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Ch. 19

Nonaseptic Techniques

Barium bulky, fine white powder, without order or taste and free from grittiness; used as a contrast medium radiography of the digestive tract
Colonoscopy endoscopic examination of the large bowel and the distal part of the small bowel with a camera or a fiberoptic camera on a flexible tube passed through the anus. Biopsies can be performed during the procedure; identifies polyps or masses
Colostomy surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the surface of the body; also used to refer to the opening, or stoma, that is created
Defecation evacuation of fecal material from the intestines
Emesis Basin kidney shaped vessel for the collection of vomit
Enema liquid injected or to be injected into the rectum
Enterostomal Therapist healthcare professional (usually a nurse) with special training and certification in the care of ostomies and related concerns
Flatus gas or air evacuated through the anus
Fowler's Position position in which the patient's head is raised 18 to 20 inches above the flat position; the knees are also raised
Hydration termed used to indicate that a liquid substance contains water
Loopogram the radiographic evaluation of the small and large bowel that has been connected to the skin surface as a substitute for the urinary bladder with an ostomy
Low-Residue Diet diet that gives the least possible fecal residue, such as gelatin, sucrose, dextrose, broth, and rice
Lumen (plural: Lumina) cavity or channel within a tube or tubular organ
Nasogastric Tube (NG Tube) tubes of soft rubber or plastic inserted through a nostril and into the stomach; for instilling liquid foods or other substances or for withdrawing gastric contents
Ostomate one who has undergone an enterostomy or ureterostomy
Perineum region between the thighs, bound in the male by the scrotum and anus and in the female by the vulva and anus
Purgation catharsis; relief of fecal matter affected by a cathartic
Sigmoidoscopy procedure used to see inside the sigmoid colon and rectum with a flexible tube that has a camera on the end (sigmoidoscope) and is placed through the anus
Sims' Position position in which the patient lies on the left side with the right knee and thigh flexed and the left arm parallel along the back
Stoma opening established in the abdominal wall by colostomy, ileostomy, and so forth
Urinal vessel or other receptacle for urine (male and female types)
Virtual Colonoscopy it is performed on a CT scanner that takes up to 600, 2D and 3D images of the colon in approximately 30 seconds
Viscosity physical property of liquids that determines the internal resistance to shear forces
Created by: laurendiane10
Popular Radiology sets




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