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English 11/2

declarative sentence statement
interrogative sentence question
imperative sentance demand
exclamatory sentence has passion
dependant clause not a complete sentence
independent clause complete sentence
simple sentence 1 independent clause
compound sentance 2 independent clauses
compound-complex sentence 2 or more independent clauses with 1 or more dependant clauses
complex sentence 1 independent clause and 1 dependent clause
appearance physical description of a character
behaviors actions
speech what is said, and how its said
reactions how character(s) react to the character
inner thoughts what he/she thinks
setting time and place of the action of the story
backdrop setting doesn't matter to the story
integral setting is important to the story
time day, year, season
place where specifically does the story take place
mood atmosphere; how it fells for the characters
Character person or animal that takes part in the story line
flat few details; more of a stereotype
round well developed, many sides;true to life; personality
static character stays the same; no growth
dynamic character grows & changes, learns from experiences/conflict
protagonist person who solves the problem (most of the time a main character)
antagonist creates the problem; works against the main character/protagonist
Point of View (POV) how the story is told
1st person a character within the plot is telling the story
3rd person limited narrator tells story and shares the thoughts/ emotions of only one character.
3rd person omniscient narrator tells story and all emotions/thoughts of main characters
Plot the story itself; the chain of events
linear chapter books, continuous plot
episodic each chapter is a different story
open-ended you decide ending, cliffhanger
conflict a struggle between opposing forces
internal/ man vs. self inside characters mind
external outside characters- man vs man, man vs society, man vs nature, man vs supernatural
Plot line a line with 6 points that show different parts of the story
inciting moment the moment when the action starts
exposition the beginning(setting, characters)
rising action actions leading to the climax
climax the most emotional or dramatic moment in the story
falling action(s) conflict is working out
resolution conflict is concluded - loose ends are tied up
foreshadowing clues about what will happen later on in the story
flashback looking back on past events
hyperbole exaggeration
suspense creates anxiety and uncertainty about the plot
irony twist of fate in the end; unexpected outcome
imagery use of any or all senses
metaphor comparing two objects without as or like
simile comparing two objects with like or as
personification giving human characteristics to non-human characters
symbolism use of object to represent something bigger
alliteration repetition of the same or similar consonant sounds in a line
oxymoron a contradiction in terms(jumbo shrimp)
theme author's message about life and people
man vs man when the main conflict is characters vs each other
man vs self when the main conflict is a character vs them self
man vs society when the main conflict is a character vs a society
man vs nature when the main conflict is a character vs nature
Created by: Liam101
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