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Dual Diagnosis

What does the term "development disability" mean? The limitations in the area of intellectual functioning of the individual.
What is the IQ level of someone with a mild level of mental retardation? 50-55 to approximately 70
What is the IQ level of someone with a moderate level of mental retardation? 35-55
What is the IQ level of someone with a severe level of mental retardation? 20-40
What is the IQ level of someone with a profound level of mental retardation? below 20 or 25
What sub groups of people with developmental disabilities are prone to mental health? people with autism, fragile x, down syndrome, prader willie syndrome
What makes detection of underlying health problems more difficult? Behaviour highlighting - severe or intense behaviour problem
List the clinical challenges that exist in correctly diagnosing mental health in individuals with development disabilities? -behavioural overshadowing - diagnostic overshadowing - baseline exaggeration - failure to recognize that complex, concurrent disorders may occur at the same time.
Give 3 examples of a dual diagnosis? Autism-> Anxiety Schizophrenia-> OCD Down syndrome-> depression
What plays a major role in the occurrence of mental ill-health in people with developmental disabilities? Biological, psychological, environmental
Identify two reasons why assessment and screening are important? identify those who are likely to require more in depth assessment and formulating alternative diagnosis.
What does comprehensive assessment indicate? present or absence of a psychological disorder
Effective treatment should involve what? -treatment -options -educating -strategies
What would be the initial treatment to manage dangerous behaviour? CPI
What constitutes our behaviour? Everything we do
List characteristics of normal behaviour? -Behaviour is expected to conform to certain patterns that are acceptable. -Acceptable patters of behaviours are called behavioural norms - There is considerable variation in normal behaviour at the societal on personal level
List characteristics of normal behaviour part 2? Unique behaviours are beneficial to expand and develop human race and society
List characteristics of abnormal behaviour? - Behaviours that seem too far from the behaviour norm, too odd, or to unusual to be acceptable - It is important to distinguish between abnormal behaviours
List 4 factors that can result in abnormal behaviour? -Traumatic brain injury -Intellectual or developmental disability - physical conditions -drug use or withdrawl
What is a stereotypic behaviour? repetitive of physical movements, sounds , or repetitive movement
What is a self stimulatory behaviour? repetion of physical movements, sounds, or repetitive movement or objects
What is self-injurious behaviour? deliberate, repetitive, impulsive , non lethal, harming oneself
What des DSM-5 stand for? Diagnostic& statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
What other information besides diagnostic criteria would you find in each section of the DSM-5? -Prevalence -Development& course -Co-morbidty -Functional consequences
What does the DSM-5 classify and why? It classifies the disorders people have to improve treatment and prevention.
What percentage of Canadians will experience mental health disorders? 20%
What disorder is the most common of all mental health issues? Anxiety disorders
What % of men in Canada will experience major depression in the course of their lives? 11%
List 5 causes of mental health disorders? -Biological factors -chemical imbalances -childhood experiences -Trauma or conflicts -stressful life events -poor physical health
When supporting clients and their families a DSW should do what? focus on respect, and acceptance of the individual and family
List team members that may be part of care planning for a client? -family physician -Nurse -social workers and support workers -occupational therapist -specialists
What is the role of the registers nurse on the interdisciplinary mental health team? Decisions about the assessment, formulation, and treatment of cases are made independently
What is a multidisciplinary team? members of two or more health professional disciplines, drawing on their own knowledge, work separately to achieve clinical goals
What is an interdisciplinary team? Members of two or more health professional disciplines work together to achieve clinical goals.
List obsticals commonly faced among the interdisciplinary team? -differential status among discipline - professional rivalries - Differences in philosophies or perspectives
What factors promote effective team functioning? -Devote time to develop interdependent functioning & resolve conflict within the team -organizational & administrative supports need to be engaged to lead & participate in team building exercises .
What factors promote effective team functioning? part 2 Establish working environment that rewards interdisciplinary activities
List 5 treatment approaches that may be used following a comprehensive assessment & diagnosis? Counselling, staff support, education
What is the prevalence rate of mental health issues in individuals with developmental disabilities? 24-40%
According to carey, what six systemic factors must be addressed to understand and treat challenging behaviours? -flexability -perserverance/tolerace -consistancy -portability - intensity -change
What treatment is used in seasonal affective disorder? phototherapy
What is stigma? Shame or social disgrace
List interventions used in coordinating treatment support? -pharmacological -behaviour -habilitative -psychotheopeutic
What are psychotropic medications A psychiatric medication is a licensed psychoactive drug taken to exert an effect on the chemical makeup of the brain and nervous system. Benzodiazepines and antipsychotics
An SSRI is considered to be what class of medication? Antidepressants.
Acquired brain injury Sudden injury that causes temp or permanent damagee to the brain
Obsessive compulsive disorder A persistent thought or desire, and a compulsion is the uncontrollable way to perform a act
Conduct disorder repeatedly violate the personal of property rights of others and society
Anorexia nervosa Serious often chronic , life threatening eating disorder defended by a refusal to maintain minimal body weight within %15 of an individuals normal body weight
Bulimia nervosa Psychological eating disorder that is characterized by episodes of binge eating followed by inappropriate of weight control (purging)
Pica Eating substances without nutritional value for a period of dates atlas amonth
Autism A mental condition, present form early childhood characterized by difficult in communication & forming relationships with other people and in using language , abstract concepts
Schizophrenia false perceptions
portability easily carried or moved
antipsychotics also known as neuroleptics or major tranquilizers,[1] are a class of medication primarily used to manage psychosis (including delusions, hallucinations, paranoia or disordered thought), principally in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Benzodiazepine any of a class of heterocyclic organic compounds used as tranquilizers, such as Librium and Valium.
Insomnia inability to sleep
Created by: Jessiejames
Popular Psychology sets




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