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CAPT questions based on DD

It can be difficult for the adults with developmental disabilities to learn to pay their own bills. What is the reason for this? The arithmetic achievement levels of these consumers may be deficit.
The client with bilateral hand weakness needs assistance to eat. Which of the following would be the best action to be taken by the Psychiatric Technician? Provide the client with a two-handled cup.
In an effort to have the client attend to personal hygiene needs, the Psychiatric Technician should do which of the following? Help the client establish a morning hygiene routine.
A 68 year-old female with mild mental retardation and severely arthritic hands is losing the ability to hold a fork and knife. Which of the following actions taken by the Psychiatric Technician will best meet the needs of this client? Obtain adaptive eating utensils for the client to use.
The Psychiatric Technician is going to teach the client an aspect of activity of daily living (ADL). That would include which of the following? Choosing clothes for the type of weather of the day.
The client with a developmental disabiltiy is confined to bed but is alert and active. Which of the following would best help this client maintain the integrity of his muscles and joints? The client moves head, arms, and legs through tolerated degrees of movement.
The family of a 2 year-old is helping her meet her developmental tasks. Which of the following should the parents do to facilitate this? Allow the child to bring a favorite doll to the day care center.
The 19 year-old male client with a developmental disability is receiving instructions for self-care now that he is found to be HIV positive. Which of the following instructions should be included? Wear gloves when changing cat litter or birdcages.
The Psychiatric Technician is going to teach the client an aspect of instrumental activity of daily living (IADL). That would include which of the following? Doing laundry.
The Psychiatric Technician has been following a client with a developmental disability who has recently received an ostomy. The client is alert, oriented and otherwise active. Which of the following should the client be able to do prior to being discharge Apply a new pouch to the ostomy.
The visually impaired individual is learning to shop at the store. Which of the following is the best way to manage paying for the items? Fold money of different denominations in different ways.
Which of the following will best allow the visually impaired individual to meet his needs for nutrition. Arrange food in the refrigerator in specific locations.
The Psychiatric Technician is helping a developmentally disabled client set up residence in the community. The client is profoundly deaf. What would benefit the client most ? A flashing light instead of a doorbell.
The client who prepares his own foods at home is experiencing a dry mouth as a result of medication he is taking. Which of the following should the Psychiatric Technician suggest to promote the client’s ability to meet his nutritional and comfort needs? Try very sweet or tart foods.
Which of the following activities would be considered instrumental activity of daily living training for a developmentally disabled consumer? Learning to use the bus.
The Psychiatric Technician is working with the family of a 4 year-old boy. To help this child meet his developmental tasks, which of the following activities should the family do? Encourage child to safely explore the backyard.
For the client with weakness of both hands which of the following is the best intervention? Serve finger foods as much as possible.
The Psychiatric Technician needs to assist the client to transfer from a wheelchair to the bed. According to proper body mechanics which of the following should the Psychiatric Technician do? Position himself close to the client when lifting.
The Psychiatric Technician is assessing the swallowing reflex of a client with a developmental disability. How is the first step in the assessment accomplished? Ask the client to swallow his saliva while the Psychiatric Technician palpates his larynx.
An 82 year-old client does not recognize her shoes as being “shoes”. This client is said to have which of the following? Agnosia
The Psychiatric Technician notices that one of the clients has stopped painting the clay vase he was working on and has a sad expression on his face. Which of the following responses by the Psychiatric Technician would be best? “I see you’ve stopped painting.”
The Psychiatric Technician, working with a homeless client, wants to help the client improve his self-confidence. Which of the following activities will best help this client to accomplish this? Help him participate in achieving a goal such as healing his wound.
The Psychiatric Technician is working with a client who experiences a tonic-clonic seizure. What is the first action to be taken by the Psychiatric Technician? Protect the client from injuring himself.
The client reports he has had absence seizures in the past. Which of the following is the Psychiatric Technician most likely to observe in this client? Fixed gaze and flicking of eyelids. (Other indications are: Sudden stop in motion without falling. Lip smacking. Eyelid flutters. Chewing motions. Finger rubbing. Small movements of both hands.)
The client states he is being treated for absence seizures. Which of the following medications would the Psychiatric Technician expect to be ordered as a first line drug for this client? Tridione (trimethadione) Oxazolidinedione anticonvulsant. Tx of epileptic conditions that are resistant to other treatments. Should not be used during pregnancy, Fetus loss rates have been reported as high as 87% . Birth defects are known to occur
When the Psychiatric Technician is unsure of the client’s wishes concerning treatment, the Psychiatric Technician should do which of the following? Ask the client what his wishes are.
The client is to receive treatment of tonic-clonic seizures. Which of the following is the drug of choice for this client? Dilantin (phenytoin)
When appropriate, home care of the client needing mental health services is preferable for which of the following reasons? The client can be assessed in his "normal" environment.
The client is being treated in a facility that uses the medical model. Which of the following would the Psychiatric Technician expect to see? The focus is on the person's disability.
The Psychiatric Technician working with the client in the home setting does which of the following? Teach the family to effectively communicate with the client by acting as a role model.
The Psychiatric Technician is helping a developmentally disabled 11 year-old client improve his fine motor skills. Which of the following activities should the Psychiatric Technician encourage the client to do? Cut and paste pictures from a magazine.
The developmentally disabled child is participating in exercises that enhance his gross motor skills. Which of the following activities is this child participating in? Climbing up the playground equipment.
The Psychiatric Technician is planning an exercise to help the developmentally disabled child gain a sense of body awareness. Which of these exercises would be the best to practice? Have the child crawl under a table, while the Psychiatric Technician states, “Under the table.”
An infant is diagnosed with “Cri du Chat”. Which of the following does the Psychiatric Technician know is the most likely cause? Chromosomal abnormality with retardation. High-pitched cry like that of a cat, intellectual disability and delayed development, microcephaly, low birth weight, hypotonia in infancy, widely set eyes (hypertelorism), low-set ears, sm. jaw, round face.
Which of the following is the most common etiology causing mental retardation? Down's syndrome
Which of the following would be the most important aspect of sexuality to help a developmentally disabled client to understand? How to protect against unwanted sexual advances.
A primary goal of mainstreaming a developmentally disabled client is which of the following? It reduces social isolation of the client.
The Psychiatric Technician is planning “therapeutic recreation” in an integrated setting for teenage clients with developmental disabilities. Which of the following would be most therapeutic? Bowling at the local bowling alley during “open bowl” session.
A new class for developmentally disabled 8 year-olds has begun; the students have been instructed not to speak when the teacher is speaking. Immediately afterward, 2 of the students are conversing in a loud manner. The best approach to be taken would be? Remind the students there is a rule not to talk when the teacher is speaking.
The Psychiatric Technician wants to set up a procedure for developmentally disabled students to follow if there is an interruption in the classroom, such as when a visitor enters the room. Which of the following is the most acceptable procedure? Have students continue working on the current assignment.
The Psychiatric Technician is giving instructions for an activity to a group of 10 year-old developmentally disabled students. Two students are talking at this time. Which of the following actions by the Psychiatric Technician would be most appropriate? Continue giving instruction but stand next to the 2 students.
The Psychiatric Technician is planning rewards for good behavior for a group of 12 year-old developmentally disabled clients. What is the best way for the Psychiatric Technician to choose the reward? Let the clients make some suggestions.
The Psychiatric Technician working with 17 year-old developmentally disabled clients. He is offering them social reinforcement as a reward for their good behavior during math instruction. Which of the following would be offered? State, “Good job this morning.” Keyword: "Social"
The Psychiatric Technician is developing some activity rewards for a group of developmentally disabled children. Which of the following should be included? An afternoon period of free play. Keyword: "Activity"
Tangible reinforcers for good behavior are being planned for a group of students in the cerebral palsy center. Which of the following would be included? A colorful sports bottle. Keyword: "Tangible"
The Psychiatric Technician is displaying the use of a negative reinforcer when working with a class of ADD students. Which of the following situations illustrates this?*** The Psychiatric Technician changes his frown to a smile when the student resumes working.
The Psychiatric Technician is establishing the use of a token economy in the group of ADD children. Which of the following will make this system more successful in getting the desired behaviors? Pair the delivery of the token with a social reinforcer.
The Psychiatric Technician is using modeling to improve the behavior of a client in a group. Which of the following would the Psychiatric Technician do? Give verbal praise to another student who is demonstrating the desired behavior in the presence of the target student.
The Psychiatric Technician is giving instructions to a group of 10 rear-old developmentally disabled students. Which of the following are most likely to produce the desired effect? “Work quietly in groups of three,”
The Psychiatric Technician has decided to use the technique of “shaping” to enable the developmentally disabled student to complete his homework assignments. Which of the following should the Psychiatric Technician do? Provide verbal praise to the student when he completes more of his assignment today than he did yesterday.
Peers most often reject special students mainstreamed for which of the following reasons? They lack social skills needed to interact.
The Psychiatric Technician has been asked to prepare a general class of 3rd graders to receive a new student with Down’s syndrome who is to be mainstreamed into the class. Which of the following actions would be best to take before the new student arrives Explain the new students disability and problems to the teacher and class.
The Psychiatric Technician wants to reduce the social isolation of a developmentally disabled student who is mainstreamed in a 6th grade class. Which of the following will best accomplish this? Students work in groups of 4 on a single worksheet.
Which of the following would be part of a transition service for a high school student with mild cerebral palsy? Teaching him how to repair small electrical appliances.
The client is receiving tube feedings as his sole source of nutrition. Which of the following does the Psychiatric Technician know is a possible side effect of this? Diarrhea
The Psychiatric Technician is providing support for a client with inflammatory bowel disease. Which of the following would be a good snack for this client to have to meet his caloric needs?*** Plain broiled chicken
According to the American Diabetes Association, dietary intake by diabetic clients require which of the following is strictly adhered to? Carbohydrate counting
The Psychiatric Technician is working with a developmentally disabled client and is to provide transitional services. Which of the following is the best example of transitional services?** Teaching her how to file documents alphabetically.
Which of the following statements is true about Phenylketonuria? All newborns are screened for PKU.
The Male infant diagnosed with PKU is placed on a low-phenylalanine diet until what age?** 10 years
It is recommended that the female client with PKU remain in the low phenylalanine diet for how long? Throughout her life.
Which of the following is the most appropriate action to be taken by the Psychiatric Technician immediately after administering a NG tube feeding? Flush the tube with 30 ml tap water.
Which of the following toys should the Psychiatric Technician choose for a 5 year-old child who does not have a developmental disability? Puzzles and blocks.
The 8 year-old client is using denial as a coping mechanism. The Psychiatric Technician knows that the use of denial in children is which of the following? Common.
The Psychiatric Technician shows the 10 year-old client how to handle confrontation on the schoolyard. This technique is known as which of the following? Modeling.
The Psychiatric Technician is working with an autistic 6 year-old client. Which of the following actions will help this client develop more effective communication? Talk with the client often about the daily schedule of events.
The Psychiatric Technician is working with an 8 year-old autistic client and wants the client to eventually initiate their interactions. Which of the following actions will best help the Psychiatric Technician to achieve his goal? Schedule an uninterrupted visit at the same time each day.
The 3 year-old client is rocking in place and is fascinated by the ceiling fan. He seems disconnected from his parents. This child most likely has which of the following disorders? Autism
The autistic child has been found to have which of the following? Left cerebral hemisphere impairment.
Many autistic children excel in which of the following areas? Mathematical skills.
Which of the following behaviors are most likely to be seen in the autistic child? Attempting to touch rotating fan blades.
The Psychiatric Technician is helping the autistic child to deal with incidents that provoke anxiety. Which of the following actions should the Psychiatric Technician consistently take to achieve this goal? Stay with the client when the routine is changed.
Which of the following questions would the Psychiatric Technician use to test the abstract thinking of the client? How are a train and a boat alike?
What is being tested when the Psychiatric Technician asks a child with cerebral palsy, “What would you do if you spilled water on the floor?” Judgment
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching an adolescent who is developmentally disabled how to decide which clothes to wear each day. Which of the following should the client be specially taught to do? Carry an umbrella if there is a chance of rain.
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching an adolescent who is developmentally disabled how to decide which clothes to wear each day. Which of the following should the client be specifically taught to do? Do not wear sandals if the temperature is below 65 degrees.
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching the developmentally disabled child to dress herself. Which of the following will help this child learn this skill? Modify the clothes to include Velcro closures.
The parents report that their infant has been diagnosed with “Cri du chat” and need information about the disorder. Which of the following statements is correct about this disorder? It is a chromosomal abnormality.
Which of the following is true about Down’s syndrome? It is the most common cause of mental retardation.
The Psychiatric Technician is to assist the developmentally disabled adult understand sexuality. Which of the following would be the most important concept for the client to understand? They don’t have to accept unwanted sexual advances.
The Psychiatric Technician is planning therapeutic recreation in an integrated setting for a group of developmentally disabled teenagers. Which of the following would be a good choice of activities for this group? Attending a movie at the local public theater.
The Psychiatric Technician is giving instructions to a 12 year-old developmentally disabled client. Which of the following instructions will be most likely to produce the desired effect? “Color the flower blue.”
The mother has been taught to use the technique of “shaping” to help her son develop better study habits. Which of the following would this mother do? Praise her son for spending 30 minutes studying today when he spent 20 minutes studying yesterday.
An ambulatory 14 y/o with tuberous sclerosis has frequent seizures and communication problems. Leisure training should include Teaching bowling skills to allow her to attend a community teen bowling night with a preferred staff.
An appropriate training goal for a 19 y/o woman diagnosed with PKU would be Will identify foods low in phenylalanine, and eat these foods exclusively.
Interventions for a child with congenital rubella usually would include communication skills training
Which of the following target statements is most appropriate for a person with congenital rubella? will indicate clothing of choice by pointing
When promoting prevention of lead poisoning, you would tell parents that adverse effects can result from eating only a few chips of lead containing paint over a prolonged period of time.
Interventions for a person who has just experienced an atonic seizure include Assessing for injury, returning to activity if uninjured.
The setting that most supports person-centered planning for a woman who wants her own room, local shopping, and access to quiet outdoors would be a 3 bed home with private rooms, assistance to use public transportation to a mall, a large yard on a quiet street.
A client always slaps his face approx 1 hour after dental appointments. The best intervention would be Ask the physician for a prn for pain and administer immediately upon return from the dentist.
Which of the following approaches best supports reduction of SIB? A client receives praise for working on a wood sanding project and redirection for face slapping.
When developing objectives for stereotypic behavior it is important to know that These behaviors interfere with acquiring social and communication skills and should be a priority for change.
When developing a behavior plan to reduce SIB, it is important to know that Identifying and changing medical and environmental antecedents is often highly effective.
Interventions for rumination should be Focused on providing appropriate sensory experiences such as bulkier meals and oral stimulation.
Effective interventions for Pica focus on prevention
Interventions for rumination should include upright position for 10 minutes after meals to prevent aspiration.
Least restrictive mealtime interventions for rumination would include Increased amount of chewier food
Treatment for pica determined to be maintained by escape would include Providing an environment with decreased demands; teaching appropriate ways to avoid unwanted experiences.
Which of the following situations represents time-out for a person with typical autistic symptoms? Removal from a quiet area of the classroom to a seat next to the teacher.
Job success among mentally retarded adults is best supported by Providing training on the use of an alarm clock and rewarding attendance.
In which of the following instances is natural reinforcement being used? A client washes her hands before lunch.
The first step in teaching a client who is unable to follow directions, has hemiplegic cerebral palsy, and is blind, to put on his shirt, would be Will look toward staff when name is called.
Which of the following objectives best supports a client who has mastered his job skills and now wants to obtain a job in the community? Will set own alarm clock before bed; will identify correct ways to gain attention
Which of the following leisure activities will provide the most benefit to an adult with hemiplegic cerebral palsy? Hiking over easy terrain using poles in each hand.
Which of the following activities is most appropriate to develop receipt and propulsion in an adult with severe mental retardation? Participating in adaptive bowling.
An appropriate beginning objective for an adult who does not make eye contact or follow directions, would be Will make eye contact with teacher for 3 seconds.
The first step in teaching an adult client with profound mental retardation to make a cheese sandwich would be to Place slice of bread on top of lettuce. (backward chaining)
What is being tested when the Psychiatric Technician asks a child with cerebral palsy, “What would you do if you spilled water on the floor?” Judgment
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching an adolescent who is developmentally disabled how to decide which clothes to wear each day. Which of the following should the client be specically taught to do? Carry an umbrella if there is a chance of rain.
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching an adolescent who is developmentally disabled how to decide which clothes to wear each day. Which of the following should the client be specifically taught to do? Do not wear sandals if the temperature is below 65 degrees.
The Psychiatric Technician is teaching the developmentally disabled child to dress herself. Which of the following will help this child learn this skill? Modify the clothes to include Velcro closures.
The parents report that their infant has been diagnosed with “Cri du chat” and need information about the disorder. Which of the following statements is correct about this disorder? It is a chromosomal abnormality.
Which of the following is true about Down’s syndrome? It is the most common cause of mental retardation.
The Psychiatric Technician is to assist the developmentally disabled adult understand sexuality. Which of the following would be the most important concept for the client to understand? They don’t have to accept unwanted sexual advances.
The Psychiatric Technician is planning therapeutic recreation in an integrated setting for a group of developmentally disabled teenagers. Which of the following would be a good choice of activities for this group? Attending a movie at the local public theater.
The Psychiatric Technician is giving instructions to a 12 year-old developmentally disabled client. Which of the following instructions will be most likely to produce the desired effect? "Color the flower blue."
The mother has been taught to use the technique of “shaping” to help her son develop better study habits. Which of the following would this mother do? Praise her son for spending 30 minutes studying today when he spent 20 minutes studying yesterday.
The Psychiatric Technician has been asked to offer suggestions to a teacher on how to reduce the social isolation of a developmentally disabled student. Which of the following suggestions would be best? Students work in groups of 3 on a single report.
The 8 year-old client with Fragile X is to mainstreamed in a 3rd grade public school class. The reason for this is which of the following? It will reduce the social isolation of the client.
The Psychiatric Technician is testing the abstract thinking of an adolescent who has Down’s syndrome. Which of the following questions should be asked? How are a cookie and a cupcake alike?
A 17 year-old boy brings home the family car fully gassed, washed and waxed. The father rewards him with a trip to the movies. This is an example of which of the following? Positive conditioning
To decrease dependency on a primary reinforcer, the Psychiatric Technician's most effective initial intervention would be. To pair a secondary reinforcer with the effective primary reinforcer.
A client has achieved the target goal of his training. The Psychiatric Technician should now reinforce the target behavior.... Intermittently, to develop a tolerance for periods of non-reinforcement and strengthen the behavior.
A consumer is making progress towards her target behavior of placing spoons in a bag for workshop. However, several times during her work session she will push the work away and scream. The best intervention is to... Reinforce the target behavior and ignore the maladaptive behavior.
Communication with a client being taken to time out... Should be limited to a brief restatement of the offense.
A plan to include time out as part of a training plan for a client with severe retardation should include.. A time out of 1-5 minutes.
You are observing a consumer who has been placed in timeout. As the time out ends, the consumer begins to behave disruptively. Your best intervention is to... Wait until the first quiet moment, then remove the consumer from time out.
Which of the following statements would show the Psychiatric Technician's understanding of normalization? “I can understand you are frustrated with not being able to start the computer.”
Which of the following adult living arrangements would be most normal? A group home where clients carried their own keys.
Which type of transportation would promote inclusion for a person with moderate retardation with a history of seizures? Bus service
Which statement reflects the Psychiatric Technician’s awareness of normalization principles? “She comprehends a few signs, so sign as she attempts the task.”
Your client has paralysis of both legs and uses a wheelchair. Which recommendation would demonstrate understanding of normalization? “Let’s set up an account at the gym so you can strengthen your arms.”
The only time to stop rewarding a behavior is when….. You want the client to stop the behavior.
The Psychiatric Technician observes a client masturbating in the living room. The best response is: "Please go to your room."
The Psychiatric Technician has observed that during his training sessions, he accidentally reinforced the behavior of hand raising, along with teaching the target behavior. The hand raising behavior is an example of: Superstitious Behavior **
The Psychiatric Technician held up a can of soda when the client stopped working and said, “When you pick up another scrap of litter and put it in the bag, I’ll give you a sip of this soda.” The statement about the soda in this situation is a(n): Prompt **
The Psychiatric Technician is aware that damage to this area of the brain is related to ataxic cerebral palsy. the cerebral motor strip **
The Psychiatric Technician is helping a person with a hearing loss. Which approach should the Psychiatric Technician take when communicating with this person? Speak to the person face-to-face.
The Psychiatric Technician demonstrates to a client how to put on a pair of socks by putting the sock on herself while the client follows the example. This is called… Modeling.
The Psychiatric Technician reinforces a client exactly every ten minutes when the client is cleaning his room. This type of intermittent reinforcement is referred to as: Fixed-interval.
The Psychiatric Technician saying, “Good eating.” as a person completes a meal is a(n): Secondary reward. **
The Psychiatric Technician would encourage screening for the gene responsible for Tay Sachs in populations with ancestry of: Eastern European Jewish
The spinal deformity in which there is an enlarged sac on the back containing the meninges, fluid, and spinal cord is called: myelomeningocele **
The syndrom which is caused by an autosomal recessive gene and is characterized by a large prominent forehead, hypertelorism, thickened eyelids, broad nose, protuberant abdomen, hirsutism, deafness, and small peg-shaped teeth is Hurler's
The term “target behavior” refers to: The behavior that will be measured.
The term for rewarding a “close enough” response is…. Successive approximation.
The weekly paycheck this person receives for doing work is an example of a(n): Fixed interval reward.
There are islands of gray matter located deep inside the cerebrum. Damage to this area may result in athetoid cerebral palsy. These cells are called: Basal ganglions
This disorder is due to arrested brain growth. The sized of the head is small compared to the body sized, The forehead is short and low, the scalp is sometimes very loose and appears to be too large for the skull. this is a description of: Microcephaly
Identify the syndrome characterized by: adenoma sebaceum "butterfly rash”, progressive deterioration of the body organs takes place due to nodule formation and blockage of vital functions and possible death is caused by cardiac or kidney failure. Tuberous sclerosis
To decrease an inappropriate behavior using a positive approach the best method for the Psychiatric Technician to use would be: Give attention only when they behave
To facilitate chewing while feeding a client it is appropriate to: Assist and manually rotate lower jaw.
Two types of behavior which are considered targets for change are those which… Present a physical danger or which prevent meaningful activity.
What frequent orthopedic problem accompanies neurofibromatosis? Scoliosis.
What input must be considered when creating a IPP for a client? The person’s wishes, including his/her non-negotiable items.
What is the appropriate action to take as you reach a curb and need to lower the client from the curb when transporting a client in the wheelchair? Turn around and back the wheelchair down rear wheels first then return the front to the ground and finally turn around to the original direction and proceed.
What is the first step would you take if client you are feeding begins coughing, choking and turns cyanotic. Stop feeding the client.
Which of the following activities would typically be provided for a 1 year old with mild mental retardation? Sensory motor activities
The consumer has successfully completed objectives to fill out a shopping list for groceries. The next step is training to learn how to select and purchase groceries. The training should take place … Hint: Inclusion is an important normalization goal. At a supermarket in the community. ??
The client has a gastrostomy tube in place. Which of the following interventions by the Psychiatric Technician would be most appropriate for this client? Assist the client to rinse his mouth q shift and prn.
The 14 year-old client with Prader-Willi Syndrome had been placed under the care of the Psychiatric Technician. Which of the following dietary considerations are essential for this client? Caloric intake should be restricted to about 1300 calories per day.
The Psychiatric Technician has been asked to help students at the cerebral palsy school to understand how to use the food pyramid. According to the food pyramid, how many servings of fruit a day should be eaten? 2-4
A client falls with a dish that breaks and lacerates his hand. There is a considerable amount of bleeding from the wound. Which of the following would be the most appropriate action for the Psychiatric Technician to take first? Put on gloves and apply pressure directly over the wound.
The Psychiatric Technician is the first to respond to the collapse of the roof in the cafeteria of the Developmental Center. Which of the following is the first action that should be taken by the Psychiatric Technician when surveying the scene? Determine if the room is safe to enter.
Which of the following statements would show the Psychiatric Technician's understanding of normalization? " I can understand if you're frustrated with not being able to start the computer."
Which of the following adult living arrangements would be most normal? A group home where clients carry their own keys.
Which type of transportation would promote inclusion for a person with moderate retardation with a history of seizures? Bus service.
Which statement reflects the Psychiatric Technicians awareness of normalization principles? She comprehends a few signs, so sign as she attempts to complete the task.
Which of the following interventions is the least restrictive? Changing the environment.
A client continually puts her hand in her mouth. Assessment show this behavior is maintained by sensory needs. The best behavioral intervention would be: Providing tactile stimulation by giving desirable objects to touch.
A client hurriedly cleans the table after breakfast, without the usual prompting, so she can attend her favorite event. This illustrates the principle that... Behavior is governed by a desire to terminate unpleasant states and to seek pleasurable ones.
A client throws her workshop materials on the floor when the instructor is helping others, motivated by the need for attention. The best intervention and rationale would be? Praise the client prior to and after assisting others. Attention from others is an important part of self esteem.
Ritalin treatment for hyperactivity is best complemented by a setting that includes... Rules and consequences are clearly communicated, the environment is quiet and predictable, there is a schedule covering all awake time.
A client has been independently purchasing items that he chooses from a “store” at his residence. The next training step is to make a purchase at a neighborhood store. The best implementation is to Plan to accompany the client, assist to find his favorite items, and prompt if necessary when he pays for the item.
Interventions to ensure a positive independent living experience for a disabled adult would include... Assist the client to prepare a book that includes pictures, phone numbers, and addresses of friends. Assist the client to sign up for bowling classes in her community.
A job training program is set up to provide frequent opportunities for positive reinforcement and small training steps to reduce errors. This method is supported by the principle that Students who experience failure frequently tend to resist instruction, but can improve if they experience frequent success.
An adult client is learning to use resources in his neighborhood. He uses a power wheelchair, a communication board, and has good safety skills. A reasonable long term goal and rationale would be... Will independently use public disabled access bus to attend craft classes at community center. His abilities match the skills required.
Data collection on the job skills of a 53 y/o man with Down syndrome has shown a decline in his abilities in the past year. The best response to this information is... Discuss with the interdisciplinary team and the physician of the possibility of Alzheimer's Disease and the need for thyroid testing.
The highest level of independence that can be expected for people with Down Syndrome Complete independence in transportation and living areas. Some support needed to maintain employment and during times of crises.
Important factors to consider when planning interventions and living environment for a person with Prader Willi Syndrome would include They have a lack of control of appetite and an incurable failure to experience satiation requiring a restrictive environment.
Diet planning for a person with Prader-Willi Syndrome would include 1200-1500 calories per day because weight gain can occur at normal rates of calorie intake.
A client has achieved the target goal of his training. The Psychiatric Technician should now reinforce the target behavior.... Intermittently, to develop a tolerance for periods of non-reinforcement and strengthen the behavior.
When planning daily activities for clients with severe mental retardation, the best principle for the Psychiatric Technician to follow is: Utilizing the client’s personal behaviors and characteristics, integrate him/her into routine community activities, emphasizing work opportunities. **
After assessing an adult client as lacking fine motor skill, the Psychiatric Technician develops a training program…. to teach him to fasten his Velcro-fastener shoes to allow for a functionally relevant adult experience. **
When it becomes necessary to limit a client’s expression of a right… the least possible restrictions necessary to keep the person safe and promote personal freedom are applied.
A child with diagnosis of Lesch-Nayan Syndrom was mainstreamed into a 3rd grade classroom. The child’ behavior is disruptive and the teacher wants the child removed from the class. The Psychiatric Technician should... develop a plan to deal with the child’s disruptive behavior.
Which of the following leisure choices would be most appropriate for a 22 year-old client with a diagnosis of PKU that has a mental age of 10 months and minimal motor control? A radio with an adaptive switch **
What would be the best educational goal for a 16 year old with moderate mental retardation attending a public high school and has a diagnosis of Fragile X? “Will learn computer keyboarding”
The American Association of Mental Retardation believes the outcome of habilitation plans ultimately should Maximize abilities
refers to a process aimed at helping disabled people attain, keep or improve skills and functioning for daily living; its services include physical, occupational, and speech-language therapy, various treatments related to pain management Habilitation
The Psychiatric Technician is assisting a 16 year old consumer with a program to crush aluminum cans with a can crusher. Which of the following is most likely to assure success? Making sure that cans are always available for crushing. ***
The Interdisciplinary Team is seeking assessment information on a 7 months old child. Which area would yield the most information about the child? Developmental maturity
Which of the following would normalize the treatment plan? The client is made responsible for as much of the plan as possible.
Which of the following activities would typically be provided for a 1 year old with mild mental retardation? Sensory-motor activities
The consumer has successfully completed objectives to fill out a shopping list for groceries. The next step is training to learn how to select and purchase groceries. The training should take place … At a supermarket in the community.
Which chart entry would demonstrate the Psychiatric Technician's understanding of bladder training? "Client given opportunity to void every 90 minutes to 11/2 hours."
Which description would be most accurate if a measured I.Q. was 82? This person is behaving in a manner that would be characteristic of someone younger than this person's calendar age.
Which entry indicates the staff members understanding of baseline data gathered during a 15 minute observation period? The target behavior was “ the client is to fold 40 towels independently during an hour training period.” “Client folded 4 towels in fifteen minutes.”
Which of the following actions by the Psychiatric Technician would demonstrate an active effort at primary prevention of birth defects? Talking to a group of teenagers describing the potential risks of drinking alcohol when pregnancy.
Which of the following behaviors would be the easiest to change through the technique of extinction? Grabbing staff's arm for attention.
Which of the following entries the chart indicate that the staff member understands “permanent products methods” of data recording. “Client folded 21 towels by the end of the one hour training period”.
Which of the following factors frequently makes life meaningless for the elderly person? Feelings of loneliness.
Which of the following is an example of a gestural prompt? Pointing to the dirty dishes in the sink to cue the client to wash them.
Which of the following is an example of the Premack Principle? Kevin would rather play his compact discs than set the table for dinner. The rule is he can't listen to his compact discs until after he sets the table for dinner.
Which of the following is important during toilet training? Reinforcement for being clean and dry for segments of time throughout the day.
Which of the following is not a general characteristics of autistic children? Strong maternal attachment.
Which of the following recreational activities would promote socialization? Playing volleyball.
Which of the following types of patients would have good oral control when feeding? *** The patient with sucking ability. ???
Which of the following will be used to determine progress in a behavioral plan? *** Baseline
Which of the following would be the best approach in teaching the retarded child the effect of sexuality and socialization? Teach the children that they are allowed to have sexual feelings but the behaviors they use to express the feelings are subject to social sanctions.
Which of the following would provide the best tactile stimulation? Potting plants.
Which phrase defines “desensitization”? gradual counterconditioning replacing anxiety with relaxation.
Which procedure below was used when a client purposely threw milk on the floor at lunch and was required to clean the immediate spill and then clean the whole lunch area floor? Overcorrection
Which schedule of reinforcement is appropriate when teaching a new task? Continuous
Which shift would maximize the success of collecting a positive specimen from the client's anal area with sticky tape to determine if a client with pica had pinworms? I said NOC it said I'm wrong????... P.M???
Which statement is correct when feeding a prone patient? Feed patient from below and keep head slightly flexed.
Which technique should be used when positioning a person with extensor thrust into a wheelchair? *** Flex the client's neck, arms, hips, and knees; avoid startling the person.
What is the best way to support the shopping skills of an adult who can ambulate, follow instructions, has poor verbal skills, has poor impulse control and no money management skills? Walk very close by with him and ask him which item he likes.
Your primary concern while providing care for a child who has autism would be… Communication Issues
When teaching a consumer to button his shirt, the Psychiatric Technician would reinforce correct responses on a: Continuous schedule.
A job training program is set up to provide frequent opportunities for positive reinforcement and small training steps to reduce errors. This method is supported by the principle that Students who experience failure frequently tend to resist instruction, but can improve if they experience frequent success.
Data collection on the job skills of a 53 y/o man with Down syndrome has shown a decline in his abilities in the past year. The best response to this information is Discuss with the interdisciplinary team and the physician the possibility of Alzheimer’s Disease and the need for thyroid testing.
An ambulatory 14 y/o with tuberous sclerosis has frequent seizures and communication problems. Leisure training should include Teaching bowling skills to allow her to attend a community teen bowling night with a preferred staff.
An appropriate training goal for a 19 y/o woman diagnosed with PKU would be Will identify foods low in phenylalanine, and eat these foods exclusively.
Interventions for a child with congenital rubella usually would include Communication skills training
Which of the following target statements is most appropriate for a person with congenital rubella? Will indicate clothing of choice by pointing.
When promoting prevention of lead poisoning, you would tell parents that adverse effects can result from Eating only a few chips of lead containing paint over a prolonged period of time.
Interventions for a person who has just experienced an atonic seizure include Assessing for injury, returning to activity if uninjured.
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