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Psych 110

psychology science of behavior and mental processing
Physiological biological psych
Experimental research and conducting experiments
Personality traits, attributes and attitudes
Social application in Social context
Industrial/organizational application in the workplace
Clinical Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric illness
Counseling treatment of mental disorders
Health interface between psychology and mental disorders
Geriatric psychology of the elderly
neuropsychological study of brain functiong: what parts are responsible for what
Sports self explained field of psych
Forensic law and legal system
Scientific method observation, hypothesis, experiment, analysis, conclusion
Father of modern Psych Wilhelm Wundt
Location of Foundation of Modern Psych Leipzig, Germany
Psychodynamic theory Freud, humans are controlled by unconscious forces
Behaviorism what can be observed and measured, PAVLOV, WATSON, SKINNER
Cognitive Theory Focus on thinking, "I think, therefore I am." DesCartes
Naturalistic Observation studying in natural habitat
Case Study in depth study of phenomena
Survey polling a sample of a population
Correlation Research relationship between A and B
Experimentation manipulation and control of variables as a mean of empirically testing the degree of influences of one variabl on another
Independent Variable the variable that we control
Dependent Variable the variable that we measure
Milgram Experiment shock experiment with right and wrong answers with paid actors. OBEDIENCE. Authority figures, Nazi's
Psychobiology the basis of behavior and mental processes
Neurons Nerve cells, building blocks of the brain
Dendrites branch like features that receive signals from other neurons
Myelin Sheath Covers the axon, speeds up action potential
Axon Longer, trunk-like feature
Neuron Transmitters chemicals released by neurons into synapse
Synapse gap between neurons
Neuro Transmitters Acetylcholine, Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins
Acetylcholine implicated in cognitive funtions, memory, attention, concentration
Dopamine implicated in a wide variety of behaviors and functions; schizophrenia= excess in ?
Serotonin sleep, mood, aggression, pain
Depression too little Serotonin
Endorphins endogenous narcotics= natural pain killers
Neural Plasticity the inherent tendency of neurons to form connections relative to the enviornment
Rosenweig impoverished rats vs. enriched rats
Neurogensis the inherent tendency for the brain to grow new neurons
Pruning the brains act of eliminating unused brain cells
Central Core Hinbrain, Cerebellem, Hypothalamus, Limbic System
Central Cortex four lobes
hinbrain oldest part of brain, where brain meets spinal cord
medulla breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure
pons sleep-wake cycle
cerebellum controls balance and cooridination
hypothalamus hunger and thirst
Praeder-Wille Syndrome person inflicted with insatiable hunger
Limbic system hippocampus, Amyglada
hippocampus long term memory
amyglada controls emotions and behaviors related to self-preservation (four f's)
Four F's fight, flee, food, fuck
Four Lobes Occipital, Temporal, Parietal, Frontal
Occipital sight
Temporal hearing
parietal sensations, motor movements, body's position in space
Frontal executive control center, judgement
Peripheral Nervous System Somatic, Autonomic
Somatic Nervous system controls body sense and voluntary motor movements
Autonomic Sympathetic system and Parasympathetic system
Sympathetic fight or flight
parasympathetic returning the body to homeostasis
endocrine system series of glands that release hormones
Thyroid Gland THYROXIN- regulates metabolism
Pineal Gland MELATONIN- sleep-wake cycle
Pituitary Gland master gland, growth hormone
Gonads sex glands ANDROGEN and ESTROGEN
Adrenal Glands ADRENALINE
left hemisphere language, analytical ability, logic, sequencing, details
Right hemisphere emotions, visual, music, arts, integration of ideas
corpus colosseum connects two hemispheres
contralateral specialization left controls right and vice versa
gazzaninga experiments projector screen with images taht were later picked by subjects
Created by: 1469100011
Popular Psychology sets




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