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KHS Final

KHS 131

4 main kinds of tissues epithelial, nervous, connective and muscular
What is done in yin yoga to understand the difference between muscle and connective tissues? how the tissues relate to our flexibility/range of motion
What limits flexibility? tension or compression
What is tension limit of flwxibility along tissues(which resist further movement.
What is compression where two parts of the body come into contact and prevent further movement
How is tension felt? the direction away from the movement
How is compression felt? in the direction of the movement
How do you increase ROM if tension is limiting? asana practice, breathing and even diet
How do you increase ROM id compression is limiting? no way,
Where does flexibility come from? (w/ percentages) connetective tissues(57%), muscles and fascia(41%), skin (2%)
What are the 4 types of connective tissue? bone, blood, cartilage, and all others/everything else
What are the all other types of CT? fascia, tendons, ligaments, and joints
What is fascia? a CT that surrounds every lymph and blood vessel, organ,nerve, muscle, and bone in the body
Is fascia a continous sheath? yes, it extends head to toes and front to back
Where does the word fascia mean? in latin, band or bandage
Why is fascia decrined as the bandage that holds us together? it gives us our shape and structure
What would happen without fascia? bones collapse, we would be human soup
What percentage of muscle is fascia? 30%
What are tendons? tough cords that join muscle to bones. they do not change shape when the muscle does
What is the percent elasticity of tendons and ligaments? 4%
What is the function of ligaments? they bind bones together, supporting a joint
What are the shapes of ligaments? chords, sheets or bands
What happens when ligaments stretch more than 4%? they will be damaged and tear or remain strecthed
What is CT primarily made of? collagen-most abundant protein in the body
What do healthy CT collagen fibers look like? line up straight
What do un healthy or damaged CT collagen fibers look like? tangles or bent
What is a joint? site where two bones meet(and where movement is possible)
What is found inside a joint? synovial fluid, cartilage or both
What are the 4 reasons to add Tin yoga to strengthen/maintain healthy joints? prevent contracture and degeneration, provide hydration, and reduce fixation
How does yin yoga prevent contracture? we are trying to prevent shortening and tightening of CT, preventing loss of mobility
How does yin yoga prevent degeneration and provide hydration? stresses CT, to prevent loss of bone mass and degeneration of tissues as well as provide hydration
How does yin yoga reduce fixation? (most important) mobility
Three causes of popes, cracks of body? friction, nitrogen bubble/gas, and fixation
What is friction? two surfaces rubbing against eachother, can be repeated again and again without snapping
What are nitrogen bubbles? form in synovial joints, popping sound when realeased. once popped have to wait for more to build up
What is fixation? the temporary sticking together of two surfaces.
What are the three conditions for fixation to occur? 1. two surfaces must be smooth. 2.there must be liquid between the surfaces. 3. teh surfaces must be under some pressure that pushes them together
What does breaking fixation prevent? fusion of a joint
How does Yin yoga provide physical benefits? working on the CT, detoxifying and strengthening the tissues, providing hydration.
What other way does yin yoga bring us benefits? energetically
What is the energy body focused on in yin? meridians
What are meridians? what do they form? energy channels, networks
What happens if the meridian network becomes blocked? body won't function properly. chi may not flow as required, organs may not perform regular functions, imbalances arise
What make up the 12 major meridians? 10 major organs, pericardium, and san jiao
What are the 12 major meridians? liver, gall bladder, kidney, urinary bladder, spleen, stomach, heart, small intestine, large intestine, lung, pericardium, and san jaio
What are the most affected meridians by yin asanas and are the most important? the lower body-begin or end in lower body
Where does the urinary bladder merdian flow? inner eye to small toe
Where does the liver meridian flow? big toe to the eyes through the center of the eyes
Where does the gall bladder meridian flow? corner of the eye to the fourth toe
Where does the kidney meridian flow? outside of little toe to the end of the tongue
Where does the stomach meridian flow? side of the nose to the second toe
Where does the spleen meridian flow? big toe to the root of the tongue
What are the 6 meridians that begin or end in the fingers? upper body meridians-heart, small intestine, large intestine, lung, pericardium, and san jaio
What number of the 22 yin poses stimulate upper body meridians? 7
What 4 yin poses seek to target upper body meridians? 4
What are the first two koshas of yin? physical and energetic bodies
What are the three sheath(koshas) that are left in yin? the lower mind, upper mind, and the bliss body.
What is the lower mind called, and what is it the home of? manas. home of our preceptions
What is the higher mind called, and what is it the home of? vijnana. home of discrimination.
What is the the bliss body called, and what is it? ananda. the Ultimate self-source of underlying joy
What is shoulder stretch meridians and joints affected? heart and lung, shoulders/chest
What is melting heart, meridians and joints affected? urianry bladder,heart and lung. upper and lower back, shoulder
What is toe stretch meridians and joints affected? all lower body meridians, ankle-spleen, liver, stomach and gall bladder. toes and ankles
What is ankle stretch meridians and joints affected? stomach, spleen, liver, gall bladder. ankle
What is butterfly meridians and joints affected? gall bladder, urinary bladder, kidney, liver. hips and lower spine
What is camel meridians and joints affected? urinary bladder, kidney, spleen, stomach, heart and lung. joints-spine, shoulder and ankles
What is caterpillar meridians and joints affected? urinary. joint-spine
What is child's pose meridians and joints affected? spleen, stomach, kidneys, and urinary bladder. joimts-spine and ankles
What is dragons meridians and joints affected? stomach, spleen, liver, gall bladder, and kidneys
What is dragonfly meridians and joints affected? urinary bladder, liver, kidneys, spleen. joints-hips, lower back, and knees
What is dragonfly (left/right) meridians and joints affected? urinary baldder, liver, kidney, spleen, gall bladder. joints-hips, back, knees and shoulder
What is frog meridians and joints affected? spleen, kidney, liver, heart , lungs, small and large intestine. joints-hips, lower back, shoulders
What is happy baby meridians and joints affected? urinary bladder, spleen, liver, and kidney. joitns-hips and sacrum/lumbar
What is reclining twist meridians and joints affected? urinary bladder, gall bladder, heart, lung, small intestine. joints-shoulder, lower spine
What is saddle meridians and joints affected? stomach, spleen, urinary bladder, kidney. joints-lower spine, knees and ankles
What is dangling meridians and joints affected? urinary bladder, joints-spine
What is box pose meridians and joints affected? liver, kidney, gall bladder. joints-hips, knees
What is shoelace meridians and joints affected? liver, kidney, gall bladder. joints-hips, ankles,shoudlers, knees.
What is sphinx/seal meridians and joints affected? urinary bladder, kidney, stomach and spleen. joints-lower spine and neck
What is bananasana meridians and joints affected? gall bladder, heart, lung. joints-spine, rib cage
What is swan meridians and joints affected? liver, kidney, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, and urinary bladder. joints-hips and lower back
What is squat meridians and joints affected? liver, kidney, urinary bladder, stomach, spleen, gall bladder, urianry bladder. joints-hips, knees and ankles
What is deer meridians and joints affected? gall bladder, liver, kidney, stomach and spleen. joints-hips, spine
What is Tai Chi? a Chinese martial art practiced for defense training and health benefits
What does Tai Chi translate to? Tai- supreme. Chi-ultimate. Ch'uan-fist.--supreme ultimate fist
What is tai chi a form of? What does it promote? meditation in motion. promotes serenity and inner peace
What is tai chi rooted on? yin and yang
What is yin and yang? two opposing yet complementary aspects of everything in the universe.
How far is TCC traced back? 3000 years
Where invented TCC? Taoist monastery in Wundang Mountains, Hubei province
What is the meaning if the TTC symbol? relates the flow of opposite, interdependant, relatively changing, and intertransformational energy that makes up everything in the universe-including our bodies.
What are the 4 main aspects of the yin/yang relationship? opposites, interdependent, relatively changing, and intertransformational.
1. opposites opposite ends of a cycle,continuum of energy, or element
2. interdependent cannot exist without each other, they rely on eachotehr for existence
3. relatively changing continously changing
4. inter-transformational one can change into the other, only when the time and circumstance are right
According to TCC how does energy flwo through the body? meridians
What are meridian predominately? yin or yang
What are the yin meridians? liver,lung,spleen,heart,kidney, pericardium,
What are the yang meridians? large intestine, stomach, small intestine, urinary bladder, triple warmer, gall bladder
How do yang meridians run in the body? back body
How do yin meridians run in the body? front body
How are yin anf yang meridians represented? vessels that each converge to form one large yin or yang vessel
What kind of vessels are the yin and yang vessels? conception and governing vessels
What are conception and governing vessels each composed of? ascending and descending energetic flow
What way does the governing vessel move energy? up the back(YANG) and wane down the front
What way does the conception vessel move energy? up the front(YIN) and wane down the back
What is the CV route? from the perineum up to the bottom lip (ends at the gum between two front bottom teeth)
What is the GV route? from coccyx up the spine , over the head to the top lip(ends at the gums between the two front top teeth
Why tongue to the roof of the mouth? connects th GV and CV to form microcosmic orbit
What does circular breathing do? What does it do when circle is complete? enables circular breathing, yin and yang are in balance
Who is the believed creator of TCC? Zhang Sanfeng(13th century)
What inspired Sanfeng to create ___ number of TCC movements? 72. Wundang Mountains. bird attacking snake
What are the modern TCC styles/schools? Chen, Yang, Wu(Hao), Wu, and Sun
Where and when did modern TCC evolve? Chen village, Henan province, China (early 1600s)
What is the most popular style/school of TCC? yang
Where do all schools trace back to? Chen style
Whe, where and who created the Chen sytle/school? Chenjiagou Village, Henan provinve, China. 400 years ago by General Chen Wang Ting (9th generation)
What did General Chen Wang Ting do? Decorated military career, retired and began formulating the modern martial art
Who was Yang Lu-Chan, why was he important? servant who was taught the art of TCC, and became first person outside the Chen family to know TCC.
What is the Yang style? practise is more accessible. less military, drop elbow, higher stance focus on internalizing the energy work
Who was the unbeatable Yang? the servant that went around showing his skill to anyone who wanted to fight. Yang Lu-Ch'uan
Who is Yang Chenfu? dates? one of the first teachers to offer TCC instruction to public. (1883-1936)
What year did TCC become public? 1926
Who was Cheng Man-ching? Yang Chenfu's faithful student who expounded TCC to Western world
How did Cheng Man-ching change TTC for Westerners? shortened and simplified traditional Yang forms to make more accessbile. US by 1960/70
Who is David-Dorian Ross? Cheng Man-chings's Western student in the 1970. one of teh most distinguished marial artists. created Taijifit
What medals does Dorian-Ross have? 8 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze
What do all TCC styles emphasize? flow
What is flow? a state of complete immersion in an activity. basically movement-opposite to obstruction
What is the primary objective of TCC? to induce, cultivate, and sustain flow
What is flow movement qualified as? continuous, harmonious, synergistic
What are the 5 components of fitness? muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, body composition.
In TCC there is a 6th component, what is it? flow
How many fundamental moves are in TCC? 18
What is the TCC salute? Bao Quan-Fist Wrapping
What does the right hand symbolize in Bao Quan? Yang, Sun, Gody and Martial
What does the left hand symbolize in Bao Quan? Yin, Moon, Mind and Art
What are the 5 TCC elements? Taolu, Neigong, Qigong, Tuishou, and Sanshou
What is Taolu? solo hand and weapons FORMS/routines. a series of predetermined movements that are combined in order to be practiced as one linear set of movements
What is Neigong and Qigong? breath, movement, and awareness excercises and meditation.
What is Tuishou? response drills
What is Sanshou? self defense techniques
What are the two general types of forms/taolu? 1.solo forms(performed by a single student) 2. sparring forms (fighting sets performed by two+ people)
What does Neigong involve? concentration and internal reflection, resulting in a type of Neidan with the ultimate goal of immortality.
What is Neidan? internal alchemy a refinement and transmutation of essence, breath, and spirit .
What does is Qigong mean? a system to enrich and balance life energy.
What does Qigong align? breath, movement, and awareness and involves rhythmic breathing coordinated with slow repetition of fluid movements, a calm mindful state, and visualization and sensation of chi throughout the body
In TCC Tuishou are used to acquaint students with what? eight gates and five steps. also known as 13 original movements of TCC
What are the 8 gates? roll back, pressing, pushing, spreading, split
What are the 5 steps? forward step, backward step, left step, right step, and the central position, balance, euqilibrium
What is pushing hands used for? to acquaint students with 8 gates and 5 steps
What does Sanshou include? punches and kicks, wrestling, takedowns, throws, sweeps, kick catches, elbow and knee strikes
What TCC elements do we mainly focus on? Taolu and Qigong
What is TCC philosophy? a theoretical connection to and dependence upon Taoist and Confucian philosophy and virtues.
What is Taoism? in the 6th century philosophical tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao or "way/path"
What is living in harmony with Tao mean? understanding ad accepting the cosmological foundations of Yin and Yang.
What are the two main Taoist properties emphasized in TCC? -Wu-Wei, The Three Treasures
What does Wu-Wei mean?> Wu=without/lacking, Wei=intentional or deliberate action. action through non-action
Action through non action means(Wu-Wei) the universe works harmoniously according to its own ways
What are the three treasures? compassion(kindness), moderation(the absence of excess), and humility(modesty)
What is compassion? firstly to oneself
What is moderation? do not strive for prestige or wealth and avoid reservation or aggression (avoid extremes)
What is humility? the most important treasure; be humble and allow yourself to ripen. Being boastful=rendering yourself vulnerbale
What is Taoism? is a 6th century philosophical tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao or "way/path".
What does living in harmony with Tao mean? understanding and accepting the cosmological foundations of Yin and Yang.
What is Confucianism? the 6th century Chinese ethical and philosophical system that emphasizes humanism and non-theism.
What is the core Confucuanism? humanism
What does Humanism place importance on? rational though and evidence than on strict faith
What is humanism? the belief that human beings are teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal and communal endeavors
What characterizes humanism? three constants (virtues)
What are the three constants? Ren, Yi, Li
What is Ren? humaneness. the Confucian virtue denoting the good feeling a virtuous human experiences when being altruistic. An obligation of altruism for other individuals
What is Yi? righteousness. the ability to recognize what is right and good;the ability to feel, under the circumstances, what is the right thing to do. Developing and listening to one's intuition
What is Li? property. the principal of social order; understanding that every action affects someone else-thus, there are limits to individuality
A person with ren exemplifies the ideal of what a human being should be
How does Li deal with conducting ourselves appropriately? (with Ren and Yi) with regard to the Five Cardinal Relationships.
What are the Five Cardinal Relationships? SPouse/partner, parent to child, elder to younger, friend and friend, ruler to subject
What are yin tissues? ligaments, tendons, bones, fascia and joints
What are yang tissues? muscles, blood, skin
What is a tattva?` the reality of a thing, or its principal in nature
What are the three tattvas in yin yoga? 1.come into pose at appropriate length. 2. remain still. 3. hold pose for time
1. coming into appropriate length muscles need to be completely relaxed(not warm) 85% pain
2.remain still do not move, only if in pain, or you can move deeper
3. hold for time yin tissues do not respond well to constant movement, need long-held tension to be stimualted properly
To understand yin yoga, we must understand how our body works and how energy flows
What are the 5 koshas? physical-annamaya. energy-pranamaya, lower mind-manomaya, higher mind-vijanamaya and bliss body-anandamaya
what are the lower body meridians? stomach, spleen, urinary bladder, gall bladder, liver and kidney
what are the upper body meridians? heart, pericardium, san jiao, lung, small and lg intestine
what are the yang meridians? large and small intestine, triple heater, urinary bladder and gall bladder
What are the yin meridians? LUNG, LIVER, heart, pericardium,, spleen and kidney
Created by: abc273
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