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Vocab Unit 7

acme n. the highest point (of something)
attribute (n) a characteristic, usually a good one (v) to explain by indicating a cause
belittle v. lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of
convey v. to transport; to transmit; to communicate, make known; to transfer ownership or title to
doctrine n. a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school
excise [v.] to remove by cutting; [n.] an indirect tax on the manufacture, sale, or distribution of a commodity or service
exotic adj. strikingly strange or unusual
haggard adj. showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering
jaunty adj. having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
juncture n. a joining together; the point at which two things are joined; any important point in time
menial (adj) lowly, humble, lacking importance or dignity; (n) a person who does the humble and unpleasant tasks
parry v. ti ward off, fend off, deflect, evade, avoid; n. a defensive movement in fencing and other sports
predatory adj. living by or given to victimizing others for personal gain
ravage v. to destroy, lay waste, ruin n. ruinous damage, destruction
stance n. standing posture
tawdry adj. cheap and shoddy
turncoat n. a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
unassuming adj. not arrogant or presuming
wallow v. to roll about in a lazy. clumsy, or helpless way; to overindulge in; to have in abundance; n. a wet, muddy, or dusty area used by animals as a sort of bath; a state of moral or physical collapse
waver v. to move to and fro, become unsteady; to show lack of firmness or decision
Created by: 22beleciona
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