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if stimuli is too faint can it be reconized at concious level? no; subliminal perception
what diminished when stimuli does not change sensory
sensory adaption makes us alert to what? novelty and change
wavelength hue and color of eye
intensity(amplitude) height of the wave. brightness
focusing device. lens
color part of eye iris
hole, dark part of eye pupil
focus point fovea
rods are where all over retnia (sen. dim light)
cones are where concentrated around fovea (fine detail)
binocular cues both eyes. depth. retinal disparity
monocular cules one eye. how things overlap, texture ect.
how do we see color young helmholtz trichromatic theory
young hem. theory states what 3 types of color recptors. red green blue. we combine to make other colors.
what is hearings theory. color receptors that are turned on by some wavelengths and turned off by others. red green; yellow blue.
color is sometimes affected by surrounding context color constancy
what are sound waves compressed and expanded air
ears are set up to detect pressure changes
mechano receptors are moving parts in the ear
longwave lowpitch tuba
distance between between pitch frequency and wavelength
shortwave high pitch picollo
amplitude/strength/intensity loudness
what can you feel with touch pressure, warm cold and pain
cold and pressure result in wet feeling
cold and warm result in hot feeling
taste buds 200. each has pore to catch food.
how many receptor cells in each bud 50
smell sense is stored where? primitive sense; near memory
kinesthesis is? posture and movment of body parts
vestibular sense head movement, balance, position
Created by: Moll289
Popular Psychology sets



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