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EDUC 203 Ch 2

EdPsych 203 S17 ch2

Accomodation The process of creating NEW SCHEMAS to organize information that cannot be assimilated into existing schemas
Assimilation Revision of EXISTING SCHEMAS to include new information.
Cognitive development Changes in mental skills that occur through increasing maturity and experience.
Concrete Operational A stage in Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development which occurs from about 7 - 12 and is characterized by representational thinking and an ability to perform conservation tasks.
Conservation tasks Tasks which display a child's ability to recognize that even when physical appearances change, the quantity itself remains the same.
Direct instruction Learning situation in which a teacher, parent or coach imparts knowledge to a child by teaching him/her.
Egocentric The tendency to be centered on one's self, without understanding of how other people think or feel.
Formal Operational A stage in Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development which occurs from about age 12 + and is characterized by the ability to form abstract mental representations.
Mediated learning experiences Learning situation in which a teacher, parent or coach indirectly helps a child learn by explaining events, clarifying information, or suggesting strategies, rather than directly teaching the subject.
Preoperational A stage in Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development which occurs from about 2 -7 and is characterized by developing mental representations, unreliable conservation, and growing vocabulary.
Scaffolding Competent assistance or support in which cognitive, socioemotional, and behavioral developments can occur.
Schema Cognitive frameworks that provide a way to understand and organize new knowledge.
Sensorimotor A stage in Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development which occurs from about birth -2 and is characterized by a developing sense of object permanence and representational thinking.
ZPD (Zone of proximal development) The range between a child's level of independent performance and the level of performance a child can reach with expert guidance.
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