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AP Eng 3 Terms #1

AP Terminology

allusion a direct or indirect reference to something which is presumably commonly known, such as an event, myth, book, place, historical figure, or work of art
anaphora rhetorical device, the repetition of introductory words or phrases for effect
apology a written or spoken defense
attitude (tone) the author's or speaker's feelings toward the subject
audience the intended receiver(s) for a speaker's or writer's message
diction a speaker's or writer's choice of words: can be formal, informal, colloquial, poetic, plain, abstract, concrete, etc.; has strong effect on writer's tone
parallelism/parallel structure the repetition of words or phrases that have similar grammatical structures ex. "government of the people, by the people, for the people." (Abraham Lincoln)
persuasive devices devices used in the writing mode of persuasion; strong connotations, repetition, order of intensity from lesser to greater, 3 appeals-the logic of the argument (logos), emotional appeals (pathos), character and ethics of the speaker or writer (ethos)
repetition repeated word, sound, phrase, idea; a common persuasive device used for emphasis, pay attention because the author is trying to tell you something
rhetoric the art of using words effectively in speaking or writing; the use of devices to persuade
rhetorical features/devices/strategies all of the elements of style and persuasion used to effectively use words; ex's., diction, detail, figurative language, imagery, appeals to logic, emotion, of ethics, etc.
rhetorical shift changing from one tone , attitude, or distance to another; words which may signal a shift are "but, however, even though, yet, although, etc."
simile figure of speech, a comparison between two unlike things using a word such as "like" or "as" in the comparison
stylistic devices elements a writer may employ to persuade, narrate or explain effectively; tone, syntax, figures of speech, repetition, diction, connotative language, etc.
theme the central idea of a story or essay
thesis an attitude or position taken by a speaker or writer, a statement to be proved or to be maintained again objections. Ex. Dostoevsky's thesis was that Nietzsche (who said that God is dead) and Hegel were totally wrong
tone manner of speaking or writing, an author's attitude toward his/her material, the audience, or both
metaphor a comparison between two unlike things; you are stating one thing is the same of the other.
Created by: nwalker
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