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Common Coordination Impairments

Asthenia Generalized muscle weakness
Asynergia Loss of ability to associate muscles together for complex movements
Delayed Reaction time Increased time required to initiate voluntary movement
Dysarthria Disorder of the motor component of speech articulation
Dysdiadochokinesia Impaired ability to perform rapid alternating movement
Dysmetria Inability to judge the distance or range of a movement
Dyssynergia Movement performed in a sequence of component parts rather than as a single smooth activity
Gait Disorders Ataxic pattern; broad base of support; postural instability; high guard position of UE's
Hypotonia Decrease in muscle tone
Hypermetria Overestimation of distance or range needed to accomplish a movement
Hypometria Underestimation of distance or range needed to accomplish a movement
Nystagmus Rhythmic, quick, oscillatory, back-and-forth movement of the eyes
Rebound Phenomenon Inability to halt forceful movements after resistive stimulus is removed
Tremor Involuntary oscillatory movement resulting from alternate contractions of opposing muscle groups
Intention tremor Oscillatory movement during voluntary motion; increases as limb nears target; diminished or absent at rest
Postural tremor Exaggerated oscillatory movement of the body in standing posture or of a limb held against gravity
Titubation Rhythmic oscillation s to the head, axial involvement of the trunk
Akinesia Inability to initiate movement
Athetosis Slow, involuntary, writhing, twisting, "worm like" movements
Bradykinesia Decreased amplitude and velocity of movement
Chorea involuntary, rapid, irregular, jerky movements involving multiple joints
Choreoathetosis Movement disorder with features of both chorea and athetosis
Dystonia Sustained involuntary contractions of the agonist and antagonist muscles
Hemiballismus Large-amplitude, sudden, violent, flailing motions of the arm and leg of one side of the body
Hyperkinesis Abnormally increased muscle activity or movement
Hypokinesis Decreased motor response especially to a specific stimulus
Rigidity Increased muscle tone causing greater resistance to passive movement
Lead-Pipe Rigidity Uniform constant resistance as limb is moved
Cogwheel Rigidity Series of brief relaxations or catches as limb is moved
Resting Tremor Involuntary, rhythmic oscillatory movement observed at rest
Created by: Dr.Grandolph
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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