the exchange of goods between people or societies
artisan a skilled worker who makes goods by hand
clergy a body of people who perform religious ceremonies
nuclear family parents and siblings
extended family parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins
dictator political ruler given absolute power to make laws and command the army
direct democracy government in which citizens rule directly rather than through representatives
hieroglyphics ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures are used to represent ideas and sounds
cuneiform system of writing with wedge shaped symbols invented by Sumerians
Divine Right belief that monarchs (kings/queens) are God's representatives on Earth
Mandate of Heaven Chinese belief that the divine (Gods) approval is the basis of authority
archipelago large group of islands
polygamy having more than one spouse
monogamy having one spouse
market economy where there are buyers and sellers
command economy where the government controls everything.
chloroplast organel found in plants where photosyntheseis occurs
mitochondria organel in cell that gives it energy
respiration oxygen combines with glucose to produce energy in cell
ribosomes organel in cell where protiens are synthesized
cell membrane semi permiable controlling what goes in and out of cell
carbohydrates simple sugar quick energy
proteins amino acids: control pigments, enzymes, antibodies, hormones, muscles and tissues
lipids fatty acids, stored energy, protect organs
nucleic acids DNA, RNA
nutrition taking in materials from the environment & turning them into usable form
transport materials moving
cellular respiration combining oxygen & nutrients to release energy
excretion removal of cells' waste
regulation maintaining a stable internal environment
growth increasing in size
reproduction making more of your type
synthesis building or making; simple to complex
nucleus brain, controls the cell
chromosomes hereditary information
endoplasmic reticulum transports material through cell
vacuoles storage (water, waste & food)
cell wall protects plant and gives shape
commutative property same forward and backward. Works only with addition and multiplication
associative property grouping and still getting same answer. Works only with addition and multiplication.
identity property of addtion a number can keeps its identity if you add zero
inverse property of addition a number added to its opposite is zero
area length x width
perimeter add all sides
proportion an equation that sets 2 ratios equal
volume length x width x height
ratio comparison of 2 numbers
percent of change %/100=part/whole
bubonic plague """black death"" Spread by fleas that lived on rats. This disease spread across Asia and Europe along trade routes"
commercial revolution the expansion of trade and business that transformed European economies during the 16th and 17th centuries.
guild a group of people who worked at the same occupation
capitalism an economic system based on private rather than government ownership
renaissance period of great creativity and change in Europe from 1300-1600; the word means 'rebirth'
humanism an intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts focusing on human potential and personal achievement
patron someone who financially supports the arts and artists; the church and the wealthy merchant class provided this service during the Renaissance.
hypotenuse the longest side of a right triangle
sine ratio of the length of the opposite side to the hypotenuse o/h
cosine ratio of the length of the hypontenuse with adjacent a/h
angle of elevation an angle from the horizontal up to a line of sight
factors 2,3,6, and 9 are some _________ of 18
filial piety duty and respect children owe their parents
mandate of heaven ruler chosen by heaven
confucianism respect your elders
daoism nature should be respected
legalism harsh style of rule
mitosis 1 cell making 2 twin cells
meiosis production of sperm and egg with 1/2 the number of chromosomes
cancer uncontrolled mitosis resulting in a tumor
binary fission a parent organism divides into 2 identical copies of self
sporulation creation of tiny cells (spores) that grow into an exact copy of parent when conditions are right
allusion "a reference to another story another historical or cultural event"
3rd person omniscent narrator outside of story but tell thoughts and feelings of any character
irony "a twist; the unexpected"
tone attitude/voice of the narrator it is determined by word choice
climax turning point of the conflict
gamete "egg or sperm; sex cell"
haploid 1/2 the number of chromosomes (23)
tetrad 4 chromosome across
homologous pair pair of chromosomes that are the same size with the same genes in the same places
cross over chromosomes share and switch dna
relation a set of ordered pairs
vertical line test method used to determine if a function is a relation or not. If a line passes through graph more than once it is not a function.
continuous data data where numbers between two data values have meaning.
discrete data data that involves a count of items; represented by points.
direct variation constant of variation: k
inverse variation an equation of the form xy=k
arithmetic sequence a set of numbers created by adding or subtracting.
common difference the fixed number added to each term of an arithmetic sequence.
pax romana a time of 200 years of peace and prosperity in Rome.
mentration shedding of the uterine linning
ovulation releasing of egg
differentiation during the gastrula stage is when the cells start to become different
zygote when sperm meets egg (the cell they create)
cleavage one cell dividing into many more identical cells
embryo first 12 weeks or so of development
blastula hollow ball of cells
gastrula layers of cells
fsh/estrogen cycle make egg/ thicken lining
lh/progesterone cycle release egg/ thicken lining
uterus holds embryo/fetus during development
amniotic fluid protective sac surrounding baby protecting the baby from infection and jostling.
umbilical cord highway that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the baby and takes waste away.
placenta place where oxygen, nutrients and wastes are exchanged from mom to baby or baby to mom.
Created by: imburgia
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