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Mgt350 Definitions

Week 1

Enculturation many of the values and preferences you have now, including religious ideas, sexual mores, and work ethic, were instilled in you since birth by your culture
Ego defenses are psychological coping strategies that distort reality in order to protect ourselves from anxiety, guilt, and other bad feelings. Some of the more basic ones that impact on our thinking are denial, projection, and rationalization.
Projection is the defense mechanism by which we see in others a part of ourselves that we cannot accept and do not recognize. We may believe others are hostile toward us when it is we who are hostile toward them.
Self-Serving Biases biases in our thinking and perception that protect or elevate our self-esteem.
Stereotypes a simplistic, biased view about members of a certain group
Emotions what separates humans from machines and the lower animals-give our world color and richness, joy and surprise, but also pain and sorrow. Emotions can affect and inspire thought
Passion the intense love of some person, thing, situation, or value to a level that inhibits objective reasoning about its object
Depression The kinds of irrational thinking that often accompany depression include a tendency to see or exaggerate the negative side of a situation and to diminish the positive
Personalization egocentric thinking
Polarized thinking (“black and white thinking” or “dichotomous thinking") categorizing complexities into one extreme or the other (“either/or fallacy”)
Overgeneralization drawing broad conclusions on the basis of a single incident
Catastrophizing the worst possible outcome of an event
Selective abstraction focusing on one detail of a situation and ignoring the larger picture
Cognitive consistency harmony among our various thoughts, and to a harmony between our thoughts and behaviors.
Stress can lead to preoccupation with an idea, concentration difficulties, deterioration in judgment and logical thinking, and negative self-evaluations.
Weak -Sense Critical thinkers Lack of fair mindedness, Fails to consider, in good faith, view points that contradict its own viewpoint.
Created by: ladylamberth1
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