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Northwestern Europe
World Geography Honors
Question | Answer |
Loess | Fine, yellowish, brownish topsoil made up of particles of silt and clay, carried and deposited by the wind |
Dike | Large bank of Earth and stone that holds back water |
Polder | Low-lying area from which seawater has been drained to create new land |
Mistral | A strong northerly wind from the Alps that can bring cold air to southern France |
Foehn | A dry wind that blows from the leeward sides of mountains sometimes melting snow and causing avalanches; term used mainly in Europe |
Avalanchea | A large mass of ice, snow, and rock that slides down a mountain side |
Industrial Revolution | Beginning of the 1700s, the rapid, major change in the economy with the introduction of power-driven machinery |
Industrial Capitalism | An economic system in which business leaders use profits to expand their companies |
Communism | The idea that society should be based on public ownership and communal control of property |
Holocaust | The mass murder of 6 million Jews by Germany's Nazi regime during WW2 |
Cold War | The power struggle between the Soviet Union and the United states after WW2 |
Devolution | The granting of self-rule to local and regional authorities |
Guest Worker | A foreign laborer living and working temporarily in another country |
Agribusiness | An industry engaged in agriculture on a large scale, sometimes including the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies |
Acid Deposit | Wet or dry airborne acids that fall to the ground |
Which landform stretches from Eastern England all the way to Russia? | Northern European Plain |
What is the major mountain range that stretches through Southern Europe? | The Alps |
What are some characteristics of the Great European Plain? | Flat, low-lying land; covered by deposits of loess |
What 4 countries make up the United Kingdom? | Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales |
What 2 islands are known as the British Iles? | Ireland and Great Britain |
What are the physical characteristics of Scotland? | Many mountains and valleys |
What are the physical characteristics of England? | Many rolling hills in the south |
How close are most Europeans to the ocean? | Within 300 miles |
What famous river runs through London, England? | Thames River |
What famous river runs through both France and Germany? | Rhine River |
How much of the Netherlands lies below sea level? | About 25% |
How do people in the Netherlands create land to use for agriculture? | Build dikes and drain out the excess water with windmills as pumps |
Why does Northwestern Europe have a mild climate compared to other high latitude regions? | The North Atlantic Current (N.A.C.) brings warm water to the coast and warm air is blown inland |
Which ancient empire controlled most of Northwestern Europe 2000 years ago? | The Roman Empire |
What are the two time periods that Europe experienced a change in politics, art, government, education, etc...? | The Renaissance and the Enlightenment |
What influence did Europe's large coal deposits have on the industrial revolution? | Coal powered steam engines, which led to the invention of trains, steam ships and mass produced goods |
What were the two alliances during WW1? | Triple Alliance and Triple Entente |
When did WW1 take place? | 1914-1918 |
What new military technology was invented during WW1? | Trench warfare, mustard gas, new machine guns and tanks |
What was the official religion of the Roman Empire? | Christianity |
When did the Renaissance occur? | 1400s |
When did the Enlightenment occur? | 1700s |
Which movement focused more on the arts? | Renaisance |
Which movement focused more on the government? | Enlightement |
What treaty ended WW1? | The Treaty of Versailles |
Who was the leader of Germany during WW2? | Adolf Hitler |
What was the Cold War? | War of Words; A power struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union for nearly 50 years after WW2 (no battles) |
What two nations were involved in the Cold War? | The United States and the Soviet Union |
What two government types were involved in the Cold War? | Democracy and Communism |
When did WW2 occur? | 1939-1945 |
What was the mass killing of European Jews known as? | Holocaust |
What currency is used in the European Union? | Euro |
Which countries in Europe have the highest population densities? | Netherlands and Belgium |