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What is a clause? A clause is a sentence that has both a subject and a predicate.
List the two types of clauses. Independent and dependent.
What is an independent clause? Has both a subject and predict and completes a thought.
What is a dependent clause? Has both a subject and a predicate but does not complete a thought.
What is a common subordinator. They are because, when, and while.
Example of an independent clause: Sue ate a piece of candy.
Example of a dependent clause: When Sue ate a piece of candy,
What is a phrase? A phrase is a group of words that never have a noun/verb together.
List two types of phrases: Prepositional Phrase and Participle Phrase are two types of phrases.
Give three examples of a prepositional phrase. Around the corner, behind the tree, and in the desk are prepositional phrases.
Define simple sentence. A simple sentence can have many subjects/predicates, but it only completes one thought.
Example of a simple sentence with a phrase. John went to the park.
Example of a simple sentence with compound predicates. John went for a very long walk in the crowded and loud park.
Define compound sentence. A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses and is joined by a FANBOYS.
List FANBOYS. For, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
Define complex sentence. A dependent clause that needs a independent clause.
What is another name for dependent clause. Subordinate clause.
Example of complex sentence-dependent clause first Because it makes me feel so good, I eat pizza.
Example of complex sentence-independent clause first I eat pizza because it makes me feel so good.
What is a fragment sentence? Part of a sentence written as though it is a complete sentence.
Example of a fragment sentence missing predicate. The students on Rolling Thunder
Example of fragment sentence missing subject Jumping off tables in the cafeteria.
What is a run-on sentence? Two or more sentences written as though it is one sentence.
Example of a run-on sentence. I love to ski, the runs at Bogus are amazing!
List three ways to fix a run-on sentence. Add a period, add a semi-colon, or create a compound sentence.
Write a sentence that separates two adjectives used together. It was a dark, stormy night.
Write three different compound sentences with different FANBOYS Joey played the guitar, and Susan sang along. He ate the pizza, yet craved for more. It was cold, so Susan laid in blankets.
Write a sentence that uses a noun of direct address. Mr. Rowe, I loved your grammar lecture.
Begin a sentence with an interjection Yes, I would like three hours of homework.
Begin a sentence with a prepositional phrase Around the big tree, an elf sat eating my picnic.
Begin a sentence with a participle phrase. Tiring from the long run, I was lapped by everyone.
Begin a sentence with a subordinate clause While I am in my English class, I feel like a king.
End a sentence with a subordinate clause. I feel like a king while I am in my English class.
Write a sentence that uses an apposite I was talking to Mr. Williams, the reading teacher, and then I threw up.
Write a sentence with extra information Mr. Rowe without a doubt is the most attractive man in Boise, Idaho.
Write a sentence with a city and state in the middle of the sentence The great thing about Boise, Idaho, is the wonderful people.
Created by: chrislikesfood
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