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Neuro 10.14.09

Older Population

amount of blood ejected from ventricles
Venous Return amount of blood returned to right atrium
Blood Volume blood in body (~8% wt), 30 cm/sec (20 minutes to circulate thru body)
Arrhythmia Irregular beat pattern, fluttering, throbbing, lightheaded, SOB, dizzy
Cardiac Ischemia Decrease blood supply, tightness/pain in chest, jaw, arm, back (left>right), nausea, heartburn (GERD)
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Clotting common in LE (redness, swelling, warmth)
how to test for DVT? Homan's sign, pressure on calf, w/ or w/o putting into dorsiflexion creates pain + for DVT
Embolis break & travel
If someone has signs of rapid breathing, SOB, chest pain - could be? pulmonary embolus
Congestive Heart failure decreased ventricular function = not meeting body's metabolic needs
patient has SOB, edema, dizzieness/lightheaded, distension, fatigue, anxiety, S3 sound in chest (ventricular gallop)....sign of? Congestive heart value (CHF)
Hypertension Elevated arterial BP, systole and diastole
normal BP for infant 90/60
normal BP for children 120/80
normal BP or adults 140/90
before therapy w/every patient you should? take vitals
COPD Emphysema, Bronchitis, Asthma
emphysema decreased elasticity & air exchange
bronchitis inflammation of mucous membranes
asthma inflammatory & spastic response of airways
patient is barrel chested, accessory breathing, SOB, pain, presents as? Emphysema
patient presents with cough, decreased PO2.....could have? bronchitis
patient presents with wheezing, coughing, SOB Asthma
be sure the patient has with them _____if they have asthma. inhaler if putting on any cardio equipment
patient assessment by auscultation listening - with a stethoscope, heart rhythm, wheezing, rales
Assess a patient w/percussion drainage tapping chest or lung area to help clear lungs
Assess a patient w/palpation check for tenderness, HR, RR
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) narrowing or blockage @ the periphery, inc w/activity causing inc in pain
assess a patient by observation cyanosis, edema, posture (thorax & abdomen), accessory breathing
what does ECG/BP test? stress while on a treadmill, UBE or IV
what does MET measure? energy cost of a physical activity
How does diaphragmatic breathing help? push out air from inside "big ring of muscle"
how can we help patient w/incontenance? strengthen pelvic floor, keegles
what breathing technique to help relax? PLB, pursed lip breathing
Swing phase of gait is? initial swing, midswing, terminal swing
stance phase of gait is? initial contact (heel strike), loading response, midstance, terminal stance, pre-swing
what ROM required for Ankle DF? 10 degrees
ROM PF for gait? 20 degrees
what knee ROM needed for proper gait? Flexion 60 degrees, extension 0 degrees
What hip ROM for proper gait? flexion 30 degrees, extension 10 degrees, trunk/pelvis rotation ~ 5 degrees
what is normal temp for older person? 96.5 - 97.5
Orthostatic hypertension can occur w/aging or neurologic pathology, venous pooling w/prolonged supine, return compromised w/position change
Valsalva forced exhalatoin against closed glottis (nose & mouth shut off), causes decrease in BP followed by an "overshoot" post release (spike in HR & BP) & then an autonomic response
person is agitated, mild memory loss, signs of? Alzheimer's
person having progressive memory loss, "tip of the tongue" moments more often, sign of? Dementia
patient presents w/sensory chgs, pain, weak, fatigue, spasticity, balance & coordination problems, speech problems, cognition, integumentary, emotional, bowel/bladder MS
patient presents w/sensory, motor, weaknessautonomic, cranial nerve issues, acute onset, plateau quickly to bed rest Guillain Barre
how to treat Guillain Barre? maintain ROM, careful of skin, don't fatigue, functional, endurance, balance, gait, strength
patient fasciculations, depressed reflexes, bulbar involvement, dysarthia, lability, dysphagia, spasticity, fatigue, cramps ALS
dysarthria difficulty articulating words
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
ROM needed for gait, DF, PF, Knee, Hip DF 10......PF 20.....Knee flex 60......Hip flex 30.......Hip ext 10
Created by: djbari
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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