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brain, ect..

what is ethics that our research is always evolving.
APA stands for? American Psycholical Association
Rights of Research Participants: informed consent. vulnerable groups.
condifential same place cannot put your name
annonymous no name on survey just a number.
aggregate data avg. score not identified. have right to withdream without penalty
deception do if your told.
what color is the brain? what size? whiteish color. fits in plam of your hand.
lobes increase what? surface area of brain.
brain is the what? most incased organ in body
neuropsychology 90's decade of brain
complexity interprets info. quickly
integration choke on something
plasticity ablitiy for modification and change
electrochemical transmission how we send messages
CNS brain and spinal cord info. processing center. sends messages in and otu
PNS autonomic and somatic
autonomic internal organs: you have little control over
somatic: body sends impules to your senses and skeletal muscles. voulnatrt control over.
autonomic has two parts: sypatheic and parasympathetic
sympatheic arouses the body: if a bear jumps out you run away. heart beats faster
parasympathetic calms after arousal
CNS is at what part of body and is incased in? center of body and incased in bone
sensory nerves (afferent) sends impused to the brain
motor nerves (efferent) sents info. out to muscles. exit brain
interneurons(neural) activity within the brain
neurons are what? basic unit of N.S. the bits and threads. specialized for processing information
how many neurons are there? 100 billion
glial cells "jello" helps 3 things: 1. helps support2. helps communicate3. nursises neurons
dendrites gets message
axon sends message and resends another message
nerual impulse one end of neuron to other as a brief impules or wave of electricity
action potential brief wave of + electrical charge that flows down the axon during transmission
can there be a half of a transmission? NO. all or none
refreactory peroid one neuron fies until it resets itself; resting peroid; reset.
what is chemical called neurotransmitters
chem. is released from vesicles in the what> terminal buttons on axons
neurotransmitters flow into the what synaptic cleft of gap
nt connect to recptor cites on the? dendrites
how many nt? over 50
each nt has specific _____ and _____ function and receptor cite
Acetylcholine (ACH) stimulates the firing of neurons and involved in the action of mucles, learning and memory. blocking results in paralysis.
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) inhibits the firing of neurons. helps control preciseness of the signal being carried from one neuron to other. anxiety.
serotonin inhibits. regulates sleep, mood, attention, and learning. low levels= depression
norepinephrin usually inhibits firing of neurons in CNS but excites heart muscles, intestines, and urogential tract. controls alertness.
dopamine inhibits. controls voluntary movements and affects sleep. mood attention and learning.
endorphins natural opiates simulate firing.. they shield body from pain and increase feelings or pleasure.
most drugs that infulence behavior do it by interfering with how neurotransmitters work; others mimic or increase the effcts of nt
alochol inhibits what? resulting in serotoinin. depression
morphine mimics? endorphins. pleasurability
what are neural networks cluters of neurons that are interconnected to process information
nerual netwroks ditributes what? attention, memory and thinking across wide range of connected nerurons
what determines how well you remember something the strenth of connection
lowest part of the brain hind brain
hind brain inclues medulla, pons, cerebellum
medulla controls breathing, reflexes, posture
cerebellum motor coord.
pons controls involved in sleep and wakefullness
nerve-fibers travel thro. midbrain connecting____ and ____ portions of brain higher and lower
reticular formation is what sterotypical behaviors like walking, sleeping, turning to locate sound.
brainstem connects what spinal cord with brain. encases reticular information. regul. breathing, heartreate, BP
highest level of brain forebrain
limbic system memory and emtoion
thalamus a relay station to sort, input, and send messages
basal ganglia controls cord. voluntary movements
hypothalamus regulates eating, drinking, sex
cerebral cortex thinking and planning
cerebral cortext is what % of brain 80
largest part of brain cerebral cortext
corpus callosum the havles are connect by thick band on tissue/neurons. two hemispheres of cc.
frontal lobe judgement, intelligence, personality
parietal motor control, physical body movements
occipital vision
temporal auditory, lang. processing, memory
sensory cortext processes info about body sensation
motor cortex pro. info about motor movemnts
sensation recieving stimulus enegry from external world
receptor cells register a what stiumus
stimulus enegry is converted into an electrochemical impule called trasduction
afferent neurons trasmit info from ____ to _____ organ to brain
perception oranizing and interpreting info from the sensory organs to give it meaning
attention selective program- you can choose what info you ignore and pay attention to
absolute threshold minimum stimulation that is detectable 50% of the time
Difference Threshold we are tuned to detect when stimuli changes.
JND= just noticible difference 50% detectable
Webers law states 2 simuli msut differ by a constant proportion for different to be noticiable
Created by: Moll289
Popular Psychology sets



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