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Vocab List

Accuracy Indicates all values are in line with calibrate values
Adventitious Abnormal breath sounds
Ambient Surrounding (ambient air = room air)
Ambulatory Able to walk
Anterior Before and in front of
Apneusis Sustained inspiratory effort; caused by damaged to pons
Arrest Stopped
Artifact Anything artificially produced
Asphyxiation Condition caused by insufficient oxygen
Asymmetrical Lack of symmetry; uneven
Asynchrony Not occurring in time with each other; uncoordinated
Ataxia Loss of muscular function or muscular control
Auscultation Listening to sounds within the body
Autoclave Device that sterilizes by steam pressure for specified amount of time
Bilateral On both sides
Biot’s Several short breaths followed by long, irregular periods of apnea; seen with increased ICPs
Cachectic ill health; malnourished; wasting appearance
Cheyne-Stokes Regular periods of apnea followed by gradually increasing respiratory rate and depth
Clark Oxygen measuring electrode
Clubbing Enlarged toe and finger tips due to chronic hypoxemia
Contraindication Reason not to do a procedure or therapy
Contusion Bruise
Crepitus Crackling or rattling noise made by the body; usually refers to subcutaneous emphysema
Cyanosi Blue, gray, or dark purple discoloration of skin and mucus membranes caused by low oxygen
Diaphoresis Sweaty
Diffuse Spreading; scattered; all over
Diluent Agent that dilutes; normal saline and sterile water are common diluents
Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing
Dysphasia Impairment of speech
Egophony Abnormal change in tone; “bleating of a goat”; heard with pleural effusion or pneumonia
Erratic Wandering; fluctuating pattern; unpredictable
Erythema Reddening of the skin due to irritation, inflammation, or injury
Exsanguination Massive bleeding
Exudate Any body fluid with high protein, cells, or solids; seen with infection (empyema)
Fremitus Vibratory tremors either felt or heard through the chest wall
Hazard Things that could go wrong with a procedure or therapy or medication
Hemoptysis Coughing up blood
Hemorrhage Blood loss
Herniation Body tissue that moves through an opening or defect
Hyperlucency Able to be penetrated by radial energy; more black on x-ray
Hyperresonant Drum-like; tympanic; hollow; indicates areas filled with air
Indication Reason to do a therapy or procedure
Infarct Area of body that becomes necrotic due to lack of oxygen
Inferior Lower; beneath
Jaundice Yellow color of skin or mucus membranes caused by too much bilirubin
Kussmaul’s Very rapid, deep breathing; seen with diabetic ketoacidosis
Laceration Cut; tear in the flesh
Lateral The side
Lethargic Sleepy, drowsy, somnolent, mentally sluggish , slow to respond
Linearity Similar to; indicates values are within a small range of each other
Marked Obvious; easy to see
Medial Middle
Modalities Method of doing a therapy or procedure
Necrosis Death of cells, tissues, organs
Obtunded Diminished arousal and awareness
Opacity Opaque; on x-ray, more light (white)
Orthopnea Difficulty breathing while lying down
Palpation Examination by touching or feeling
Paradoxical Opposite; illogical
Paralytic Agent that paralyzes muscles (but person still wide awake and able to feel pain)
Parameters Values
Paresthesia Numbness; prickly or tingling feeling
Pasteurization Process of heating fluid for specific amount of time to kill bacteria
Percussion Striking the body surface to hear air or fluid
Pectoriloquy Transmission of vocal sounds through the chest; “whispered” = pleural effusion
Posterior Back; rear; behind
Precise Indicates readings coincide with each other, but may not with calibration
Prone Face down; lying on the belly
Purulent Containing pus
Radiodense X-rays cannot permeate tissue; same as radiopaque; more white on film
Reproducibility Readings do not vary by more than +/- 5%
Reticulonodular Honeycombing on x-ray; indicates fibrosis or ARDS
Sanz pH measuring electrode
Sedative Soothing or tranquilizer get agent
Severinghaus Carbon dioxide measuring electrode
Stuporous Unawareness; altered mental status where patient is only aroused by vigorous stimulation
Subcutaneous Beneath the skin
Superior Higher than; above; on top of
Supine Lying on the back, face up
Syncope Fainting
Tactile Perceived through touch
Transcutaneous Across the skin
Transillumination Inspection of organs by passing light through its walls
Translucent Permitting passage of light
Transudate Thin, watery fluid that passes through capillary walls; seen with CHF
Tremors Involuntary quivering of a body part
Tympanic Drum-like; hollow; hyperresonant; indicates air
Unilateral On one side
Created by: Edi8612
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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